Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?


New Member
Is HGH really that much of a game-changer?
I'd like to know everyone's experiences with GH for healing of injuries, sleep cycles, how much you took and changes to your physique.
Also, what's the difference between generic HGH and pharma HGH besides the purity, and does it really matter?
Iv tried it solo and my experience with it was not really a game changer but I did have improved sleep until my body got use to it. When I first started taking it at 1.3iu a day sometimes if if I haven’t eaten enough before taking it I’d get really hungry and very mildly hypo. Never tried with a cycle tho I have also heard it is good to run with a cycle but not a game changer.
Running generic blue tops since Oct. Started at 2iu morning and night and worked up to 5iu fasted and before bed (10iu/d). Cycled off AAS Start of Dec but kept running HGH, had zero muscle loss, kept gaining lean muscle slightly. Initially running 5on/2off but went to 7 days on start of Dec. I had some fluid retention over xmas when I missed 4 days and then jumped back onto 10iu just at night, got back into AM/PM shots and things settled down within 5 days.

Have recently started next AAS cycle and increased HGH to 12iu/d and added in insulin pre-workout along with T4

Got to be honest, I didn't notice much in the first month but start of Jan was when I noticed things improving. Density of muscle has definitely been improving this month. Definitely something I will be running as long as I can, budgeted this HGH cycle for 300 days @ 20iu/d, if I don't end up running at 20iu, the cycle will run as long as the HGH lasts.

Do I think GH is a game changer..... Yes, but not in the immediate way that AAS is. Its an investment with a slow return but once that return is achieved, it just can't be gotten any other way.
I vote for GH lipogenesis. I have started 5iu hgh from a ugl lab since one year and I never get fat even with high carbs and calories surplus. I feel warm all the time even now on winter and I have the same feeling burning all the excess calories.
So I’m not crazy that I’ve been feeling warmer all the time!!!
If you didn’t hear that episode, they all agreed that they couldn’t break the barrier from dense, angular muscles to that big, round, full, cartoonish, Phil Heath looking musculature until they introduced GH in their protocol.
pretty sure that that is the truth.

I never ever touched GH in my life and I ran doses ranging to 4 grams per week and did not get as big as I want to.

I guess I will give GH a shot this year, and see what I can do with it.

Currently just running roids and slin, no GH.
When I cut with gh for the first time this past summer, I def noticed that I was getting leaner significantly faster than I typically would. I’d say roughly 1.5-2x faster I seemed to be leaning out

Yes, getting leaner. I was talking about noticeably increased body temperature on GH. Haven't experienced the latter.
how's your BG after eating, now vs before starting GH?
Honestly couldn’t tell you as it’s been a few months since I’ve done bloodwork but last I checked after being on gh for a few months it was still below 80 fasted in the morning. I also take 500mg Metformin with my first meal daily so I’m sure that helps a bit