Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?


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Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?
I'd like to know everyone's experiences with GH for healing of injuries, sleep cycles, how much you took and changes to your physique.
Also, what's the difference between generic HGH and pharma HGH besides the purity, and does it really matter?
Honestly to me HGH has been a waste. I been on serostim since last May. The only time I seen real benefit was with super strict diet and cardio I feel it helped me get leaner a bit faster but then again I did cardio 6 days a week and lifted 6 days a week sometimes twice a day. I guess recovery is better but it didnt help heal shoulder tendonitis nor does my skin look better.

Only "real" noticeable effect has been body hair growing much faster then without hgh but thats a bit annoying.
How much did you take? Did you test your igf-1 levels? Sure you didn’t have fakes or not properly stored GH?
For those who did pharma GH did you see wayyyyy more benefits from 4iu versus 2iu?

Honestly to me HGH has been a waste. I been on serostim since last May. The only time I seen real benefit was with super strict diet and cardio I feel it helped me get leaner a bit faster but then again I did cardio 6 days a week and lifted 6 days a week sometimes twice a day. I guess recovery is better but it didnt help heal shoulder tendonitis nor does my skin look better.

Only "real" noticeable effect has been body hair growing much faster then without hgh but thats a bit annoying.

How many iu have you taken that you didn't notice any difference?
For those who did pharma GH did you see wayyyyy more benefits from 4iu versus 2iu?
I ran 2 iu, and 3 iu and 4 iu and 5 iu.

2iu is basicall just putting you a little over normal igf levels, maybe by 50 points, some people its just a replacment dose.

Fat loss is supposedly better at 2 iu split 2x a day, equalling 4iu.

I like 5 iu best. I take in one dose when i had money to run hgh.

Yes you will get more benefits the more you run 100%

You will not get much out of just 2iu.
GH is not a game changer.

Steroids are a game changer.

Steroids are like the sponge in a sponge cake.

GH is like the icing and garnishes/decorations ontop.

AAS will give you that cake mass, GH will help make it pretty.

For inhibiting lipogenesis GH is second to none. You can eat way over surplus and not seem to store fat. Theres science backing this observation up, showing that GH inhibits some enzyme that normally facilitates storage of excess calories as fat. So what happens to these excess calories when enhanced with GH? Its unclear, but in my personal observations when running a huge surplus with GH i get extremely warm as if my body was choosing or being forced to burn the excess calories through its body heat generating mechanisms (whatever those are i am unsure).
GH is not a game changer.

Steroids are a game changer.

Steroids are like the sponge in a sponge cake.

GH is like the icing and garnishes/decorations ontop.

AAS will give you that cake mass, GH will help make it pretty.

For inhibiting lipogenesis GH is second to none. You can eat way over surplus and not seem to store fat. Theres science backing this observation up, showing that GH inhibits some enzyme that normally facilitates storage of excess calories as fat. So what happens to these excess calories when enhanced with GH? Its unclear, but in my personal observations when running a huge surplus with GH i get extremely warm as if my body was choosing or being forced to burn the excess calories through its body heat generating mechanisms (whatever those are i am unsure).

Hmm, do you mean you get hot after eating a meal, or you generally feel a higher body temperature while on GH?
If you're getting hot after a meal it could be linked to reduced insulin sensitivity, some pre/diabetics get sweats after eating...

Hmm, do you mean you get hot after eating a meal, or you generally feel a higher body temperature while on GH?
If you're getting hot after a meal it could be linked to reduced insulin sensitivity, some pre/diabetics get sweats after eating...

Past tense as this was years back. But i was hot all the time. Definitely hotter after a meal. Wasnt sweating though, just warm. Went upwards of 6000 kcal/day on upwards of 10iu/day and kept getting leaner.

Ive had blood work since and im all good regarding diabetes, not even close to at risk.

I was actually thinking maybe it had something to do woth thyroid hormones but i think not. The science says GH inhibits lipogenesis, so the question becomes if the excess calories are not being stored, wtf is becoming of them?
GH is not a game changer.

Steroids are a game changer.

Steroids are like the sponge in a sponge cake.

GH is like the icing and garnishes/decorations ontop.

AAS will give you that cake mass, GH will help make it pretty.

For inhibiting lipogenesis GH is second to none. You can eat way over surplus and not seem to store fat. Theres science backing this observation up, showing that GH inhibits some enzyme that normally facilitates storage of excess calories as fat. So what happens to these excess calories when enhanced with GH? Its unclear, but in my personal observations when running a huge surplus with GH i get extremely warm as if my body was choosing or being forced to burn the excess calories through its body heat generating mechanisms (whatever those are i am unsure).
On how many iu's? Ive been eating surplus for months and lost abs and now have a small belly (2 iu)
On how many iu's? Ive been eating surplus for months and lost abs and now have a small belly (2 iu)

As mentioned, upwards of 10iu. iIRC i even went higher than that a handful of times. This was using some random generics i bought off ali baba that suprisingly were legit. Ive bought generic GH from various rando places and its always been legit, maybe im just lucky.

I tried every protocol but mostly just pinned in the morning then fasted for 2-3 more hours. When it was summer i was pinning while fasted before doing several hours of freediving, thats when i got the leanest ive ever been.

Not sure on your age but 2iu/day is basically HRT dose, so i wouldnt exoect much from that? If your goals solely HRT then thats fine, but if you really want to get something out of GH you need to go higher IMO. Of course side effects might dictate where that upper limit is for you. Personally i tolerate GH really well, ya i get numb hands that fall asleep if i stop moving them, water retention to the piint my shoes are a struggle to fit into, and lethargy, but its always been tolerable for me at any dosage ive tried and i didnt necessarily slowly ramp it up either.
As mentioned, upwards of 10iu. iIRC i even went higher than that a handful of times. This was using some random generics i bought off ali baba that suprisingly were legit. Ive bought generic GH from various rando places and its always been legit, maybe im just lucky.

I tried every protocol but mostly just pinned in the morning then fasted for 2-3 more hours. When it was summer i was pinning while fasted before doing several hours of freediving, thats when i got the leanest ive ever been.

Not sure on your age but 2iu/day is basically HRT dose, so i wouldnt exoect much from that? If your goals solely HRT then thats fine, but if you really want to get something out of GH you need to go higher IMO. Of course side effects might dictate where that upper limit is for you. Personally i tolerate GH really well, ya i get numb hands that fall asleep if i stop moving them, water retention to the piint my shoes are a struggle to fit into, and lethargy, but its always been tolerable for me at any dosage ive tried and i didnt necessarily slowly ramp it up either.
Im 36.
Upwards of 10 iu thats insane doses
Does HGH actually build muscle or is it just a cosmetic enhancement?

Good question! So many people say its just a fat loss agent that improves recovery and makes your muscles look more round but others say it will build permanent muscle via hyperplasia.

I am personally looking myself for an answer to this question.
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Depends on what stage of the game you are at. For an early 40s guy trying to age gracefully, it is a game changer. Much easier to eat junk and stay lean. Skin tighter, teeth whiter, quicker recovery etc.

One easy way to see if it’s a game changer for you is to run the exact same cycle as your last one but this time with 3-4iu + of GH. I believe most people would be surprised how much better the overall cycle was once GH was included. In fact, after you do it once, running any kind of blast without GH is a major letdown. At least for me it is.