Jano "The ultimate Con-man and Liar?" thread...You be the judge

I don’t want to derail the thread but don’t want to make an entirely new post to ask the question, but seeing all these old members pop up makes me wonder what happened that character Dr. Jim.

Anyone know what happened to him? Dead was my assumption because I remember reading his crazy comments 10+ years ago and I think he was like 65-70 then. Not wishing for death here. Just assuming based on what I remember. I hardly ever agreed with anything he said but I did appreciate his sense of superiority over us peasants lol. Wonder if Type IIx is his son or younger brother haha.

Kidding on the last part.
Type IIx is alright.
Dr Jim is alive and well. I saw a post from him within the last 30 days here. Not as active as he once was, but most of us aren't, including myself.
That's it.. reconstructed in a sanitized version that removes anything potentially objectionable.

In the less sanitized version, it more like this:

Forum Member B (B) says to Forum Member T (B):

Someone T walks into their house and catches their wife willfully having an affair B performing an explicit sex act on the T's wife.

Does it make no difference to you when:

(1) instead of the non-specified "someone", the participants in the analogy are specified as specific forum members?


(2) instead of T's wife actively performing the action, it is B who is performing the action?


(3) instead of "affair", one or more explicit sex acts are described?


(4) instead of explicit consent i.e. "willfully having", the consent is only implied or assumed (because as you pointed out the analogy doesn't work otherwise)?

Or do none of these make it any more problematic?

This goes to the heart of the issue for me.

Obviously, I doubt many would condone threats of sexual assault or even sexual assault comments involving forum members and/or their families.

But what should community members accept when it comes to what can be said about the performing sex acts on them or their family members?

THREAT: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I am going to perform [one or more explicit sex acts] on your wife."

NON-THREAT but NON-CONSENSUAL: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I dreamed about performing [one or more explicit sex acts] on your wife."

NON-THREAT and CONSENSUAL: Forum Member X tells Forum Member Z: "I dreamed your wife asked me to perform [one or more explicit sex acts] on her."

The first example is obviously a threat and a described sexual assault

The second example is not a threat but still describes a sexual assault.

The third example is not a threat and not a sexual assault (if you accept that X can simply assert that Z's wife asked for it or consented in some way).

In all cases, X's comments involve him engaging in [one or more explicit sex acts] with another member's wife.

It's almost as if that was the entire point of the comment.

Should this still be allowed?

Just delete this thread. Cat is suckin dicks in jail..

Millard, Can we get a ban on this guy too?

I was downvoted to hell and labeled a witch for suggesting cat cafe ospec wasn’t good if they got busted….

But this comment which everyone saw got no downvotes or any scrutiny….

Unless these are the comments that are allowed now a days… I’ll be sure to mention to everyone on here that you all suck dick at night instead of drinking your protein shakes….

Those seem to be the comments that are accepted now a days… as opposed to suggesting obvious things, not related to sexual stuff….

Just my thoughts.

Not agreeing or disagreeing with the sexual pedo talk you guys are debating over….I’m not getting involved with that..

I’d just like a real clarification on who’s allowed to say what here and who isn’t ….

Millard, Can we get a ban on this guy too?

I was downvoted to hell and labeled a witch for suggesting cat cafe ospec wasn’t good if they got busted….

But this comment which everyone saw got no downvotes or any scrutiny….

Unless these are the comments that are allowed now a days… I’ll be sure to mention to everyone on here that you all suck dick at night instead of drinking your protein shakes….

Those seem to be the comments that are accepted now a days… as opposed to suggesting obvious things, not related to sexual stuff….

Just my thoughts.

Not agreeing or disagreeing with the sexual pedo talk you guys are debating over….I’m not getting involved with that..

I’d just like a real clarification on who’s allowed to say what here and who isn’t ….

Millard has mentioned before he can’t police the entire forum. It’s up to other members to report threats, uncoded links to steroid websites, personal info etc. by hitting the report person. From there Millard will handle it how he sees fit.
Millard, Can we get a ban on this guy too?

I was downvoted to hell and labeled a witch for suggesting cat cafe ospec wasn’t good if they got busted….

But this comment which everyone saw got no downvotes or any scrutiny….

Unless these are the comments that are allowed now a days… I’ll be sure to mention to everyone on here that you all suck dick at night instead of drinking your protein shakes….

Those seem to be the comments that are accepted now a days… as opposed to suggesting obvious things, not related to sexual stuff….

Just my thoughts.

Not agreeing or disagreeing with the sexual pedo talk you guys are debating over….I’m not getting involved with that..

I’d just like a real clarification on who’s allowed to say what here and who isn’t ….


