Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?


New Member
Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?
I'd like to know everyone's experiences with GH for healing of injuries, sleep cycles, how much you took and changes to your physique.
Also, what's the difference between generic HGH and pharma HGH besides the purity, and does it really matter?
To me hgh is not some wild game changer now if u add in slin then yes it helps and will change ur physic. My experience pharma hgh has always felt better and workwd better for me. I stick to 4-5iu max. You will see it gives ya a rounder bubbler fuller look, if u use enough of good hgh when u lower ur gear doses u will be able to hang onto more muscle tissue.... I personally like gh for the recovery benefits instead of not being able to walk the next day after legs and being sore for 3-4 days I'm sore for 2 and can train again. Being the price increase recently I'll either be dropping the dosage or dropping gh all together... I'd rather spend my money on gear and testing my gear then dropping it on gh honestly. To me at the end of the day diet with contuined dedication and consistency and soild training will get u much further plus aas is really all you need.... If u can afford growth it's worth adding in for the mild bf composition and recovery benefits. Injuries is another story hgh works amazing in that aspect along with strengthen tendons and ligaments. You will deff see a better healed and speed up process with gh along with adding peptides like bpc and TB 500..... If u don't have the extra money ur better off saving it and investing it in something else....
Well worth it if everything else is in order. I would only use pharma GH, but that is up to the user. It will change the way you look as in fuller, rounder, thicker. I’ve used up to 8 iu and the results get better as the dosage increases, but I typically stay at 4-6 iu. Burns fat like no other while keeping all your muscle while dieting, and greatly reduces recovery time between workouts.
This is the most interesting topic on the forum to me right now.

I spent $750 on GH (and for testing it) in Mexico last year. To no one’s surprise, both kinds were fake.

I was very excited to be referred to Meso by someone I trust on Reddit and to see the legit, tested GH sources here selling for a very reasonable price.

I always hear Fouad and Iain Valliere and Guy Cisternino’s comments on HGH in my head.

If you didn’t hear that episode, they all agreed that they couldn’t break the barrier from dense, angular muscles to that big, round, full, cartoonish, Phil Heath looking musculature until they introduced GH in their protocol.

That’s what I’m after.

My 290 doesn’t look anything at all like Cedric McMillan’s off-season 290. (Rest in Peace, iron Brother).

If you saw Cedric in Walmart during the off-season and you didn’t know who he was, you would probably think, “That guy has got to be an IFBB pro.”

If you see me in Walmart you might think, “He probably played defensive tackle in the 80’s on his high school football team.”

While that’s true, the “That guy looks like he was probably athletic 30 years ago back in high school” look is not what I’m working so hard to achieve here.

We’re all aware that (on the most simplistic level of explanation) AAS will help grow your muscle cells, but GH will help multiply your muscle cells so the AAS have more cells to help grow.

I don’t know what kind of ROI I’ll get on my GH investment, but it’s worth every penny to me to try. Gains get exponentially harder to make as we age, so it won’t take a whole lot of improvement to make me really, really happy. I promise you that.
Texas T , why don’t you try dieting hard and bring your weight down to 270-260 etc,you will look like 280-290 cause you’re lean ! Bodybuilding is all about creating illusion,up on stage no one knows what you weigh or walking down the street no one knows what you weigh,it’s how you look.I’m 240 at 6 ft with abs,people turn around and look at me twice all the time,because I’m lean and my shape,structure is exposed.It sounds like your relying on this planned hgh run to turn you into what I’m talking about,it’s diet bro that’s gonna get you there not drugs,they just keep the muscle while you diet.
Texas T , why don’t you try dieting hard and bring your weight down to 270-260 etc,you will look like 280-290 cause you’re lean ! Bodybuilding is all about creating illusion,up on stage no one knows what you weigh or walking down the street no one knows what you weigh,it’s how you look.I’m 240 at 6 ft with abs,people turn around and look at me twice all the time,because I’m lean and my shape,structure is exposed.It sounds like your relying on this planned hgh run to turn you into what I’m talking about,it’s diet bro that’s gonna get you there not drugs,they just keep the muscle while you diet.
I will for the 2024 contest season. 2023 is bulking season. I’m 290 and still maintaining the outline of abs. We’ll see how well I hold them as I push through 300 this year. Time will tell.
Furthest from food it can be will always be best for avoiding insulin resistance.
HOWEVER in the AM your blood sugar is the highest so "furthest from food" isn't 100% true.. but I think it drops pretty quickly as long as u dont eat, so imagine if can be awake for a couple hours and not eat would be BEST! or get a glucose meter for 20 bucks, save any guessing.
HOWEVER in the AM your blood sugar is the highest so "furthest from food" isn't 100% true.. but I think it drops pretty quickly as long as u dont eat, so imagine if can be awake for a couple hours and not eat would be BEST! or get a glucose meter for 20 bucks, save any guessing.
You don't need it at its lowest. You just don't want to take it at a time close to asking your body to produce insulin IE a meal. But yes there's nothing wrong with fasting longer on GH if it fits your schedule/goal.
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You don't need it at its lowest. You just don't want to take it at a time close to asking your body to produce insulin IE a meal. But yes there's nothing wrong with fasting longer on GH if it fits your schedule/goal.
Depending on who you ask
Is the standard protocol to increase an iu every 2 weeks?

I’m currently on 2iu before bed and want to get it to 4iu
In medical practice, or would be 1iu per month.
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Honestly to me HGH has been a waste. I been on serostim since last May. The only time I seen real benefit was with super strict diet and cardio I feel it helped me get leaner a bit faster but then again I did cardio 6 days a week and lifted 6 days a week sometimes twice a day. I guess recovery is better but it didnt help heal shoulder tendonitis nor does my skin look better.

Only "real" noticeable effect has been body hair growing much faster then without hgh but thats a bit annoying.