Damn straight! Almost puked working out on my porch today. I went up to 15 lbs in the backpack for pushups and my total was 610 pushups, intermittently doing some side lateral raises for high reps and biceps between my pushup sets. But my goal is always to get half my pushup rep goal knocked out before I begin integrating other shit in the mix!
I think of it like this: if 2 weeks ago you started with a total of 600 pushups (obviously from sets to get there) and now it's 15 lbs between my shoulders, that's 15×600, or 9,000 lbs more muscle output in a given workout.
Another thing I recently began doing is the addition of 5 grams of creatine pre and post workout. Call me crazy, but it seems to me that HGH LOVES CREATINE!
NVR thought I was much of a responder to the shit but lately ppl are telling me I look a lot larger!