Interesting results on daily vs E3.5 day testosterone injections


I've always been a 2x per week injector of long esters but wanted to try daily and see the results on bloods and I was pretty shocked. On daily injects of 25mg per day of test cyp = 175mg per week, my total test came back 1500+, free t 46, e2 38. When I was running my standard protocol of e3.5 days of 80mg = 160mg per week, my trough total test would come in 900ish on average, free t 30 and E2 30-35. I didn't test SHBG but it appears to be have risen and my E2 seemed to stay in check even given the higher free t levels. Many guys could probably get away with 15mg per day or 105mg per week of daily injections and still be at the upper end. I tried lower doses e3.5 days and came in with shitty through numbers. I didn't realized how fast levels can decline after peaking.
I've always been a 2x per week injector of long esters but wanted to try daily and see the results on bloods and I was pretty shocked. On daily injects of 25mg per day of test cyp = 175mg per week, my total test came back 1500+, free t 46, e2 38. When I was running my standard protocol of e3.5 days of 80mg = 160mg per week, my trough total test would come in 900ish on average, free t 30 and E2 30-35. I didn't test SHBG but it appears to be have risen and my E2 seemed to stay in check even given the higher free t levels. Many guys could probably get away with 15mg per day or 105mg per week of daily injections and still be at the upper end. I tried lower doses e3.5 days and came in with shitty through numbers. I didn't realized how fast levels can decline after peaking.
IM injection of test cyp has a mean elimination half life of ~4 to 4.5 days. Lots of other drivers but decent estimate. Thanks for sharing.
Another AI example in this thread.

When you pose this question to ChatGPT and get back 8 to 12 days, the next question you have to ask yourself is why? Do you know why or will you accept the answer?
I've always been a 2x per week injector of long esters but wanted to try daily and see the results on bloods and I was pretty shocked. On daily injects of 25mg per day of test cyp = 175mg per week, my total test came back 1500+, free t 46, e2 38. When I was running my standard protocol of e3.5 days of 80mg = 160mg per week, my trough total test would come in 900ish on average, free t 30 and E2 30-35. I didn't test SHBG but it appears to be have risen and my E2 seemed to stay in check even given the higher free t levels. Many guys could probably get away with 15mg per day or 105mg per week of daily injections and still be at the upper end. I tried lower doses e3.5 days and came in with shitty through numbers. I didn't realized how fast levels can decline after peaking.

How long after the daily injections were the blood tests? IIRC from the research, levels peak around 14ish hours after injection (same source as the 4.5 half-life figures). This being a capped test (I think?) means we can't tell exactly how high the peak was but I'm interested anyway.

Also, how far from injections were the blood tests taken when you did it every 3.5 days?
all anecodotal but I switched to daily injections with an insulin syringe and I get literally zero bloat and looked way better on the same dose. Lean bulking right now so my food intake has been pretty consistent aswell

I just like the insulin syringes over 23 or 25 guage. They seem like a hardpoon in comparison lol
Size of the bolus also has an effect on rate of absorption. Whilst I wouldn't expect it to be major in the case of TRT doses - because the difference here is small in absolute volumes - it's probably playing some part.

Oh and did you use the same injection sites, as they vary also in terms of absorption rate.
How long after the daily injections were the blood tests? IIRC from the research, levels peak around 14ish hours after injection (same source as the 4.5 half-life figures). This being a capped test (I think?) means we can't tell exactly how high the peak was but I'm interested anyway.

Also, how far from injections were the blood tests taken when you did it every 3.5 days?

I shoot the daily shots around 7am. Bloodtest was 4 hours later. When doing e3.5 days I would try to get it within a few hours of my evening Thursday shot so it was nearly 3.5 days later minus a few hours.
Size of the bolus also has an effect on rate of absorption. Whilst I wouldn't expect it to be major in the case of TRT doses - because the difference here is small in absolute volumes - it's probably playing some part.

Oh and did you use the same injection sites, as they vary also in terms of absorption rate.
On daily I rotate between Delt, quads, and glutes (not sure if I'm getting muscle on glutes or not there). When doing the e3.5days it was always IM either delt or quad.

