It’s inevitable with this fucking drug that at some point you are going to get ED, for starters.
I was with a new girl earlier this year, and it happened to me twice that I was losing erections during sex. I quickly fixed it with adex, but it fucking happened.
She had really low self esteem despite being hot, and said I was losing erections because I didn’t like her.
I’m not gonna go through the whole story but I don’t want that shit to happen to me ever again under any circumstance.
On top of that, I think deca is an unimpressive drug. I built my physique on tren, never got any side from it, deca was being hyped everywhere and I decided to give it a second chance since I only had used it once.
Was severely disappointed. From now on Im going back to the winning formula:
Test/tren or test/tren/eq, even though I have had mixed feelings about eq for a long time. I would use bold cyp if my source had it, but they only have Eq and DHB, and I don’t want or need eod pinning, not to speak of the fact of it’s low concentration per ml.