Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Jet Labs

Subscriber Supporter

Hi there everyone. I'd like to introduce to you my creation, Jet Labs.

For those who are not familiar with me I have many years of brewing experience under my belt and for those who do know me I'd hope you'd say I'm a helpful, stand up member here at Meso. That being said I'll get right to it with all the important stuff :)

$150 minimum order. Orders over $500 receive free shipping, orders $1000 and over receive free shipping plus a Jet Labs mug.

Product list:


Test-enen 250mg/ml, $40
Test-prop 100mg/ml, $35
Test-phenylprop 100mg/ml, $35
Test-susp 100mg/ml, $45
Bold-cyp 200mg/ml, $45
Nandrolone deca 300mg/ml, $45(SALE $40)
Tren-susp 50mg/ml, $45
Tren-ace 100mg/ml, $45


Dbol 20mg/cap, $40
Sdrol 10mg/cap, $40
Stanolone 20mg/cap, $40
Tbol 20mg/cap, $40


I use a paid for VPN service along with TOR on a new computer used only for meso and emails.


All glassware and tools before use are first washed then rinsed and then sterilized via pressure cooker at 15psi for 30 minutes then baked at 500f for 4 hours.

The vials and stoppers I use are purchased pre washed/pre sterilized via gamma irradiation and filling of vials is done inside a flow hood utilizing a 2.5 micron hepa filter.

Brewing process:

Carrier oil is MCT and capsule filler is a combination of micronized creatine and beet root powder.

My products are double filtered to assure the utmost sterility and quality. First pass is done via .45um bottle top filter and then the product is run through a .2um polycap filter via peristaltic pump. All brewing/filling/cappin/packaging is done in a thoroughly maintained clean room. All tubing used is purchased sterile and tossed after each use. Vials are filled via bottle top dispenser and the unit is cleaned/sterilized before filling of each compound begins.


$25 flat rate anywhere In Canada. All orders will ship within 24 hours If not same day via ExpressPost. Tracking will be provided.


Bitcoin is the only payment method currently accepted.

Mission Statement:

My goal is to provide the best service and best products at a very affordable price. Moving forward I will be reinvesting into equipment such as automated labelling, automated capping and digital dispensers etc.

Product Testing:

Every single product I sell will be backed by HPLC reports and for customers who wish to send my products for testing I will reimburse them 100% for cost of the test plus they will receive $100 in store credit as well, but I will only cover one item per product per month of same LOT number. Every new batch of items will have raw purity testing and product quality testing and will be posted up for all to see.

Products coming soon:

Anavar 20mg and 50/mg
Anadrol 50mg
Nolvadex 20mg
Aromasin 12.5mg
Tren-E 200mg/ml
Primo-E 150mg/ml
Mk-677 20mg
Npp 100mg/ml
Winstrol 50mg
Bold-U 300mg/ml

Blends coming soon:

Test-ace/Tren-ace 200mg/ml
Test-susp/Tren-susp 150mg/ml
Tren-ace/Tren-E 250mg/ml


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Didn't someone foresee this happening with you about a month ago? i dunno, i'd have to go look. Anyway...

You can't do any worse than that jackass that posted all the tranny pics in his source thread. You know how to play ball. Your member status is kaput, stay in your thread, blah, blah, blah, and of course, good luck.
Didn't someone foresee this happening with you about a month ago? i dunno, i'd have to go look. Anyway...

You can't do any worse than that jackass that posted all the tranny pics in his source thread. You know how to play ball. Your member status is kaput, stay in your thread, blah, blah, blah, and of course, good luck.

Would helping guys out in homebrew section and posting in men's health forum still be ok or am I only to post here for now on?

And thanks brother ;)
Damn I missed the first.

But definitely one of the more well laid out and straight to the point intros I've seen. Labels and packaging look pretty good too. The mugs are a nice touch, love me some gear paraphernalia!

Probably goes without saying but all of the testing is for the current batche(s) already made and ready for sale?
The vials and stoppers I use are purchased pre washed/pre sterilized via gamma irradiation and filling of vials is done inside a flow hood utilizing a 2.5 micron hepa filter.
You were happy to show a lot of pictures of inventory and such, did you not feel comfortable showing your flow hood?

Also someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think AS capsule filters are appropriate for oils.

Have you consulted with Jano regarding what the 32% impurity may be on the Tren Base that you brewed before testing?
Cool stuff man, good luck with sales here. I’ll be buying suspension from you as needed, and I can say the suspension I’ve purchased in the past has been great!
Damn I missed the first.

But definitely one of the more well laid out and straight to the point intros I've seen. Labels and packaging look pretty good too. The mugs are a nice touch, love me some gear paraphernalia!

Probably goes without saying but all of the testing is for the current batche(s) already made and ready for sale?

Thank you and yes sir all testing posted is for current products.
You were happy to show a lot of pictures of inventory and such, did you not feel comfortable showing your flow hood?

Also someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think AS capsule filters are appropriate for oils.

Have you consulted with Jano regarding what the 32% impurity may be on the Tren Base that you brewed before testing?

Capsule filters work fine with oils and deca/tren base always aeem to test on the low end.
I'm just waking up bro, what did I miss? I'm more than happy to answer all questions.
You were happy to show a lot of pictures of inventory and such, did you not feel comfortable showing your flow hood?

Unresponded to

Also someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think AS capsule filters are appropriate for oils.

The question is whether AS (aqueous solution) filters are appropriate for oil or if you should have been using a different type of capsule filter

Have you consulted with Jano regarding what the 32% impurity may be on the Tren Base that you brewed before testing?

The question wasn't as to the state of impure deca or tren base raws (@Connor 25257 can chime in on that), the question is as to whether you had an idea of what the 32% impurity on the Tren Base is, and whether anyone should have any concerns regarding it. For example do you know whether its failed catalysts or a byproduct that should have been washed off
You were happy to show a lot of pictures of inventory and such, did you not feel comfortable showing your flow hood?

Unresponded to

Also someone can correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think AS capsule filters are appropriate for oils.

The question is whether AS (aqueous solution) filters are appropriate for oil or if you should have been using a different type of capsule filter

Have you consulted with Jano regarding what the 32% impurity may be on the Tren Base that you brewed before testing?

The question wasn't as to the state of impure deca or tren base raws (@Connor 25257 can chime in on that), the question is as to whether you had an idea of what the 32% impurity on the Tren Base is, and whether anyone should have any concerns regarding it. For example do you know whether its failed catalysts or a byproduct that should have been washed off

I'll post up a picture of my flow hood later today sure thing.

The polycap filters I use are fine for oils especially considering I only push 5 litres through per unit. My oils are crystal clear and without contaminants.

I have not consulted with Jano regarding the purity of tren-base/deca aside from asking if these compounds normally test lower and I was told they normally do. This is a good question for him no doubt. Perhaps oxidation plays a part as tren base raws change color very quickly when exposed to air.
Honestly this is a very professional intro, theres alot more information on hear then most, and a hell of alot of testing. Love the authentic lab logo very canadian.

You've been a great member and contributer to meso, you've also stuck with meso, meso is your home, i think guys will appreciate that, and that your bringing another Canadian lab option to the table.

Of course its meso, and you'll get your lashes over some things , that much is expected , but honestly we all no your a solid guy with a ton of experience, and far as your presentation, i think you have put together a very good product with alot of fresh testing which is great to see !

Also looks like your well prepared, and have plenty of stock, look forward to trying some of your products shortly.

Welcome to Meso!!