Is this legit watson?

So where are the legit sources? Do they avoid meso or are they here? According to Dr. Jim, meso is running a 100% fail rate on its sources. Why is that? Can meso not attract good sources?

Them maybe that is why the good ones don't come here. Maybe they are respecting that meso doesn't want sources.

Meso doesn't attract "good" sources because we hold them to a much higher standard than anywhere else. The reason they don't last here is because they were never all that good in the first place - certainly not good enough to deserve the reputations they have on other forums.

GETM had been in business for over a decade and had a stellar reputation. HPLC-MS showed their gear was underdosed, mislabeled or bunk. They left after the tests came out rather than address the issues.

Karius claimed to have tested all his raws. But the gear he sold to Meso members was total bunk as confirmed by HPLC. Rather than admit that he never tested his raws and that he was at fault, he unleashed his attack dogs to discredit his accusers and the HPLC.

Mike Strong sold underdosed gear too - confirmed by lab test. Rather than own up to it, he started making excuses and providing bullshit expanations and bro science. When he realized his bullshit wasn't going to save the day, he left.

Three supposedly "good" sources caught selling garbage and not one of them was man enough to take responsibility for it. Easier to run back to the other forums where they can keep the illusion alive than to stay on on Meso and be exposed as charlatans.

None of these supposedly "good" sources want to operate on an uncensored forum with no control over what is being said and with no protection from mods and admins. They know their QC is poor. They know their gear isn't being tested. And they know their reputations are underserved and mostly due to them having been around for a long time. What they're afraid of is having their carefully crafted image collapse under the light of an uncensored forum where the members will be testing their products and have the freedom to criticize them.

But it is confusing because most everyone here seems to want sources here. There is even a SCOC that sources should follow if they want to be here. Mixed messages.

You'll get no argument from me there.
If it was Bob's Juice Testosterone Cypionate, I'd say that's a good argument. However, I have a hard time believing Watson's going to throw their reputation down the drain by supplying to DS.

That is true. But don't limit your thinking. That is not the only way to get things.

My first cycle back in 1990 was from a friend's cousin who worked in a pharmacy as a tech. He ordered my Test Cyp and Anadrol (Syntex, OG shit!) and walked it out the door. Met him at my friend's house and made the purchase. I didn't ask him a bunch of questions either. :)
theres plenty of bad reviews at evo on their sources and all their SARM bs......they usually last all of 15 mins and then are deleted and the person posting is back door banned.
I've seen bad reviews stay up, both in the review section and in the source talk section
That is true. But don't limit your thinking. That is not the only way to get things.

My first cycle back in 1990 was from a friend's cousin who worked in a pharmacy as a tech. He ordered my Test Cyp and Anadrol (Syntex, OG shit!) and walked it out the door. Met him at my friend's house and made the purchase. I didn't ask him a bunch of questions either. :)
I got a buddy who gets gh and test from the VA. Their records are so fucked up that they double up in his order half the time. Lucky SOB!
I've seen bad reviews stay up, both in the review section and in the source talk section
not of their companies you haven't! No bad reviews of sarms1 or ntbm or AG Guys. Those get taken down and posts get edited. Someone who made a bad review will suddenly give a glowing review due to admin changing their posts.
And there you have bias. The bias is already set against all sources. Or are you just referring to UGLs?

You gotta be joking! Well hell yes there's bias on Meso and there SHOULD BE, for the very reasons I've listed in the post you highlighted!

UGL are responsible for this "bias" rather than Meso members sitting in some back room conjuring up falsehoods about UGL and how to discredit them.

Crap if mates on this forum have learned one thing it's to NOT trust UGL bc they are NOT trustworthy and that void was created by UGL screwing people, period!

If DS doesn't want to face genuine scrutiny by coming to Meso he can remain on EVO and continue to live a sheltered life on a forum where "bias" is an inherent administrative feature.
1) Only deserving sources are "attacked" by those Mean Meso Members your referring to.

Deserving by what standard Jim?

First and foremost analytical lab and blood assays that PROVE they are selling "gear" that is underdosed, no-dosed or contain another AAS from that on the label!

OR those whom have received several complaints from reputable members about a labs delivery problems, pathetic communication, gear contamination or other related quality issues.

OR those UGL whom are unequivocally found lying, fabricating, or propagating some sort of ruse to sell their low quality product.

OR those whom absolutely refuse to comply with Meso's SCOC in any way fashion or form!

OR those that fail to post any evidence they even know WTF they are selling as AAS. (Included are things like HPLCS or LC/MS)

Such as proof the Tren-E raw which was purchased actually contained Tren-E rather than Deca or Test-E at the specified concentration. (Sorry anecdotal world wide reviews just don't cut it here and are not acceptable substitutes)

OR those whom become confrontational, disrespectful of established members or otherwise fail to appreciate the notion they are VISITORS on Meso and that won't change until said UGL has EARNED the credibility they desire to enhance sales.

2) Bc not one NEW UGL which began a sales thread on Meso has lasted more than SIX MONTHS before departing (after SCAMMING Meso members of course) it's no wonder most members remain very skeptical of ANY new lab that prances onto Meso promising a road to AAS GOLD.

