Injection Tracking-How’s Everyone Doing it?


New Member

So my question and insight is about keeping track orals and of injections- amounts, compounds, sites, times. It’s in the interest of harm reduction to keep track of all this and I’m still fine tuning but I would like some feedback and share what you’re doing?

Idk about you all but it can get a bit confusing if doing multiple injections for AAS, HGH and Peptides, Orals, Supplements

Journals-I started with a paper journal and that’s been ok, but sometimes I simply forget to log and then just can’t remember which site or for weekly injections, I might forget the day or time. Stuff comes up and that’s just that.

So for the journal I started making it for notes and research only with a separate one for injections.
The notes are important to track symptoms, progress, effects etc. it’s been a huge help to have so much research on my journey. I’m going to transfer if all over to digital a digital log in the near future.

Apps- have found two apps I really like for the purpose of tracking Injections/ meds that send me reminders.

The first is injection tracker it’s on iOS idk about android.
It has you name the med/injection, set how many doses you have and deducts from that. Say you have 10 injections left in a vial and you marked everything and forgot if you did your last dose, it’ll tell you and say how many injections you have left. You can input your own dosing, amount, days, times and when to remind you.
I think this is my favorite and has helped me stay on track of my regimen.

The second favorite I’ve tried is medsafe- Also on iOS I don’t know about Android.
This one also does any type of injection or med, labels it and you can color code injections to separate them and can color code and shape code pills. You mark em checked and it keeps a log and you can check if you forgot something.

Thoughts, comments and what are you doing to keep track of everything?