Also; just one more thing before I let this thread die out: if the Hilma testosterone Cyp that I received was a real product: *or any clear net gear that i have gotten* I would have
1.been at least gaining strength at a steady pace
2.gaining at least 1-1.5 lb of actual muscle per week when on my blast DO not need a significant surplus on test only; a slight increase will give the best lean gains
4.i also would have had acne
5.testicular shrinkage
6.more rounded delts and higher traps
I know this because every time I have taken real testosterone; all the following have occurred. On the other hand, every clear net testosterone I have bought HAS not been consistent with any of the above. Now, I am officially done here with this bogus, snake oil bs. If anything, if you are a vet member, do the community a favor and stop giving out bs information and most importantly, stop thinking this “gear” is real. You are not only flat out lying to other members, you are also setting false expectations. As far as I’m concerned, everyone on this forum is a natural, considering the steroids from sources here is nothing more than vegetable oil. So please, just stop lying to yourselves. It’s absolutely disgraceful and disgusting. You are honestly just better off buying a pro hormone or Sarm than relying on this bogus shit. At least you’ll make legit gains. I am honestly disgusted and feel sorry for anyone that genuinely believes they are “enhanced” after buying any kind of “steroid” from the clear web. One day, you’ll see how much money you wasted on something that did nothing for you. Have a great time buying from a source here or from someone like “big mike” from the research station, nothing will come of it: it’s honestly pathetic I’ve seen better muscle gains from creatinine. STOP FILLING US WITH BS! Fuck clear net sources and their BUNK ass gear. Fuck the clueless members on this forum; and fuck the goons here who still our money. Now, I’m done with this thread