Is the crack down real?


New Member
Guys I'm freaking out. Iv been self treating with trt for years now and now I absolutely need it. I can't even come off. I'm hearing more and more about sources are being raided overseas. How long do I have to keep stocking up before shit gets much harder in the states?
Guys I'm freaking out. Iv been self treating with trt for years now and now I absolutely need it. I can't even come off. I'm hearing more and more about sources are being raided overseas. How long do I have to keep stocking up before shit gets much harder in the states?
No, you will be fine.

Even if there were/is a major crackdown, others pop up to take the place of those popped. There is high demand and IMO there will always be a supply.

Sure there can be some times when there are not as many options but there always seems to be options.
What exactly is stopping you from buying enough test to last a few years now? If you're on 200mg/wk that's 5 vials a YEAR.

So for $100 from QSC, or a little more from other suppliers you can get TWO YEARS worth, plenty of cushion for replacement sources to develop if supply from China, including raws comes to an abrupt halt. Or maybe if it's so important, consider blowing your life's savings and get FOUR years worth for $200.

Or just keep barely enough on hand, assume you'll always be able to get gear as easily as you can now, there will never be a problem, and even if there is 5 minutes later factories making raws outside of China will undoubtedly appear overnight. That's guaranteed, just listen to the guys here who say so. Randos on the net assuring you a long supply interruption isn't possible, would never, ever put you in a position where you might be forced off TRT unexpectedly. After all, you wouldn't want to spend a couple hundred bucks as insurance against something that'll never happen, right?
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What exactly is stopping you from buying enough test to last a few years now? If you're on 200mg/wk that's 5 vials a YEAR.

So for $100 from QSC, or a little more from other suppliers you can get TWO YEARS worth, plenty of cushion for replacement sources to develop if supply from China, including raws comes to an abrupt halt. Or maybe if it's so important, consider blowing your life's savings and get FOUR years worth for $200.

Or just keep barely enough on hand, assume you'll always be able to get gear as easily as you can now, there will never be a problem, and even if there is 5 minutes later factories making raws outside of China will undoubtedly appear overnight. That's guaranteed, just listen to the guys here who say so. Randos on the net assuring you a long supply interruption isn't possible, would never, ever put you in a position where you might be forced off TRT unexpectedly. After all, you wouldn't want to spend a couple hundred bucks as insurance against something that'll never happen, right?
Your right man thanks. Just felt a bit off edge here. Fear mongering.
IMO there will always be gear available because people want to make money just as badly as you want to stay on TRT..

pricing might go up sure, maybe it will go up only because of the fear mongering

regardless nothing happened during coronavirus so i dont think people should freak out.
I still got my dirty chinese cardboard box, chinese characters and all, hand delivered right to my mansion, during the peak of the 2020 paranoia.

china exports so much stuff and the rest of the world imports so much chinese stuff.
No need to worry if you ask me.

There is always going to be those with knowledge who can produce and supply those who wish to stay on test or gear. I wouldn't worry too much unless you think you may have a supply chain issue or delivery issue in the near future of your gear. I'd just build up a decent stockpile to get you through any anticipated "rough times".
This happens every so many years.
If there's a market there's product.

Ignore the peptide professionals that know everything after 6mos of injecting into skin.

There's a big difference between easily ordering over the internet and getting it in a week ot two "available", and the way heroin is "available".

If you think the volume to close the spigot of packages from China slipping through uninspected isn't getting louder every day it's because you don't pay attention.

But yeah, listen to the assclowns and keep just enough to last a couple months because spending $100 for a buffer supply, in case it takes a while to find a new source, would be a really dumb thing to do.

PS: OP is not talking about cycles. He's pushing 60 and on TRT. Being cut off from his medicine cold turkey will crash his T and his world will suck, badly, for quite a while. He's not 25 who can go without, and quickly return to natural production.
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If all my sources dried up I would just go back on doctor prescribed TRT. Not really a huge concern to me, but I do keep a little stash.

Presumably you went off doctor prescribed TRT for a reason. Cost, low amount prescribed, and/or time consuming office appointments and blood tests.
Presumably you went off doctor prescribed TRT for a reason. Cost, low amount prescribed, and/or time consuming office appointments and blood tests.
Probably. What I have done in the past is stock up on the script test and use it when I am low or if I have had a bad PIP run with other test.

Low amount prescribed is what the deal was for me first, then a change in GP and my new doc not wanting to continue and Endo giving me a thumbs down saying a Total T of even 290 was good. So I can pay out the ass for a clinic or self medicate.

