Is generic HGH a scam?


New Member
Is generic HGH just a scam targeting uneducated-on-the-subject people who don't know what HGH actually is, what it does and how it works, and are therefore unable to see something is wrong and think everything is fine because they see an elevated GH and IGF-1 levels on their blood works?

I have never used pharma-grade HGH, but I'm planning to do it soon not because I want to pay more, but because I want to see if there will be a dose-dependent difference in the blood test results for my GH and IGF-1 blood serum.

When I inject 5 IUs sub-q, I do a blood test about 2.5 hours after that, and the result is only 5-6 ng/mL. An IGF-1 blood test 13-16 after injection, is around 245 ng/mL.

This appears to be very low. There are people who say they are getting 20-30 ng/mL GH from 5-10 IUs. In my case, it seems 1 IUs equals around 1 ng/mL, which is low, according to testimonies and actual scientific research on dose-dependent results from specific HGH doses.

The HGH I'm buying is from supposedly legit sources and there is vacuum in the vial and no cloudiness is present after reconstitution, and I don't get any irritation and redness on the injection site, indicating purity and proper manufacturing.

I have been on 5 IUs for around 2.5 months, and I did not actually get better hair and skin quality, faster hair growth, etc...

Can someone, who is more experienced, explain if generic HGH is actually as good as pharma-grade or it's just a mild scam that gives you something to make you believe it works, but not the whole thing in terms of bodybuilding results and blood serum concentration levels, growth, development, receptors stimulation, etc...?

Am I even getting real HGH molecules or it's just a scam with pro hormones and chemicals that produce metabolites that just show as HGH on blood tests, but there is no actual HGH? Perhaps, something similar to the estradiol from methandienone, it shows as ordinary estradiol, but it's not the same and it's not bioidentical.

Could I have fallen a victim to such a scam, but with HGH? I mean, is this generic HGH actual, real HGH (in terms of molecules) or it's just pro hormones and chemicals that elevate biomarkers (HGH, IGF-1) without actually adding real HGH and IGF-1, meaning HGH and IGF-1 aren't elevated, even if blood works show they are elevated?

I'm asking this, because I know it's possible for substances to be faked in ways that can elevate certain biomarkers in blood tests without containing the actual hormone (HGH).

I have used HGH from different UGL brands, and I always got the same result on blood tests. But keep in mind all sources, both cheap and expensive, buy raws from the same country, so if the sources in the country make scam schemes, the sources based outside the country also make schemes.

And lab tests don't prove anything, because sources could be sending properly dosed vials to the labs, so they can get results showing a proper dosing, then use photos of the test results as evidence of being legit, but then sell under dosed vials to customers.

I have already seen suspicious activity by these "labs". They say that if you want to test gear, you must send the vial with the original brand label. This makes me think some brands are paying money to these laboratories to produce fake results, which is something the labs can't do if no brand label is present. No label means they can't know if the vial is from a source they got paid by.

Why are you NOT allowed to just withdraw solution to a syringe and send the syringe, so the test can be 100% blind without the lab knowing which brand produced the steroid? That way no bias and corruption can take place.

And there is one more thing I want to say. I saw experienced steroid users (amateur and pro bodybuilders) on YouTube claiming that they see better results in terms of muscle growth when using pharma-grade HGH compared to when using generic HGH. Since they mentioned specific pharma brands, it's easy to assume they were just promoting the brand, but anyway, something seems to be really wrong, especially when considering the GH level I get compared to the GH level people on this forum said they get from the same dose (IUs) I use.

Can someone explain if my blood results are really that unbelievably tragic or it's expected and I'm just not a good responder to exogenous HGH?

I'm really becoming paranoid about being scammed and made fun of, being laughed at and viewed as a laughingstock vendors can spit on, by vendors when they receive payments from me.
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They are the same peptide, 192aa.

This is a topic I've been thinking about a great deal the last week or two after a conversation with my coach that swears Serostim hits different enough to justify the 10x cost. I asked for some plausible explanation and got something about purity and ingredients.

That ain't it. There's a Janoshik test floating around that shows 95% purity for Serostim and the QSG UGL GH comes in at >96% reliably. For the lyophilized versions, Serostim is sucrose and a buffering agent. Genotropin is mannitol and a buffering agent. Supposedly QSC uses mannitol as filler. So, again, not much difference.

I've seen folks that have done IGF-1 Serum testing with either and come up with a dose-dependent similar response between either generic or Serostim.

I was hatching a plan to do intramuscular IGF-1 testing, which is feasible, but invasive, but I see no reason why that would vary much if serum IGF-1 did not.

The only real difference that I'm left with is that Serostim is derived from mammalian cells and most others are derived from E. Coli. The purification process between either is different. I'm wondering if the bioavailability of either is substantially different.

In summary, I don't fucking know, but I've seen enough anecdotes from people that I respect that I believe there's got to be something different.
Only thing worth the money is that cadaver hGH, but it ain’t easy to acquire. Gotta know a guy
xi GIF