Sanity Check for my CJC1295 + Ipamorelin Protocol

Physical Therapy.

I feel for ypu but get all the basics in order first (diet, rest, exercise, etc) before you turn to drugs. Also, AAS/peptides/GH will never be a substitute for surgery. So if surgery is needed, you should also get that done before PEDs
I already had an operation in 2012. I have to try everything alternative.
Hey guys,

I just started taking my first peptides ever. 5mg CJC1295 and 9mg Ipamorelin blend. I am taking 125mcg CJC and 225mcg Ipamorelin 2x per day. One dose first thing in the morning and the other dose before bed. Total is 250mcg CJC per day and 450mcg Ipa. I am doing this to treat my adult growth hormone deficiency, not for bodybuilding purposes. My goal is to get my IGF-1 from the very bottom of the reference range to the top. Does my protocol make sense to you? Anything that can be improved? Thanks

For hrt purposes you don't want to be taking mod grf and ipa. You want the long half life mod grf with dac which is named; cjc-1295 (some ugls mistakenly name it cjc-1295 with dac). You can pin it once or twice per week, or more if you wish but it's not necessary as the half life is a week long. You want it around 60 mcg/kg, that's the sweet spot.