Is Nandrolone worth it with my goals?


New Member
I've done a cycle of test nearly a year ago with what I would consider amazing results. I'm 40 pounds heavier than I used to be. Training, diet, rest and recovery were really on point. It has changed my life for the better and I've never felt healthier and stronger than I do now. I'm on prescribed TRT (typical average dose) because it just makes my life and health so much better.

I want to put on another 15-20 pounds, at which point I want to start cutting as opposed to all the bulking. I will have reached my goal.

I still have many under developed muscles (in my opinion) and muscle imbalances.

I'm wondering if my second cycle should be test only again, or is it worth it to stack with Nandrolone? Does it really make a noticeable difference? I don't know which stats to believe, but is it true Nandrolone only helps you put on 5% more muscle?

I'm looking for advice from the more seasoned and knowledgeable - is Nandrolone worth it in my case?
nandrolone will for sure help you put on size haha its like the prince for building mass with test being the king. If you want to just test the waters and see what it can do for you id start with NPP maybe like 200mg a week and see how you respond. If you dont like it you can drop it and itll be out of your system quick. Deca being the other option but is going to be a while to build up and then also a while to leave if you decided to drop it.
nandrolone will for sure help you put on size haha its like the prince for building mass with test being the king. If you want to just test the waters and see what it can do for you id start with NPP maybe like 200mg a week and see how you respond. If you dont like it you can drop it and itll be out of your system quick. Deca being the other option but is going to be a while to build up and then also a while to leave if you decided to drop it.
Thanks for sharing your advice. When you say to start with 200mg a week, I'm assuming you mean on top of the Test cycle right? And not just NPP, right? How are you able to tell if you are "responding" to the NPP above and beyond to what the Test is doing for you?

No interested in Deca, just doesn't attract me tbh.
Thanks for sharing your advice. When you say to start with 200mg a week, I'm assuming you mean on top of the Test cycle right? And not just NPP, right? How are you able to tell if you are "responding" to the NPP above and beyond to what the Test is doing for you?

No interested in Deca, just doesn't attract me tbh.
You’ve run test before, as you said, so you should know how you respond to it. And yes run it with test. NPP is fairly quick onset of effects, you’ll know when it’s hitting you. I personally like pinning phenylpropionate, propionate, and acetate daily…not every other day. Something to keep in mind. Nice and easy with a 1/2” slin pin if you’re lean enough.
Thanks for sharing your advice. When you say to start with 200mg a week, I'm assuming you mean on top of the Test cycle right? And not just NPP, right? How are you able to tell if you are "responding" to the NPP above and beyond to what the Test is doing for you?

No interested in Deca, just doesn't attract me tbh.
Yeah on top of test. Depending how high you have gone with test you could just simply increase your test dose instead of adding nandro.
All I can say from my experience is start with a low dose of npp. Some of us can not run it with testosterone. Even at 33mg of npp the next day my nipples are on fire. I've progressively tried lower amounts to see if I can mix the two but I just can't. However, without testosterone I've run 700mg NPP with zero issues.
I would try NPP instead of deca if I were in your shoes. From my personal experience I responded bad to deca and it caused me water retention and depression with mood swings that lasted for months. On the other hand if I were to do NPP I could have bailed earlier and avoided some of the problems.
Gonna agree with everyone else and say try npp if youre gonna go that route. Start with a low dose and adjust accordingly

everyone is different so take this with a grain of salt but nandrolone is the only compound I ever tried that gave me really bad acne. I ran deca and by the time it kicked in it was too late so that is why I'm saying npp
Gonna agree with everyone else and say try npp if youre gonna go that route. Start with a low dose and adjust accordingly

everyone is different so take this with a grain of salt but nandrolone is the only compound I ever tried that gave me really bad acne. I ran deca and by the time it kicked in it was too late so that is why I'm saying npp
Good advice. I’ve never had acne problems ever on any AAS until I started tren h at 100mg 3x a week with this blast.
Good advice. I’ve never had acne problems ever on any AAS until I started tren h at 100mg 3x a week with this blast.
just shows how everyones different. Tren gives me so skin issues whatsoever lol only thing tren does to me side effect wise is sweaty sleeps

i wake up drenched
Thanks everyone for chiming in here, it is much appreciated and I consider it invaluable to my research before getting on board with NPP.

Curious to know, what is everyone's favorite dosing and cycle length on an NPP and Test stack cycle?

Does anyone know if Raloxifene should be taken during the cycle and/or PCT to prevent gyno? I'm prone, even on just test alone. Or, is Tamoxifin better?

Gonna agree with everyone else and say try npp if youre gonna go that route. Start with a low dose and adjust accordingly

everyone is different so take this with a grain of salt but nandrolone is the only compound I ever tried that gave me really bad acne. I ran deca and by the time it kicked in it was too late so that is why I'm saying npp

Interesting...for me, Testo in cycle doses gives me significant bacne.