Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

Oh, give or take a couple hours. Who cares.

Anyway, yes, and I was banned for far longer for far less during a time when MesoRx was far more lenient in regard to such talk. Was I not?

It's a rhetorical question. I don't care about pursuing this debate further at a time like this.

I just honestly find it sad and hope people have a better thing to do on the holidays.
Don't know in real life but your persona on here has a serious character deficit. Can you just not help yourself? Clearly it is not a benefit to your financial goals here.

Get better.

Happy Holidays.
Anyway, yes, and I was banned for far longer for far less during a time when MesoRx was far more lenient in regard to such talk. Was I not?

If it's rhetorical, I'm not sure what point you are trying to make.

I just honestly find it sad and hope people have a better thing to do on the holidays.

Yes, it's sad - but it's been sad for weeks, it didn't just suddenly become sad today because it's Dec 23rd. It's not like you don't frequently put yourself at the center of it either... I don't think there would be 66 pages in this thread if you had more often chosen to take the high road, had some more tact and professionalism.
Yes, it's sad - but it's been sad for weeks, it didn't just suddenly become sad today because it's Dec 23rd. It's not like you don't frequently put yourself at the center of it either... I don't think there would be 66 pages in this thread if you had more often chosen to take the high road, had some more tact and professionalism.
Would you take the high road and show tact and professionalism should your workplace be plastered with, and now I'm paraphrasing the person you are defending: "No matter how many times I call Eman a pedophile it will never lessen the accuracy of the statement"?

Maybe having an analogy involving a family member of yours added.

In the end, it's just a colorful language, isn't it?
Would you take the high road and show tact and professionalism should your workplace be plastered with, and now I'm paraphrasing the person you are defending: "No matter how many times I call Eman a pedophile it will never lessen the accuracy of the statement"?

Maybe having an analogy involving a family member of yours added.

In the end, it's just a colorful language, isn't it?

To be fair, I'm not walking in your shoes and I don't think I can know how I'd respond unless I were.

That said, yes - with business matters, I'm a professional. My view is, the moment I've lost my temper and professionalism, the individual antagonizing me has won. Have I NEVER lost my temper? Of course not, I'm human and some people need a slap on the hand every so often.

But that is a tremendously rare occasion. Far more often than not, I take a very disciplined approach to conflict - they can yell, piss and moan all they want... it's my job to turn it around so I can make their money mine.

Anything other than that is either money or image or both lost, and I'm not about that.

You aren't helping yourself by engaging anyone in this thread. You know you aren't.
I never thought these MESO moderation principles would prove to be so controversial. Yet here we are...

(1) Alluding to the physical assault or sexual assault of a forum participant and/or his family members is prohibited in all contexts.

Anyone who violates this rule will be penalized with a temporary ban in most cases.

No one has argued that threats of physical or sexual violence should be permitted.

The argument is whether you have wrongly applied the rules in this particular case and unfairly penalized an innocent person.

The evidence presented has clearly shown that you did. The only questions remaining are whether you're going to own up to it and admit that you made a mistake, and what steps you're going to take to rectify it.

To reply to your wall of text:


Alluding to the physical assault or sexual assault of a forum participant and/or his family members is prohibited in all contexts.

Did this happen? Yes.

No, it did not happen.

Please do explain in detail the "I am face fucking your wife" analogy and how it could be perceived as a threat and as an analogy for me and everyone else who reads Brutus' words.

The onus to explain how it was a threat is yours, Millard. You're the only one making that claim, and so far the only evidence you've presented to support that assertion is your say so.
Would you take the high road and show tact and professionalism should your workplace be plastered with, and now I'm paraphrasing the person you are defending: "No matter how many times I call Eman a pedophile it will never lessen the accuracy of the statement"?
Hey hold on now. Where's my $500 consult fee? LOL

You would not want to sully your spotless rep by stiffing counsel.
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I brought this up on another forum and people told me to stfu newbie.
I said supposedly jano falsified some tests and is a fraud.
This isnt like the streets where you can just confront some one and figure shit out face to face.
it's hard to verify truth from lies on either end. But shit doesn't add up on janos story with customs and the pack being returned? And no matter how little or big of a lie that shit creates room for more suspicion.
I've done a lot of reading recently and keep finding old posts about this or that and it's mind boggling.

Forums talk down on other forums. People talk shit on other people and vendors vice versa. It's fucking sad.

I was going to send off samples to jano to lol.

