I've made a huge mistake and I wanna get off steroids, please help


New Member
Hi I was wondering if anyone can help me come off steroids..

Background: Started training at 16 quickly realized I had great genetics for bodybuilding as I put on muscle extremely fast while always remaining very lean. By the age of 20 I had already built a to many very impressive physique but unfortunately I was involved in a car crash and was unable to train for almost 8 months. The constant pain and just feeling how my body was getting weaker and weaker put me into a deep depression, I lost my appetite, my confidence, my health and I went from a very lean and strong 185 pounds at 5.9 to 140 pounds and unable to lift my own bodyweight.

When I finally decided to stop feeling sorry about myself and start training again I felt so depressingly weak I went from 200kg deadlifts, 180kg squats, 120kg bench down to struggling with my bodyweight.

I was so impatient to get back in shape that I decided to buy steroids, I started a test only cycle at 500mg a week and I am now 6 weeks in. I haven't really had any bad side effects or anything but at the same time I’m still nowhere near as big and strong as I was before and being steroids just feels like cheating. I feel like if I did it once without em I dont need them now either.

Is it possible to just get off them or do I need to do some form of pct?
Is it possible to just get off them or do I need to do some form of pct?
Yes, you can stop now and your HPTA will likely recover completely within 6 months if not sooner even without PCT.

But if you want to expedite the process and make it easier, take the time to research PCT / ASIH treatment. Specifically, read everything from @Michael Scally MD on the topic. Also, read this interview with Dr. Scally and this thread to understand the issues involved and then follow up here with any further questions.
Yes, you can stop now and your HPTA will likely recover completely within 6 months if not sooner even without PCT.

But if you want to expedite the process and make it easier, take the time to research PCT / ASIH treatment. Specifically, read everything from @Michael Scally MD on the topic. Also, read this interview with Dr. Scally and this thread to understand the issues involved and then follow up here with any further questions.

Thank you! I read through the links and i def wanna do some pct. I do have nolva at home but I wonder if nolva alone is enough since they seem to recommend nolva, clomid hcg. I also have arimidex but idk if that helps at all o_o
Good for you bro! Nolva will do just follow the standard PCT and you'll be fine. Always try to stay natural and at your age, I highly recommend you stay off AAS until 25+.. Train and eat hard..you will grow!
Thanks for all the advice it makes me feel a lot better :>

Did some more reading and it seems like a lot of people think that hcg is also a must. Should i stay on test until i can get home some hcg or stop right now and just wait 2 weeks for the test to drop then start nolva?
Staying on longer is going to mean a longer recovery (in general). You haven't been on that long now, why risk further dampening your HPTA?
Should i stay on test until i can get home some hcg or stop right now and just wait 2 weeks for the test to drop then start nolva?


4-6 WEEKS AT 500MG/WK is like doubling a TRT dose is nothing compared to the AAS dosages that clearly benefit from PCT. Consequently don't despair bc your recovery should be relatively prompt bc of your young age (21) and the use of a moderately potent AAS (Test) at a relatively low dosage.

If you have Nolva USE IT but you need to WAIT AT LEAST 2 WEEKS after your last Test injection.

Finally unless your want to PROLONG your recovery the use of all androgens or their analogs must CEASE NOW!
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I would be optimal for you to obtain some simple lab tests such as TT and and LH level, IF your unsure about your current hormonal status.
I'd like to thank you guys for all your help I really appreciate it.

It's now been 14 days since my last injection but for some reason my sex drive is way up (higher than mid cycle) and I feel great. I feel like I must still have a lot of exogenous testosterone in my system, should I give it another week before starting nolva?