Is it worth it to use QSC oils?

Fair. But regardless of what you paid for:
Since the sterility argument is all the rage, would it have been something of concern, to you?
Would you have not given it a second thought and just filtered it, end of, without getting in touch with whoever sold it to you?
If I have a doubt of it’s sterility, I will get rid of it immediately, no second thoughts. In this age where steroids are easily and cheaply acquired, there is no way I am going to gamble it just to save a few bucks.

Decades ago would be different, I probably would’ve exhausted remedies before chucking it. Remember, we used to synthesize tren and prop from pellets.
I have not been on meso for 6 years, but I too have never used a meso sponsor haha ig until IL comes..

Glad you said this, because I wanted to ask, on your thread.
I saw you use stuff that is not sold here, which doesn't matter.
I was wondering how you went about choosing where to get what you use from and whether you have been using the same lab, from when you started.
If I have a doubt of it’s sterility, I will get rid of it immediately, no second thoughts. In this age where steroids are easily and cheaply acquired, there is no way I am going to gamble it just to save a few bucks.

Decades ago would be different, I probably would’ve exhausted remedies before chucking it. Remember, we used to synthesize tren and prop from pellets.

I saw you supported the member raising the issue, which was the right thing to do.
But he was otherwise given a hostile reception because he used to resell, or so he said.
I thought, a lot of people here do that, anyway.
And even so, why should he get something that is not as expected and not complain or ask about it?
It was 30 vials, not 2.
And, should it happen to someone not involved in reselling, now they have seen it and know what the score is.
Hopefully, lol.

Frankly, I wouldn't have known what to do with it and so I would have had to ask.
I value your opinion and when I looked at it all, I wasn't sure how i felt about it.
I thought that everyone here is allowed to say something, when things go wrong and they have proof.
I was a bit taken aback that there wasn't much interest, or so it seemed.

Anyway, thanks for your replies.
I am up early but wanted to write you before leaving.
See you later.

Glad you said this, because I wanted to ask, on your thread.
I saw you use stuff that is not sold here, which doesn't matter.
I was wondering how you went about choosing where to get what you use from and whether you have been using the same lab, from when you started.
My closest friend is a chemist and has his own lab. I don’t need to worry about any of this craziness and wondering because I’ve seen the whole op start to finish, there’s peace of mind seeing exactly how everything is done and the quality control first hand. I have used other ugl prior to his startup but now I have no reason to ever use anything else. Plus the wholesale pricing I get is pennies on the dollar lol 3-7$ a vial depending on what I’m getting. Basically just paying for the oil and the label.