Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?


New Member
Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?
I'd like to know everyone's experiences with GH for healing of injuries, sleep cycles, how much you took and changes to your physique.
Also, what's the difference between generic HGH and pharma HGH besides the purity, and does it really matter?
Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?
I'd like to know everyone's experiences with GH for healing of injuries, sleep cycles, how much you took and changes to your physique.
Also, what's the difference between generic HGH and pharma HGH besides the purity, and does it really matter?
People who do not even train, and do 2.2iu and 125mg Test. will feel themselfs much better. over a longer period they wil be more active and gain some muscle and lose fat.
Same here. I'm on 125mg e3d and 2iu before fasted cardio. Sleep is much better, skin looks better, far lose is on point .And I'm feeling much better. And I'm in my mid 40ies!
For me, it was definitely a game changer. Wish I started way earlier..
Keeps me leaner with not so "perfect" diet
+ allow me to use a lot less AAS.

Im sometimes mad at myself, that after 15 years ON steroids, only last 6 im experimenting with HGH. Because ive run in past stupid high AAS dosages (3g per week), for nothing. And now on 1g +HGH i look, feel, and gain A LOT better than 3g, though being OLDER.. mad because how much wasted years, health and gear.

And i blame those FUCKTARDS who where parroting that u must use ONLY pharma hgh and UG HGH is crap and a waste, so i was led to believe that HGH is out of consideration for my budged. Fuck you!
Skin looks great. Less tired when lifting. But I took two naps today after 9 hours of sleep.

Took 2iu's before bed.

Makes me sleepy the next day. Hopefully that'll wear off over time.
Skin looks great. Less tired when lifting. But I took two naps today after 9 hours of sleep.

Took 2iu's before bed.

Makes me sleepy the next day. Hopefully that'll wear off over time.
That hit me super hard. I was fine after a month. I do my 2iu in the morning but I think that's probable worse for fatigue.
GH is not a game changer.

Steroids are a game changer.

Steroids are like the sponge in a sponge cake.

GH is like the icing and garnishes/decorations ontop.

AAS will give you that cake mass, GH will help make it pretty.

For inhibiting lipogenesis GH is second to none. You can eat way over surplus and not seem to store fat. Theres science backing this observation up, showing that GH inhibits some enzyme that normally facilitates storage of excess calories as fat. So what happens to these excess calories when enhanced with GH? Its unclear, but in my personal observations when running a huge surplus with GH i get extremely warm as if my body was choosing or being forced to burn the excess calories through its body heat generating mechanisms (whatever those are i am unsure).
I would like to see your science that backs up the theory that gh promotes or stimulates lipogenesis or even lipolysis at all. Im not disagreeing that it helps. There isnt any real evidence of this though that Im aware of. Please post your research findings and true facts.
For new GH users, start at 0.6iu for about 10 days and raise every 10 days with 0.6iu. (ten days is safe, most can do 5 days). for health-use, stay around 2.4iu ED. This is a good way to get used to GH and less sides. (i take my dose GH early mornings)
I think this is bad advice to spread, it would be 0.6mg to 1.3mg per lb per week. Thats not gonna translate perfectly to IUs.
Keeps me leaner with not so "perfect" diet
+ allow me to use a lot less AAS.

Im sometimes mad at myself, that after 15 years ON steroids, only last 6 im experimenting with HGH. Because ive run in past stupid high AAS dosages (3g per week), for nothing. And now on 1g +HGH i look, feel, and gain A LOT better than 3g, though being OLDER.. mad because how much wasted years, health and gear.

And i blame those FUCKTARDS who where parroting that u must use ONLY pharma hgh and UG HGH is crap and a waste, so i was led to believe that HGH is out of consideration for my budged. Fuck you!
What's your stack at 1 gr total + hgh?

As a man 3 years before hitting my 40's I look to a sustainable way of managing hgh and aas, never used aas before.