From the Terms page. ..

You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws. You are entirely responsible for the content of, and any harm resulting from, that Content or your conduct.

Your example may be a compliment to some members (I don't know). I'd suggest we avoid adult legal lifestyle choices. The pedo and defamation stuff should be universally banned of course.

In the end it is Millard's call and he seems to give a wide berth. Quite different than other sites.

Other rules (not sure if they are stickied anywhere):

There was confusion on another thread regarding posting hyperlinks vs encoded source links.
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Okay so I guess that makes sense now. So no one better report me for saying all you losers suck dick instead of drinking protein shakes comment…

It was just a reference towards the serious one that was directed at a source here….that no one cared to do anything about… if I wake up with a ban for using that reference you will all know this site is a comical shit show…

Everyone enjoy your Christmas Dinner…God bless…Let 2024 be your best year yet ….

Okay so I guess that makes sense now. So no one better report me for saying all you losers suck dick instead of drinking protein shakes comment…

It was just a reference towards the serious one that was directed at a source here….that no one cared to do anything about… if I wake up with a ban for using that reference you will all know this site is a comical shit show…

Everyone enjoy your Christmas Dinner…God bless…Let 2024 be your best year yet ….

Who would report you for that?

But who knows? I've been asked if I am trying to get banned by posting amazing stuff lol!

Enjoy your day!
Okay so I guess that makes sense now. So no one better report me for saying all you losers suck dick instead of drinking protein shakes comment…

It was just a reference towards the serious one that was directed at a source here….that no one cared to do anything about… if I wake up with a ban for using that reference you will all know this site is a comical shit show…

Everyone enjoy your Christmas Dinner…God bless…Let 2024 be your best year yet ….

And you thought your hell week was bad....

The truth is out there. ;)

Liska was mean to me Millard. He hurt my feelings. Me sad.

Hope you all have a great day.
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And you thought your hell week was bad....

The truth is out there. ;)

I’m going to have to go read that now and see how bad you got destroyed…

Plus I don’t mind being labeled as the witch anymore… they keep forgetting I can grab my broomstick from my garage and fly over to their house and cast “skinny” spells on them …

Another joyous message from our sentimental analytical chemist extraordinare just in time for Christmas. It is amazing how many comments I get about trying to get banned/behavior that must be trying to get a ban. Must not like the message.

Maybe, just maybe, if you possessed the brain capacity to compare the stated margin of error between Bialek ( eg 0.065% ) vs. me (eg. 5%), you'd realize the point of my question as did everyone but you, you drooling ban evading fuckwad.

Hmm, did not know I was short on brain capacity. Thanks for letting me know.

Janoshik was mean to me, wah, wah!
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Or do none of these make it any more problematic?

Yes, I do feel that they are more problematic as far as the words being more offensive. I don't agree with how the remarks were made, I think they were in bad taste... but I also think Brutus was trying to do what he feels is right for Meso. I disagree when you say his words had no harm reduction value - they do, and they have.

However, that wasn't the question that was being posed... the question as: Was it describing sexual assault and therefore a banning offense? It was not.

If the question is: was it a deliberately offensive analogy? Then yes, it was.

That's it.. reconstructed in a sanitized version that removes anything potentially objectionable.

Please note, I deliberately went over the top sanitizing those words... I didn't want to be banned myself - I've seen people reply to posts with banned content in them, an honest mistake, and be banned for it.

But what should community members accept when it comes to what can be said about the performing sex acts on them or their family members?

With respect, this is a good question for a separate thread... unless I'm mistaken, you're asking how should existing rules be rewritten, updated and/or clarified?

I don't like those comments or condone them - but the slope gets awfully slippery when you try to start moderating and/censoring them.

Again, I want to asked what, if anything, would make it unacceptable to say this about forum members? What should be allowed? What should not be allowed?

(1) Saying a member is a pedophile?

(2) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with an unspecified child?

(3) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with a specified child?

(4) Saying a member is a pedophile who performs a sex act with a specified child of that forum member?

What do you think? Do any of these cross the line for what should be allowed by the MESO community?

The pedophile analogy was particularly distasteful. Although, again, moderating this is likely to prove a slippery slope. In the context of an analogy, I don't think points 1-4 apply. He was not actually calling him a pedophile, he was calling him a scammer. Maybe I'm splitting hairs.

There was a pretty unfortunate thread on this forum that was started a number of years ago with unsubstantiated but serious accusations against a member - I do not want to dredge up specific details on this thread and bring it back to light but, there would have been a truly absurd quantity of people banned back then if we were holding them up to these standards (1-4).