Analiza Białek
Don't know if anyone has used any of those.
My 2 cents from a newbie
I brought this up on another forum and people told me to stfu newbie.
I said supposedly jano falsified some tests and is a fraud.
This isnt like the streets where you can just confront some one and figure shit out face to face.
it's hard to verify truth from lies on either end. But shit doesn't add up on janos story with customs and the pack being returned? And no matter how little or big of a lie that shit creates room for more suspicion.
I've done a lot of reading recently and keep finding old posts about this or that and it's mind boggling.

Forums talk down on other forums. People talk shit on other people and vendors vice versa. It's fucking sad.

I was going to send off samples to jano to lol.

Analiza Białek
Don't know if anyone has used any of those.
My 2 cents from a newbie
I have sent samples that I have made unlabeled on the drug and dose. It is what I mixed it

There are some things I started to question like quality of hgh(generic vs pharma) that goes past simple purity but it's not unique to jano. But it's going to be based off of feels which I hate to say.

I am assuming this goes far past basic "purity/dimer testing".

So even if a manufacturer has dimer, I feel it doesn't mean it's bad
The analogy, in less vulgar terms: someone walks into their house and catches their wife willfully having an affair, should they just assume it's the one and only time she cheated because it's the one and only time she was caught cheating? In parallel with: Jano was caught lying once, do we just take his word that it's the one and only time he lied because he was only caught the once?
That's it.. reconstructed in a sanitized version that removes anything potentially objectionable.

In the less sanitized version, it more like this:

Forum Member B (B) says to Forum Member T (B):

Someone T walks into their house and catches their wife willfully having an affair B performing an explicit sex act on the T's wife.

Does it make no difference to you when:

(1) instead of the non-specified "someone", the participants in the analogy are specified as specific forum members?


(2) instead of T's wife actively performing the action, it is B who is performing the action?


(3) instead of "affair", one or more explicit sex acts are described?


(4) instead of explicit consent i.e. "willfully having", the consent is only implied or assumed (because as you pointed out the analogy doesn't work otherwise)?

Or do none of these make it any more problematic?

Even if it were an analogy and he actually DID refer to sexually assaulting someone's wife, then I would wholeheartedly agree with you - I've never agreed that sexual assault comments should be allowed here, regardless of their context - but that is most definitely not what he said here.
This goes to the heart of the issue for me.

Obviously, I doubt many would condone threats of sexual assault or even sexual assault comments involving forum members and/or their families.

But what should community members accept when it comes to what can be said about the performing sex acts on them or their family members?

THREAT: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I am going to perform [one or more explicit sex acts] on your wife."

NON-THREAT but NON-CONSENSUAL: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I dreamed about performing [one or more explicit sex acts] on your wife."

NON-THREAT and CONSENSUAL: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I dreamed your wife asked me to perform [one or more explicit sex acts] on her."

The first example is obviously a threat and a described sexual assault

The second example is not a threat but still describes a sexual assault.

The third example is not a threat and not a sexual assault (if you accept that X can simply assert that Z's wife asked for it or consented in some way).

In all cases, X's comments involve him engaging in [one or more explicit sex acts] with another member's wife.

It's almost as if that was the entire point of the comment.

Should this still be allowed?
Accusing someone of being a pedophile is not against the rules here as far as I'm aware, in any context... even if it's an analogy.
Again, I want to asked what, if anything, would make it unacceptable to say this about forum members? What should be allowed? What should not be allowed?

(1) Saying a member is a pedophile?

(2) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with an unspecified child?

(3) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with a specified child?

(4) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with a specified child of that forum member?

What do you think? Do any of these cross the line for what should be allowed by the MESO community?
It is an important discussion to be made though, at least in regards to forum moderation, especially as it relates to the aforementioned topic of "nurturing" the right environment. Seeing as you are the sole moderator of the public domain which is meso, going over such an example and why it might have been the wrong (or right) decision, could be a good illustrating example. But maybe a separate thread, dedicate to just this discussion would be a better idea too.
Thanks. I truly appreciate your insight, expertise, and constructive criticism. Hopefully, we can resume discussion at a better time as you suggest. I wish you the best in your current situation.
Over the past fourteen years, my journey on this message board has been marked by numerous meaningful interactions with @Millard. Typically, a day’s wait would yield a thoughtful response to my messages. I've often been gratified to find that my ideas resonated, finding a receptive audience. There have also been times when the feedback I received prompted me to reconsider my views, which has been a valuable part of my personal growth. Through it all, our conversations have remained free from emotional upheaval, characterized instead by a respectful and gracious exchange of ideas.

