Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

I know I wasn't tagged here but I've injected test supreme 500mg from another lab that used EO and it it was sore for a week. Not sure if it was the EO or the high concentration of test.

It was probably made using that pippy test-e.
Look at alll this cock stroking, and guys thinking dark tren is good. lol It means dummy Jets doesn't know how to cook you retards. Bwhahahah Yeah "Premium gear" lmao what a joke
Look at alll this cock stroking, and guys thinking dark tren is good. lol It means dummy Jets doesn't know how to cook you retards. Bwhahahah Yeah "Premium gear" lmao what a joke

This kid needs to be put down
I didn’t say it was good went it’s brown, I said it’s visually pleasing. Do you even train/ run gear ? What are u running currently. Fucking nerd
Whats your view that some claim

Guaiacol is toxic, and side effects include:
  • difficulty sleeping.
  • headache.
  • an increase in the thickness of lung secretions.
  • drowsiness.
  • dizziness.
I wouldn't want to use it or EO.

Im not a scientific person when it comes to all this brewing , but the actual effects of these 2 products are unknown, when it comes down to the immune system, the nervous system, and the long term use of products using this shit especially the inflammation in the body that may build up from long term use of this crap , i won't go out there and purchase gear with this in it. I want no part.

Some will say oh yeh its fine, no big deal been doin it for years, im just not intrested, if it has to be used to make a product, thats fine ill skip that product.
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