They are only exercising due diligence by remaining callused and demand THE LAB prove it's GTG, by insisting a lab post much more than prototypical lip service such as; "trust me", "check my reviews" on some CENSORED board they sponsor or "PM my customers" etc.

3) YEP your probably right only bc Meso mates have LEARNED to simply believe that which we are told is a recipe for disaster and an open invitation we are fair game for any scamming UGL on the WWW.

However should ANY truly legit UGL decide to conduct business in an equitable fashion, Meso is an absolute GOLD MINE!

So rest assured should DS decide to give Meso sales a try he will be treated like any other UGL, fairly, equitably, and with the level of respect he's proven worthy of!

Boy, I missed a lot over the weekend. Thanks Dr. Jim for picking up the thread! Well said.
Counterfeiting is big business in the drug world. All it takes is a decent graphic designer and a good printer. My question arises as to how these bottles come to be. I think it's a question that one should ask themselves before spending the extra money on a name.

I agree I recieved a few from another guy, and I can't find one thing wrong with them same lot and exp that DS.

Usually in counterfeit shit there is one tell, something off like the pic in this thread with the label. I'd wouldn't fuck with that. But I can't found anything with these
When I first came here I didn't understand people abusing sources. The reason is very clear to me now. Putting DS aside, because it sounds like he doesn't need more demand and he isn't sourcing here anyway. As far as the rest of the shitbags that have come and gone on Meso...I just think about it from my own perspective and what I would do if I had supply and there was a huge demand here. If I had a good product I could care less if people were rude to me for a few months. Who the hell is that sensitive? You would put up with it, be respectful, & earn respect in return and make a fortune doing so. All the sources that get run off or leave has nothing to do with abusive behavior or people being rude. It has to do with Meso (and all those abusive rude people) holding them accountable with bloods, labmax, mass spec etc. They all just use the "Meso was disrespectful" as a cop out when their shit starts to fall apart. Sounds much better when you are trying to keep your business going because the truth starts getting out when you can talk about disrespect, Meso Sucks, And you left instead of the fact that your product blows. The only thing that bothers me the slightest bit now is that when sources are viciously attacked (which they usually deserve), it does give them a crutch to use when they explain what happened. But everyone has a different style and doesn't bother me much.

The problem is members here aren't exactly using objective based quality control measures. They use things like blood values and are basing it off some arbitrary multiplier. I have seen legit Watson values consistent with UGL's here and people pull the scammer alarm. We aren't sure if labmax is qualitative either.

I would agree 100% with CEO. It would behoove a source to post on this site. You are basically a guilty until proven innocent, which will NEVER happen here due to the level of sheer level of uninformed reviewers and the masses that buy into them.
Is there a link to the Watson from DS proving it is underdosed?
My fault. I have heard nothing about Watson only Alpha Pharma from them.

I posted a thread at EVO looking for blood values with their Watson. While everyone seems to be quiet fond of the product over there, nobody really knows much about it other than it comes in a vial with a Watson label.
So is the Watson legit? I've been keeping a eye on this thread but it started to get a lil off topic with it being recommended that DS represent himself here and the general challenging of CEO.

I would love to buy some once I hear some good feed back from a few WKM.
I see a post saying they (think) it's been proved underosed some where.... I would like a link if so.
As far as resellers go and representing them selves if Naps can survive (And I know CEO doesn't like naps from our Evo conversations about black Tren) then I would assume DS could easily hold his own if he so choose's.
So is the Watson legit? I've been keeping a eye on this thread but it started to get a lil off topic with it being recommended that DS represent himself here and the general challenging of CEO.

I would love to buy some once I hear some good feed back from a few WKM.
I see a post saying they (think) it's been proved underosed some where.... I would like a link if so.
As far as resellers go and representing them selves if Naps can survive (And I know CEO doesn't like naps from our Evo conversations about black Tren) then I would assume DS could easily hold his own if he so choose's.

It hasn't been proven anything yet brother. We're waiting on @insertnamehere to get bloods done and another member talked about sending some off for testing.
So far just the labeling looks like it's real all the way down to the numbers stamped underneath the blue caps. But as far as testing we are still waiting so stay tuned brother.
The problem is members here aren't exactly using objective based quality control measures. They use things like blood values and are basing it off some arbitrary multiplier. I have seen legit Watson values consistent with UGL's here and people pull the scammer alarm. We aren't sure if labmax is qualitative either.

I would agree 100% with CEO. It would behoove a source to post on this site. You are basically a guilty until proven innocent, which will NEVER happen here due to the level of sheer level of uninformed reviewers and the masses that buy into them.

Yea we have seen you post this form of BS before, now how about you FINALLY post some damn evidence Jacking Off No Nothing!

Many names that are posting here on this thread were apart of the thread above at EVO. *This link will not work until you replace the DOTorg with a period (.). * Interesting.

Was there any testing going on in that thread? I'm at work on a short break so I guess I will just have to read through it later. Was there anything in particular that's in it you are wanting us to see?
Was there any testing going on in that thread? I'm at work on a short break so I guess I will just have to read through it later. Was there anything in particular that's in it you are wanting us to see?

No testing BM. Just many of the newer names we are seeing posting here are on this thread are on the link I posted from EVO, starting last year. Just interesting. Nothing else.


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