However, I think the board did a pretty good job of eventually moderating itself when this all went down. It took some of the established members of the forum to speak up on the accused members behalf for it to move towards resolution... Brutus was one of those people if I'm not mistaken, CBS was too.

I have consistently and vocally defended your administrative practices/decisions for years. Even when I did not necessarily agree with them, because I know it's fucking impossible to please everyone... nor is it fun to be the one that has to be the bad guy and enforce the rules. I have voiced my admiration many times for your disciplined use of the banning tool - although I've found myself surprised by some of the infractions I've seen.

I disagree with Brutus' ban. It needed to be said, and it has. Meso is an important place and I would be remiss not to speak up when I think a mistake was made.
Please note, I deliberately went over the top sanitizing those words... I didn't want to be banned myself - I've seen people reply to posts with banned content in them, an honest mistake, and be banned for it.

Therein lies the problem: Unless someone is seeking specific information, most people are just here for fun - camaraderie, entertainment, banter, relaxation, or just to blow some steam off. When people have to start analyzing every single word they say out of fear that someone might perceive it as a threat that could just get them banned, they just won't bother posting. That'll certainly have the effect of cleaning up Meso but it'll be a barren, boring, sterile version of Meso that won't survive long.

I don't like those comments or condone them - but the slope gets awfully slippery when you try to start moderating and/censoring them.

Agreed, and that slope has been getting mighty steep lately. Giving in to censorship is too easy. It's seductive because it feels good and right.

I don't mind those kinds of comments. I'd never use them myself, but only because I don't have Ben's or Brutus' creative writing skills. Those two can paint the most vivid pictures with words. It really is poetry. The rape threats of the past were hilariously funny and when Ben would get on about some scammer being on the receiving end of an adrenaline fueled erection, I laughed til I had tears in my eyes. I still laugh whenever I think about some of those posts.

But no one ever took those threats seriously. It's the internet and everyone here is anonymous so it's not like anyone was in danger of actually getting raped. I've received more death threats on Meso than I can even remember, and I'm sure you have too. I know Ben and Brutus have. Hell, Paul threatened to rape me. I just laughed because I knew I'd pushed his buttons and pissed him off, which was my goal. If you can't have a little fun, there's no point being here.

There was a pretty unfortunate thread on this forum that was started a number of years ago with unsubstantiated but serious accusations against a member - I do not want to dredge up specific details on this thread and bring it back to light but, there would have been a truly absurd quantity of people banned back then if we were holding them up to these standards (1-4).

However, I think the board did a pretty good job of eventually moderating itself when this all went down. It took some of the established members of the forum to speak up on the accused members behalf for it to move towards resolution... Brutus was one of those people if I'm not mistaken, CBS was too.

I don't recall that thread but Meso members were always capable of self-policing and Millard rarely got involved. I'm not sure what prompted the change in moderation but I suspect Millard is starting to think about his legacy in the "AAS world", which is great, but he needs to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

I have consistently and vocally defended your administrative practices/decisions for years. Even when I did not necessarily agree with them, because I know it's fucking impossible to please everyone... nor is it fun to be the one that has to be the bad guy and enforce the rules. I have voiced my admiration many times for your disciplined use of the banning tool - although I've found myself surprised by some of the infractions I've seen.

As have I. I like Millard (although I'm sure he's pissed at me right now :D) but I don't like the direction the forum has been moving over the last couple of years. Meso was about as perfect a forum you could possibly create. I hope it gets back to what made it great because the current version sure ain't that.

BTW, it's nice to see you, Eman. I looked for you a few months ago but you hadn't been active for a while. Hope all is well with you.
Therein lies the problem: Unless someone is seeking specific information, most people are just here for fun - camaraderie, entertainment, banter, relaxation, or just to blow some steam off. When people have to start analyzing every single word they say out of fear that someone might perceive it as a threat that could just get them banned, they just won't bother posting. That'll certainly have the effect of cleaning up Meso but it'll be a barren, boring, sterile version of Meso that won't survive long.

Agreed, and that slope has been getting mighty steep lately. Giving in to censorship is too easy. It's seductive because it feels good and right.

I don't mind those kinds of comments. I'd never use them myself, but only because I don't have Ben's or Brutus' creative writing skills. Those two can paint the most vivid pictures with words. It really is poetry. The rape threats of the past were hilariously funny and when Ben would get on about some scammer being on the receiving end of an adrenaline fueled erection, I laughed til I had tears in my eyes. I still laugh whenever I think about some of those posts.