Also this is all pharmacy testosterone cyp Actavis.
There isn’t a trough or a peak(at max 1-2%)when doing daily TC after a couple of weeks
Injecting 50+ esters per week plus overlapping
Doesn’t get anymore stable than that
Been preaching the brilliance of microdosing test Cyp daily for several years now. No comparison in other routines for me. I’m at 10-18mg per day of Cyp with a slin pin daily.
There was a time when I could take dailys.. over years I became low estrogen because of that. Just a sloooooooow decay in well being and slowly dropping e2 number. Bigger less frequent injection are my sweet spot now. I'd rather NOT take any test at all than take 10-18mgs of t a day. I'd feel less awful with no t because at least I'd sleep all day. I can't sleep at ALL on any dose of daily injections

I'll strategically use dailys for about a week when I seldom blast and I'll drop a shit load of water. I.dont even need an AI it's that powerful and reliable at lowering my estrogen.

Everybody's gotta find their dose and frequency sweet spot. One size does NOT fit all when it comes to trt
IM injection of test cyp has a mean elimination half life of ~4 to 4.5 days. Lots of other drivers but decent estimate. Thanks for sharing.
SteroidPlotter lists TC as t1/2 of 6.9 days, Cmax of 5.5, and Tmax of 4.5 days. Compared to TE having a t1/2 of 7.19 days, Cmax of 11.3, and Tmax of 1.3 days.

I'd understand why daily injections of TE would help keep levels stable due to the higher Cmax and shorter Tmax, but I don't see why daily injections of TC would be any different than EOD injections given the lower Cmax and longer Tmax. If you plot EOD or even E3D injections of TC on SteroidPlotter, you'll see the fluctuations in blood levels are minuscule.

@readalot any thoughts?
SteroidPlotter lists TC as t1/2 of 6.9 days, Cmax of 5.5, and Tmax of 4.5 days. Compared to TE having a t1/2 of 7.19 days, Cmax of 11.3, and Tmax of 1.3 days.

I'd understand why daily injections of TE would help keep levels stable due to the higher Cmax and shorter Tmax, but I don't see why daily injections of TC would be any different than EOD injections given the lower Cmax and longer Tmax. If you plot EOD or even E3D injections of TC on SteroidPlotter, you'll see the fluctuations in blood levels are minuscule.

@readalot any thoughts?

Are you sure those numbers for test cyp and test e are correct? They shouldn't be as different as they are on the plotter.
SteroidPlotter lists TC as t1/2 of 6.9 days, Cmax of 5.5, and Tmax of 4.5 days. Compared to TE having a t1/2 of 7.19 days, Cmax of 11.3, and Tmax of 1.3 days
These parameters are simply way off. The 7 day t1/2 from TC comes from Pfizer's flawed PK analysis of men who weren't shut down (hence they were still making endogenous T on top of the exogenous bolus).

Test C and Test E in same oil/BB/BA should be interchangeable PK wise.

Very nice study looking at PK and HPTA suppression:

Mean apparently elimination half life about 4 days. Apparent absorption half life about 8 hrs. Tmax 18 to 36 hours IIRC.
These parameters are simply way off. The 7 day t1/2 from TC comes from Pfizer's flawed PK analysis of men who weren't shut down (hence they were still making endogenous T on top of the exogenous bolus).

Test C and Test E in same oil/BB/BA should be interchangeable PK wise.

Very nice study looking at PK and HPTA suppression:

Mean apparently elimination half life about 4 days. Apparent absorption half life about 8 hrs. Tmax 18 to 36 hours IIRC.
SteroidPlotter cites that study in reaching their PK numbers. They also cite these two studies:

These parameters are simply way off. The 7 day t1/2 from TC comes from Pfizer's flawed PK analysis of men who weren't shut down (hence they were still making endogenous T on top of the exogenous bolus).

Test C and Test E in same oil/BB/BA should be interchangeable PK wise.

Very nice study looking at PK and HPTA suppression:

Mean apparently elimination half life about 4 days. Apparent absorption half life about 8 hrs. Tmax 18 to 36 hours IIRC.
Could any difference in PK between TE and TC be attributable to the ester structure? Even if they're only 1-carbon chain difference, they have different structures. TC has that cyclic structure of carbons compared to TE's linear structure. Could that result in more resistance to enzymatic hydrolysis?