I don't know whether there's a whole lot to be gained off even 20-30 iu of insulin a day , even with growth & AAS...
Anytime you see any of the top "gurus" talk about slin protocols or protocols get leaked rather, It pretty much seems like the consensus that they have their guys using 45-80 iu minimum, 2 days (3 tops ) a week ! From what ive been able to find 15iu 3x a day (every 6 hrs) 2 days a week is a bare minimum . Taking in 700-1000g of carbs on slin days , and cutting that number in half roughly on days off slin.
Now granted this isnt straight from the horses mouth , It isn't like these guys are openly giving up their protocols to people for free . Though if you look a bit you can find some of them talk about it pretty vaguely , piece that together with info that gets leaked from guys that work with them and its pretty easy to see that guys aren't blowing up off 20-30 iu of slin .
Granted , not everybody has the goal of becoming a mass monster , or putting on 25lbs of lean mass in the offseason , so insulin used this way is probably out of most people comfort zone and wheel of knowledge(as it should be) ...but if the question is whether a non supra physiological dose of insulin is beneficial to a growth and gear stack , I guess It depends on a your definition of beneficial... ive used non supra physiological doses in my stacks , and get great pumps , look fuller overall , gain great while im on but lose alot afterwards..does it help me squeak out a couple extra lean lbs during a cycle , probably ..I think with the proper knowledge insulin isnt the boogie man people make it out to be , and at that point is up to someones own discretion whether it's beneficial and how they want to use it , just like any other PED .