Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?


New Member
Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?
I'd like to know everyone's experiences with GH for healing of injuries, sleep cycles, how much you took and changes to your physique.
Also, what's the difference between generic HGH and pharma HGH besides the purity, and does it really matter?
I would like to see your science that backs up the theory that gh promotes or stimulates lipogenesis or even lipolysis at all. Im not disagreeing that it helps. There isnt any real evidence of this though that Im aware of. Please post your research findings and true facts.
Dont need science. Ask anyone that has ever used it for 3+ months. Especially effective on belly fat. 100%
I would like to see your science that backs up the theory that gh promotes or stimulates lipogenesis or even lipolysis at all. Im not disagreeing that it helps. There isnt any real evidence of this though that Im aware of. Please post your research findings and true facts.

You were just one page away little buddy

Dont need science. Ask anyone that has ever used it for 3+ months. Especially effective on belly fat. 100%
Personally it was effective on belly fat using 2iu morning and 2iu before bed but I was also dieting and doing 60 min daily cardio. How much of fat loss was gh vs cardio and diet I do not know.
1. What purpose does the coat hanger floating on the wall serve?

2. What are we looking at here besides a bad ass difference in size/conditioning?
Not a whole lot of differences here except gh. Not many differences vs results anyways. The coat hanger was used to unlock the door. Old door handles. I have young kids and sometimes its easier just to leave the bathroom locked
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Not a whole lot of differences here except gh. Not many differences vs results anyways. The coat hanger was used to unlock the door. Old door handles. I have young kids and sometimes its easier just to leave the bathroom locked
Also curious about more details about how you used it to achieve such great results.

Personally, no aas, just hgh for almost 4 months at 4iu 6 on 1 off. With diet and heavy exercise I’ve noticed an amazing results. I was doing gh secretagogues for 6 months beforehand (ipa/mod grf) and the hgh just blows that shit out of the water.
So the best results i had was when i injected at night and in the morning. I never come off. Only 1iu in the morning and the rest at night,i think i was doing 5 at the time

I hate to even ask.. pharma or UGL?

How long did you run that? I did 4iu’s for a few months and then been on 3iu’s for a few months, and I can kinda notice it.. I’d be yelling from the roof tops if I had two pictures like that lol
I'm about 9 months in on a year at 2iu experiment. I'm not a bodybuilder, I'm a trt guy who does small blast occasionally.
After nine months my hair, beard, nails grow faster. I do it before fasted cardio and keeping the fat off isn't as hard. I'm 49 and the wrinkles around my eyes are gone unless I squint. Sleep seems okay. recovery from my workouts is good.
I'll probably go up after this experiment.
GH is not a game changer.

Steroids are a game changer.

Steroids are like the sponge in a sponge cake.

GH is like the icing and garnishes/decorations ontop.

AAS will give you that cake mass, GH will help make it pretty.

For inhibiting lipogenesis GH is second to none. You can eat way over surplus and not seem to store fat. Theres science backing this observation up, showing that GH inhibits some enzyme that normally facilitates storage of excess calories as fat. So what happens to these excess calories when enhanced with GH? Its unclear, but in my personal observations when running a huge surplus with GH i get extremely warm as if my body was choosing or being forced to burn the excess calories through its body heat generating mechanisms (whatever those are i am unsure).

I vote for GH lipogenesis. I have started 5iu hgh from a ugl lab since one year and I never get fat even with high carbs and calories surplus. I feel warm all the time even now on winter and I have the same feeling burning all the excess calories.