All the messages posted by mands are non-edited (except the sensitive info) and as they were sent.
1. Because the customs gave me the trouble regarding that, suggesting I should have it sent back even as I was there to pick it up.
2. Because I don't want excessive trouble with them. We are battling constantly as they don't like the very idea of my business. A situation when the wolf gets its share and the sheep stays whole seemed ideal to me.
3. We were not in a contact for a month after that, I was very busy then. The next message we had traded had been on 19 NOV, compared to 25th OCT. I had other things on mind and such it was.
4. I had a single spare #17 vial, not more. I don't stash HGH.
And regarding the bold text - that's what I assumed (that it would be trashed as non-deliverable), so I didn't give it a second thought. If I knew it was your address I'd warn you properly, as there could've been a chance, however tiny, that LE could give you trouble.
I talked about the trouble with the customs to a few people, I though I mentioned that to you as well, but I was wrong, that's what I meant. I used that example (without naming you) a few times, to elaborate, how the customs are giving me trouble and how they are finding out new ways to fuck with me. (Claims as importing for manufacture, when receiving 10 100mg raw powder samples etc have been common...).
Literally testing a sample now takes me less time that it would take me to fake the graphs.
Your question is very on point.