
Still fairly new to peptides and just started my Ipamorelin protocol. Rn just taking 2ml before bed subq, 5 days on 2 off. I’ve seen where you can do 2-3 times a day. How much more benefit does that give and is it worth the cost? Currently taking Tesamorelin also and Tirzepatide once a week so $$$
2ml seems like a CRAZY amount whatever the mcg level is.

normally you want it with mod grf otherwise only want to take it RIGHT before bed.. could of started at 50mcg-75mcg and worked up to 100-150mcg. saturation dose they say is 1mcg per kg so if 220 lbs, 100mcg is all ur body can use.

depends on what u want to do if its worth it or not..def can raise levels, bit of a guessing game though, and your feeling on natural GH release vs generic hgh.
♀️ sorry mcg is what I meant. I dose it out using a peptide calculator based what was recommended in Jay Campbells peptide book. It’s 200 mcg at night before bed. I haven’t used hgh yet. I’m trying to get my body to produce and release more. Only in my second week of the protocol, so for my next cycle maybe less but more often? Goals are better sleep, recovery and fat loss (hopefully skin elasticity too)
You need to use mod grf 1-29 with it, otherwise the ipamorelin is useless.

If you order the ipamorelin and CJC No Dac (Mod Grf 1-29) directly from a china source here in the underground subforum, then it will be kinda cheap. So yes, its worth it. Once daily before bed is also helping with recovery and sleep because it increases and improves deep sleep wave pattern. hgh does not improve deep sleep wave pattern.
I did UGL ipamorelin for about a month last year (I think it was ~250mcg daily dosage) and never noticed a thing.

More recently got Tesamorelin/Ipamorelin blend from my clinic, so it cost waaaaaaay more, and also can’t really say I notice anything. I’m sticking with it so I don’t just waste the $900, but I can’t see myself ever using these again.

In between these two bouts, I did try Sermorelin from UGL at 150-200mcg daily and, anecdotally, did feel like that at least helped with my sleep quality. Also got brought my IGF levels to slightly above range (low 300s)

I’m a couple weeks out from more blood work, which will tell me how my IGF levels are looking on an 8-week sustained protocol of Tesa/ipa. Then it’s on to GH…
I did UGL ipamorelin for about a month last year (I think it was ~250mcg daily dosage) and never noticed a thing.
Was that ipamorelin lab tested by Janoshik? 250mcg is not much, I prefere 500mcg ipa + 100mcg Mod Grf 1-29. If you used the ipamorelin on its own and without mod grf 1-29 then it will not work, as I already mentioned in another post above.
they say saturation dose is 1mcg per kg, so technically above 120mcg would be just a waste..perhaps the higher dose takes longer to eliminate may offer some benefit? did u get more edema or how are u determining 500mcg is working better than lesser amount? or are u saying 500mcg over the day ie 3-4 injections of ~120-150mcg?
they say saturation dose is 1mcg per kg, so technically above 120mcg would be just a waste..perhaps the higher dose takes longer to eliminate may offer some benefit? did u get more edema or how are u determining 500mcg is working better than lesser amount? or are u saying 500mcg over the day ie 3-4 injections of ~120-150mcg?
I dont think the 1mcg per kg apply to ipamorelin.
they say saturation dose is 1mcg per kg, so technically above 120mcg would be just a waste..perhaps the higher dose takes longer to eliminate may offer some benefit? did u get more edema or how are u determining 500mcg is working better than lesser amount? or are u saying 500mcg over the day ie 3-4 injections of ~120-150mcg?
The saturation dose with ipamorelin is a myth. Debunked on the professional muscle forum. In fact Ipa seems to have no saturation dose. The higher the dose the higher the gh peak.

Ipamorelin is also very weak. 100mcg showed a very minimal gh output in bloodwork, not even worth it actually.
The saturation dose with ipamorelin is a myth. Debunked on the professional muscle forum. In fact Ipa seems to have no saturation dose. The higher the dose the higher the gh peak.

Ipamorelin is also very weak. 100mcg showed a very minimal gh output in bloodwork, not even worth it actually.
Do you prefer secretagogues over GH?
If so why?
Was that ipamorelin lab tested by Janoshik? 250mcg is not much, I prefere 500mcg ipa + 100mcg Mod Grf 1-29. If you used the ipamorelin on its own and without mod grf 1-29 then it will not work, as I already mentioned in another post above.
That batch was not tested but the company has a really good reputation and they had published labs within the 6-1yr for pretty much everything. I stated with the smallest recommended dose to make sure my body could tolerate it. (I could go up to 3 times a day but don’t see myself committing to that protocol consistently) The dose I decided on was based on research from Ben greenfield and jay Campbells peptide book. Not familiar with gr f1-29 , I have not come across it in any of my reading or research yet
That batch was not tested but the company has a really good reputation and they had published labs within the 6-1yr for pretty much everything. I stated with the smallest recommended dose to make sure my body could tolerate it. (I could go up to 3 times a day but don’t see myself committing to that protocol consistently) The dose I decided on was based on research from Ben greenfield and jay Campbells peptide book. Not familiar with gr f1-29 , I have not come across it in any of my reading or research yet
That explains it. If you dont add mod grf 1-29 to the ipamorelin then nothing will happen. It will have no effect. It's just wasting money.

Here is a couple bloodwork results from another forum. Real world proof so to say.

Ipam 1000mcg dose (huge dose!) but no Mod Grf 1-29. We see no gh release because of the missing ghrh.

Another ipam + Mod Grf 1-29 shot:

500mcg ipa + 100mcg Mod Grf:
Exciting! GRF1-29/GHRP-2 serum GH test!

If you want to fully understand how ipamorelin (ghrp) + Mod Grf 1-29 (ghrh) work my best advice is to read the first 35 pages of the linked thread.
Do you prefer secretagogues over GH?
If so why?
I like both. Sadly with gh I get a big spike in resting heart rate after a while. GH does not improve deep sleep wave pattern but ipamorelin does so there is a big benefit for people trying to improve their sleep.
That explains it. If you dont add mod grf 1-29 to the ipamorelin then nothing will happen. It will have no effect. It's just wasting money.

Here is a couple bloodwork results from another forum. Real world proof so to say.

Ipam 1000mcg dose (huge dose!) but no Mod Grf 1-29. We see no gh release because of the missing ghrh.

Another ipam + Mod Grf 1-29 shot:

500mcg ipa + 100mcg Mod Grf:
Exciting! GRF1-29/GHRP-2 serum GH test!

If you want to fully understand how ipamorelin (ghrp) + Mod Grf 1-29 (ghrh) work my best advice is to read the first 35 pages of the linked thread.
Bro, I just wanted to say thank you so much for this post. Pointing me to this info months ago has led me down a very very successful 4month long now ipamorelin/mod grf cycle that has been incredibly beneficial for me both in terms of bb and just general well-being.

250/100 Ipa/mod 2-4x a day based on feels and how meal timing works out (if I wake up to pee 6 hours after my night shot the 4th one gets in)

350/100 ipa/mod 1x at night right before bed.

My rem and slow wave sleep doubled, and I’ve on substantial lean mass. Thank you so much for sharing these links.

Out of curiosity, have you implemented ipa while on an rhGH cycle? I also do not get the sleep benefits I want from rhGH.