Insulin cycle and protocol

Got a question...

Insulin has to be refrigerated right? So essentially i would have to carry an additional cooler pack along with the massive daily food cooler i already have with me everyday? Like a smaller one? Preload a slin pin for maybe a second shot at lunch time?

Yuppers...that would be a good idea. I believe you can buy a carry kit at pharmacy
Here is a great PDF download link...very informative:
Remember folks, actual increases in skeletal tissue mass is not an acute process. You won't "lose" actual tissue simply because you stop using a specific compound.

Much of what people think they lose coming off particular compound stack designs will be extracellular water and/or glycogen contents.

It takes quite some time to atrophy skeletal muscle tissue when maintaining a bodybuilder lifestyle.
This right here @gr8whitetrukker.

This type of loss is inevitable when we come off. Yes GH will help there is no doubt about it.

Got a question...

Insulin has to be refrigerated right? So essentially i would have to carry an additional cooler pack along with the massive daily food cooler i already have with me everyday? Like a smaller one? Preload a slin pin for maybe a second shot at lunch time?
I pull the insulin into an insulin syringe and have no concern leaving it un-refrigerated for an hour or two... I'm not actually diabetic, so, if I get the insulin "pump" from it, I'm happy. Remember, they're shipped at room temp. The pens are convenient for this, too.

Another thing I do is just put my post workout and/or intra workout shakes in a lunch box with the insulin pin... Works just fine with a little ice pack.
I've a novel idea why not "deplete glycogen" stores thru EXERCISE, lol!

The dnp obviously was used for the tremendous fat burning capabilities, along with that dnp burns up glycogen stores rather quickly also.
So with the Addition of insulin and carbs to rapidly replenish glycogen stores, the athlete is able to maintain athletic performance standards in the gym...

Exercise alone is not capable of these effects on its own without chemical assistance. So the exercise idea you mentioned was actually the novel idea here
Got a question...

Insulin has to be refrigerated right? So essentially i would have to carry an additional cooler pack along with the massive daily food cooler i already have with me everyday? Like a smaller one? Preload a slin pin for maybe a second shot at lunch time?
I'd usually just put a little Ziploc bag with ice in it in the same pouch as my insulin syringe. I don't carry around a separate cooler besides my lunch cooler. The ice doesn't last that long but should be okay for about 4 hours or so.
Exercise alone is not capable of these effects on its own without chemical assistance. So the exercise idea you mentioned was actually the novel idea here

Where did I mention exercise ALONE! Exercise depletes glycogen stores that are REPLETED thru an appropriate DIET and the endogenous production of INSULIN -----

DNP is not needed in any way to "delete glycogen stores" and such a notion is absolutely ludicrious. Whats even more important EXERCISE promotes protein anabolism, something DNP is incapable of.

Oh and perhaps I should also mention very few "athletes" use DNP and next to none of those who use DNP can "work out" in the gym"!
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VERY FEW Meso members will benefit from slin or possess the fund on knowledge required to use any form of insulin as an "anabolic agent".

It's not only dangerous but is also the most misunderstood of all hormones on PEDs forum categorized as "anabolic".

The fact is with few exceptions your body makes more than enough insulin and supplementing this drug as an ad hoc anabolic agent only reduces endogenous production.
I have heard conflicting info on this. I just started using insulin pre workout- 5 iu. I have taken all the precaution as far as having carbs ready, bought a meter, etc. After I took my first shot, it hit me hard pretty quickly. I got kind of a relaxed feeling and immediately thought "shit i'm going hypo!!" So I guzzled down 50 grams of Karbolyn/dextrose. Then felt better but still a little "relaxed". I thought this is no good for pre workout. I checked my sugar level 30min later and was 150. My plan was to use on on lift days 4 days a week, pre-workout only, 5iu. I thought that this amount and protocol would not impact endogenous production. My understanding was that because it is fast acting it is in and out in 6-8 hours, it does not create the same negative feedback loop that I get when on test cyp. Is this wrong? I only started using it to try and break out of a plateau. Also run with 500 Cyp weekly, HCG, Arimidex. I am also hypothyroid so i do take synthroid.
I don't know whether there's a whole lot to be gained off even 20-30 iu of insulin a day , even with growth & AAS...

Anytime you see any of the top "gurus" talk about slin protocols or protocols get leaked rather, It pretty much seems like the consensus that they have their guys using 45-80 iu minimum, 2 days (3 tops ) a week ! From what ive been able to find 15iu 3x a day (every 6 hrs) 2 days a week is a bare minimum . Taking in 700-1000g of carbs on slin days , and cutting that number in half roughly on days off slin.

Now granted this isnt straight from the horses mouth , It isn't like these guys are openly giving up their protocols to people for free . Though if you look a bit you can find some of them talk about it pretty vaguely , piece that together with info that gets leaked from guys that work with them and its pretty easy to see that guys aren't blowing up off 20-30 iu of slin .

Granted , not everybody has the goal of becoming a mass monster , or putting on 25lbs of lean mass in the offseason , so insulin used this way is probably out of most people comfort zone and wheel of knowledge(as it should be) ...but if the question is whether a non supra physiological dose of insulin is beneficial to a growth and gear stack , I guess It depends on a your definition of beneficial... ive used non supra physiological doses in my stacks , and get great pumps , look fuller overall , gain great while im on but lose alot afterwards..does it help me squeak out a couple extra lean lbs during a cycle , probably ..I think with the proper knowledge insulin isnt the boogie man people make it out to be , and at that point is up to someones own discretion whether it's beneficial and how they want to use it , just like any other PED .
Interesting. I pretty much tried to follow a scaled down version of the Mike Arnold insulin "protocol" that is found online. I wasn't expecting big gains or a huge difference. I thought if I could gain an extra 5 lbs over 4-6 weeks I would give it a try. I am not an elite level competitive bodybuilder, but we all "compete" in a sense, even if it is with ourselves. I figured if I stayed conservative on my doses, that could work. My guess is I will not gain much, but I will post my results and finish the month and see what happens. If anything, I can see putting on a few lbs just because of the conscious consumption of the extra carbs for fear of going hypo.