When it comes to topics like bans or interpreting the board's rules, such matters warrant an in-depth conversation and should not be sidelined as tangential comments in this thread. I hold the community and this forum in high regard; they are significant to our self-expression. I extend my best wishes to everyone here, hoping they find ample opportunity to share and engage. Good luck to all.
Thank you! I truly appreciate the support you've showed and the conversations we've shared over the years especially for the difficulty in finding the right balance in forum moderation. I do my best.
That's it.. reconstructed in a sanitized version that removes anything potentially objectionable.

In the less sanitized version, it more like this:

Forum Member B (B) says to Forum Member T (B):

Someone T walks into their house and catches their wife willfully having an affair B performing an explicit sex act on the T's wife.

Does it make no difference to you when:

(1) instead of the non-specified "someone", the participants in the analogy are specified as specific forum members?


(2) instead of T's wife actively performing the action, it is B who is performing the action?


(3) instead of "affair", one or more explicit sex acts are described?


(4) instead of explicit consent i.e. "willfully having", the consent is only implied or assumed (because as you pointed out the analogy doesn't work otherwise)?

Or do none of these make it any more problematic?

This goes to the heart of the issue for me.

Obviously, I doubt many would condone threats of sexual assault or even sexual assault comments involving forum members and/or their families.

But what should community members accept when it comes to what can be said about the performing sex acts on them or their family members?

THREAT: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I am going to perform [one or more explicit sex acts] on your wife."

NON-THREAT but NON-CONSENSUAL: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I dreamed about performing [one or more explicit sex acts] on your wife."

NON-THREAT and CONSENSUAL: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I dreamed your wife asked me to perform [one or more explicit sex acts] on her."

The first example is obviously a threat and a described sexual assault

The second example is not a threat but still describes a sexual assault.

The third example is not a threat and not a sexual assault (if you accept that X can simply assert that Z's wife asked for it or consented in some way).

In all cases, X's comments involve him engaging in [one or more explicit sex acts] with another member's wife.

It's almost as if that was the entire point of the comment.

Should this still be allowed?

JFC, Millard. Your argument has devolved into the absurd. Attempting to establish consent in a dream? On a pseudonymous internet forum? I hope this nonsense is just you being intentionally obtuse and that you're not being serious, but it's becoming increasingly clear that you can't admit you were wrong. Either take the fucking L or let the ban stand and be done with it because this is just sad.
JFC, Millard. Your argument has devolved into the absurd. Attempting to establish consent in a dream? On a pseudonymous internet forum? I hope this nonsense is just you being intentionally obtuse and that you're not being serious, but it's becoming increasingly clear that you can't admit you were wrong. Either take the fucking L or let the ban stand and be done with it because this is just sad.
I don't mind conceding a loss if necessary. Unlike you, it's not all about winning.

It's about making the forum a better place for members who promote and seek harm reduction in all-things AAS-related.

If you want the win, you got it.
I don’t want to derail the thread but don’t want to make an entirely new post to ask the question, but seeing all these old members pop up makes me wonder what happened that character Dr. Jim.

Anyone know what happened to him? Dead was my assumption because I remember reading his crazy comments 10+ years ago and I think he was like 65-70 then. Not wishing for death here. Just assuming based on what I remember. I hardly ever agreed with anything he said but I did appreciate his sense of superiority over us peasants lol. Wonder if Type IIx is his son or younger brother haha.

Kidding on the last part.
Type IIx is alright.
Again, I want to asked what, if anything, would make it unacceptable to say this about forum members? What should be allowed? What should not be allowed?

(1) Saying a member is a pedophile?

(2) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with an unspecified child?

(3) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with a specified child?

(4) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with a specified child of that forum member?

What do you think? Do any of these cross the line for what should be allowed by the MESO community?
See above. Defamatory without evidence and no I don't want any of it on here for my 0.00001/0.0000001/0 of a vote.

Clear violation of the terms. I got canned from TNation for arguing with Mod and EM for not having nice things to say about FDA and war on AAS.

I don't think Millard is really asking too much when the rules are right there.

Merry Christmas.
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I brought this up on another forum and people told me to stfu newbie.
I said supposedly jano falsified some tests and is a fraud.
This isnt like the streets where you can just confront some one and figure shit out face to face.
it's hard to verify truth from lies on either end. But shit doesn't add up on janos story with customs and the pack being returned? And no matter how little or big of a lie that shit creates room for more suspicion.
I've done a lot of reading recently and keep finding old posts about this or that and it's mind boggling.

Forums talk down on other forums. People talk shit on other people and vendors vice versa. It's fucking sad.

I was going to send off samples to jano to lol.

Analiza Białek
Don't know if anyone has used any of those.
My 2 cents from a newbie
Merry Christmas and welcome.