Injection - accidentally hit bone

I poked my bones when I tried to draw my own arterial blood gas, it made a clunking sound and didn’t hurt at all, all the girls I worked with at the time thought I was crazy.

You won’t die
It didn't feel like anything. However the sound was as if someone scratched the chalkboard with fingernails. Obviously not that loud though.

Right now, 6 hours later the shoulder is slightly painful to move. Running a low fever 37.3 C (99.14 F). It's hard to tell if the fever is from the injection as I also often run a fever when I'm stressed, up to 37.4 C (99.32 F). And I am stressed indeed. If it goes above that, something's off.

Was it B12 injections that are legal and can be ordered online? If I need to visit ER I need a story.
Your fine bro, Maybe go glute where there’s a lil more meat. If you hit a bone there put away the 3” needle away and get ya a slin pin.
Yeah, I hope it's going to be fine. No fever today as one day has passed. Shoulder is painful to move though.

I think it might have gone in the rotator cuff area, tendon of supraspinatus. So it might heal from the trauma for a while. Honestly I don't know how I got the location so wrong.

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Yeah, I hope it's going to be fine. No fever today as one day has passed. Shoulder is painful to move though.

I think it might have gone in the rotator cuff area, tendon of supraspinatus. So it might heal from the trauma for a while. Honestly I don't know how I got the location so wrong.

I'm not sure how you did either. I use 25g 1" for delts and thighs and 23g 1.5" for glutes.

1) However the sound was as if someone scratched the chalkboard with fimgernail

2) Right now, 6 hours later the shoulder is slightly painful to move.

3) Running a low fever 37.3 C (99.14 F). It's hard to tell if the fever is from the injection as I also often run a fever when I'm stressed, up to 37.4 C (99.32 F)

4) And I am stressed indeed.

5) If it goes above that, something's off.

6) Was it B12 injections that are legal and can be ordered online? If I need to visit ER I need a story.

1) Sound? less bone conduction, that’s what you felt

2) yep, PIP is a part of EVERY injection

3) Fever ? Nope since a fever in an adult is a oral temp of 101.4

4) that’s an understatement

5) agreed but I’m willing to wager that’s your baseline

6) a story? If you insist try the TRUTH dude since NO ED is staffed with AAS POLICE

1) there are other structures that may “sound” like bone when pinned such as cartilage and fascia yet none FEEL like bone.

2) but hitting or even injecting around bone should be of NO CONSEQUENCE

3) the thought you believe a “story” is required to visit an ED
for such a lame complaint is telling of someone who’s technique is far short of “rusty”.

Hey guys, fucked up one injection, have some questions, want to make sure I'm okay.. ya know. seeing as its my life and my health and stuff and I want to improve and make sure not to do it in the future.

lol nah its all good friend :) My issue, no one elses. I miss ala mode stuff already though.
I'm not sure how you did either. I use 25g 1" for delts and thighs and 23g 1.5" for glutes.

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Ever see a Meth addict mainline
their DOC, after a couple days of abstinence?

Do the words fever, nervous, rusty, and auditory hallucinations ring a bell ?

Forest Gump said it best; “stupid is as stupid does”.
I have hit bone on many, many inejctions. Not steroid injections either. No offense bro but you are a grade A pussy if you are that worried about hitting a little bone with a needle...