I feel for the guys that get prescribed the 1ml vials. Thats some bullshit and a way for pharma to make more money.

I dont believe in huge stockpiles like I have observed numerous bros have but I don't think your suggested stockpile is that out of line. I honestly dont like having any more than 10 vials of anything but I am a low dose guy.
Probably. What I have done in the past is stock up on the script test and use it when I am low or if I have had a bad PIP run with other test.

Low amount prescribed is what the deal was for me first, then a change in GP and my new doc not wanting to continue and Endo giving me a thumbs down saying a Total T of even 290 was good. So I can pay out the ass for a clinic or self medicate.

I dont believe in huge stockpiles like I have observed numerous bros have but I don't think your suggested stockpile is that out of line. I honestly dont like having any more than 10 vials of anything but I am a low dose guy.

Having some "legit" test you can take worry free while traveling internationally, and maintaining a year or two of buffer for your self directed dose, just in case, is a great balance.
No need to worry if you ask me.

There is always going to be those with knowledge who can produce and supply those who wish to stay on test or gear. I wouldn't worry too much unless you think you may have a supply chain issue or delivery issue in the near future of your gear. I'd just build up a decent stockpile to get you through any anticipated "rough times".

Having some "legit" test you can take worry free while traveling internationally, and maintaining a year or two of buffer for your self directed dose, just in case, is a great balance.
I'm going to be ordering off generica Asia and getting min 10 viles at a time and then start home brewing. I plan on grabbing at least 500 grams of test C or E and I'll be set for a very very long time

Based on overall cost it should be a huge cost savings in the long run. Though idk how long I can make test powder last. Can I store it in a deep freezer in air sealed bags? Or is that asking for trouble? Not meaning to change topics but I just need to know what am I expected for shelf life on raws. Don't wanna drop money on a stash of raws just for it to go bunk in a few years
I'm going to be ordering off generica Asia and getting min 10 viles at a time and then start home brewing. I plan on grabbing at least 500 grams of test C or E and I'll be set for a very very long time

Based on overall cost it should be a huge cost savings in the long run. Though idk how long I can make test powder last. Can I store it in a deep freezer in air sealed bags? Or is that asking for trouble? Not meaning to change topics but I just need to know what am I expected for shelf life on raws. Don't wanna drop money on a stash of raws just for it to go bunk in a few years

Home brewing is not that much of a savings when you consider equipment cost to do it properly vs the prices at a place like GA.

Raws do degrade, and do not necessarily last longer than properly brewed gear. In oil, the active ingredient is completely isolated from exposure to oxygen, and the alcohol and benzoate create a bacteriostatic environment.

There's also the time and learning curve.

Then there's the unlikely, but possible legal exposure for "manufacturing".

20 vials will easily cover you for 5-6 years. and cost around $150. Just keep topping off your buffer as long as things remain as they are now, and if things go to hell, you'll have years to find some other source.

The point here, imo, is not to prepare for the apocalypse, but to have enough to ride out any drought until alternate sources inevitably develop.
Home brewing is not that much of a savings when you consider equipment cost to do it properly vs the prices at a place like GA.

Raws do degrade, and do not necessarily last longer than properly brewed gear. In oil, the active ingredient is completely isolated from exposure to oxygen, and the alcohol and benzoate create a bacteriostatic environment.

There's also the time and learning curve.

Then there's the unlikely, but possible legal exposure for "manufacturing".

20 vials will easily cover you for 5-6 years. and cost around $150. Just keep topping off your buffer as long as things remain as they are now, and if things go to hell, you'll have years to find some other source.

The point here, imo, is not to prepare for the apocalypse, but to have enough to ride out any drought until alternate sources inevitably develop.
Got ya. Makes sense. Yeah 20 viles at once should cover me for a long time. Def better than the 3 domestic viles I get
There will always be sources getting raided and popping up. You can also homebrew. One goes down, another pops up quickly.

That being said, the vast majority of this bullshit on these forums are coming from New Members who troll, talk shit and are generally useless.
There will always be sources getting raided and popping up. You can also homebrew. One goes down, another pops up quickly.

That being said, the vast majority of this bullshit on these forums are coming from New Members who troll, talk shit and are generally useless.
It just sucks that the government cares so fucking much about testosterone being imported and go out of their way to bust up supply. Idk what the likelihood of me getting fucked over doing what I plan to do but it's funny that when I visited Japan it's 100000% legal to buy steroids. but illegal to sell and buy needles with out a prescription. I couldn't bring my trt with me so I just bought some from a ugl lab based in japan. Arrived in 4 days and I paid in cash


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