But no one ever took those threats seriously. It's the internet and everyone here is anonymous so it's not like anyone was in danger of actually getting raped. I've received more death threats on Meso than I can even remember, and I'm sure you have too. I know Ben and Brutus have. Hell, Paul threatened to rape me. I just laughed because I knew I'd pushed his buttons and pissed him off, which was my goal. If you can't have a little fun, there's no point being here.

I don't recall that thread but Meso members were always capable of self-policing and Millard rarely got involved. I'm not sure what prompted the change in moderation but I suspect Millard is starting to think about his legacy in the "AAS world", which is great, but he needs to be careful not to throw the baby out with the bath water.

As have I. I like Millard (although I'm sure he's pissed at me right now :D) but I don't like the direction the forum has been moving over the last couple of years. Meso was about as perfect a forum you could possibly create. I hope it gets back to what made it great because the current version sure ain't that.

BTW, it's nice to see you, Eman. I looked for you a few months ago but you hadn't been active for a while. Hope all is well with you.
Good to see you still around as well. I know that the changes here have been pretty hard to take but better without all the endless battles with trolls and all that.
BTW, it's nice to see you, Eman. I looked for you a few months ago but you hadn't been active for a while. Hope all is well with you.

Same to you, CBS. The past year or so has been painfully hectic for me and I've found myself popping in on Meso a lot less than I used to... going to hang around a while, there is still a unique energy here that I was missing.
Same to you, CBS. The past year or so has been painfully hectic for me and I've found myself popping in on Meso a lot less than I used to... going to hang around a while, there is still a unique energy here that I was missing.
Good to see you still around as well. Hope you enjoying your Xmas day!
However, that wasn't the question that was being posed... the question as: Was it describing sexual assault and therefore a banning offense? It was not.

If the question is: was it a deliberately offensive analogy? Then yes, it was.
My questions to you were about the broader moderation approach.

I am not asking you what type of content should be permitted/not permitted. Where is the line for you?
With respect, this is a good question for a separate thread... unless I'm mistaken, you're asking how should existing rules be rewritten, updated and/or clarified?

I don't like those comments or condone them - but the slope gets awfully slippery when you try to start moderating and/censoring them.
Yes, these are exactly my questions.

Some smart people made some convincing arguments that the rationale for Brutus' ban may not have been supported by my initial stated reasons.

But again, I am not asking you about this specific instance.

I am asking how to remedy any communications issues with clearer guidance as a broader moderation principle.

Most seem to find it easy to defend a popular/well-liked member's speech against an unpopular/disliked member.

OTOH, it is quite different when they are asked to defend an unpopular/disliked member's speech against a popular/well-liked member.

My job as a moderator is to approach both with impartiality.

So the real question is what should be acceptable/unacceptable when the popular/well-liked are targeted by the unpopular/disliked?
As have I. I like Millard (although I'm sure he's pissed at me right now :D) but I don't like the direction the forum has been moving over the last couple of years. Meso was about as perfect a forum you could possibly create. I hope it gets back to what made it great because the current version sure ain't that.
I don't really think I have any reason to be pissed with you, do you?

You've been on this journey with with me for years. From what I know of you, your strongly support my shared goal of providing a forum where members can criticize and hold sources accountable.

There are real and serious threats to achieving this objective. You are most definitely not one of them.

We may disagree with the best way to do this. We may disagree on what else the forum should be. But I think we have some common ground here.
My questions to you were about the broader moderation approach.

I am not asking you what type of content should be permitted/not permitted. Where is the line for you?

Yes, these are exactly my questions.

Some smart people made some convincing arguments that the rationale for Brutus' ban may not have been supported by my initial stated reasons.

But again, I am not asking you about this specific instance.

I am asking how to remedy any communications issues with clearer guidance as a broader moderation principle.

Most seem to find it easy to defend a popular/well-liked member's speech against an unpopular/disliked member.

OTOH, it is quite different when they are asked to defend an unpopular/disliked member's speech against a popular/well-liked member.

My job as a moderator is to approach both with impartiality.

So the real question is what should be acceptable/unacceptable when the popular/well-liked are targeted by the unpopular/disliked?
Personally, I'd rather have too much freedom than not enough and at least in the old days, I think most of the members would agree with that sentiment.

Unfortunately, now days, I'm not so sure that my opinion is supported by the majority of members here.
Personally, I'd rather have too much freedom than not enough and at least in the old days, I think most of the members would agree with that sentiment.

Unfortunately, now days, I'm not so sure that my opinion is supported by the majority of members here.
I think Millard is trying to strike a good balance in order for a good experience for all members, so good feedback is a great thing. Meso still be for harm reduction no doubt.