Janoshik Interview

UGL tabs should be reserved as a last resort, for compounds you can't get a script for and are unavailable from India/Turkish pharma. Basically AAS.

Blows my mind anyone would even buy UGL dick pills or AIs when pharma grade is so readily available, often at even lower prices.
Good video. Glad to have him here. Who else remembers when San Rafael labs was the go to. Even US based but then the DEA put and end to that. That was a long time ago.
Ah the good old days of the Noughties! Back then it cost about £40 per test with SRCS & that included the price of postage.

Back then there was a semi-private UK forum (Anabolic Results) where members would chip in £5 each & get a load of stuff tested. Unfortunately that died when the forum owner posted results showing Axio was dog shite & the infamous Brian Weinstein(sp) sent some of his UK associates round to his house to threaten him & his family if he didn’t shut up about it on forums - not sure this would likely happen nowadays as the growth of the internet would mean it’d be like shutting the stable door after the horse had bolted.

Anyway, my rambling reminiscing serves to highlight how fortunate we are nowadays to have both the likes of Jano to test & Meso as an uncensored & impartial platform for testing to be posted.

Thumbs up for both @Millard & @janoshik from me.