Is HCG useless until compounds have cleared the system?

broscience bro is why ;) also while ya test esters break down into test, bio identical term is usually reserved for pure test ie cream or suspension/base, but get what ur saying. at any rate, to your point, once broken from its ester test is test and would aromatize the same as natural test everything else equal. if anything esters would be more aromatizing as keep levels higher longer(ie peak level for days vs hours) but of course less ideal for anabolic purposes. that being said, unsure if increase in LH etc from HCG would lead to more aromatization? not test itself.
Definitely HCG works while coming off, after 3 doses of 2000 - 2500 iu balls are hanging low and they feel big again. Also I find this a very tolerable dose, maybe I am noticing some hair loss but that's all.

On cycle balls are like when it is cold and the sac compresses.
Any and all testosterone can be converted to estrogen not just the stuff your body makes as it’s all bio identical. There will just be more that can be converted.
The body doesn’t just isolate the testosterone your balls make to be made into estrogen.
I dont know the exact reason but go ahead and test your testosterone total, free and estrogen before you add hcg and with hcg and then see what for yourself what I mean. All it did for me was raising estradiol 2, everything else stayed the same.

It's highly likely that there is a underlying mechanism that the hpta's feedback loop is already giving the signal to completely use the testosterone that comes with the hcg for aromatase.
Nah it's not useless using HCG during cycle to maintain natural levels production can potentially make post-cycle recovery easier
Now what would you guys consider a normal dosage to use while on cycle. I've read multiple conflicting examples. Such as 250-500iu EOD to 500iu E4D. The only experience I have with it is using it as bridge between cycle and pct.
This is another prime example of bodybuilding mythology that drives me insane. Why on earth would anyone wait to complete a cycle to start clomid or HCG or gonadorelin when you know damn well that testicular atrophy will be happening early in your cycle, and your nuts are going to be raisins by the end of it?

Thankfully the legit TRT clinics are starting to change this ridiculous notion and people are starting to use these ancillaries throughout their cycles.

Listen guys, if you can’t afford the food, the supplements, the ancillaries and the blood work that go along with the gear, you can’t afford the cycle. Do yourself a huge favor and get ALL of your ducks in a row before you begin.
This is another prime example of bodybuilding mythology that drives me insane. Why on earth would anyone wait to complete a cycle to start clomid or HCG or gonadorelin when you know damn well that testicular atrophy will be happening early in your cycle, and your nuts are going to be raisins by the end of it?

Thankfully the legit TRT clinics are starting to change this ridiculous notion and people are starting to use these ancillaries throughout their cycles.

Listen guys, if you can’t afford the food, the supplements, the ancillaries and the blood work that go along with the gear, you can’t afford the cycle. Do yourself a huge favor and get ALL of your ducks in a row before you begin.
A little late here but for most people reliable Hcg isn’t that cheap even with UGL and can cause unwanted high E symptoms. Also merely something else to inject.

Just thinking of possible reasons people don’t do it. I honestly agree with you


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