Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Just ended my blast early after 12wk since my cycle wasn't helping retain as much muscle as intended while in an extreme deficit. Back down to my TRT @ 150mg/wk plus going to add in 100mg Mast E/wk to try and keep this mental health upswing that's been going on since I started my blast a few months ago.

Made it up to 700mg Tren A/wk of Jet's and had zero issues with emotionality, sweating at night or even really in the gym, aggression, sexual compulsion, insomnia. My third time with this compound and it's the first time I was calm as fuck the whole 12 weeks. I love the MCT carrier in Jet's products and have been a happy customer for months now. I really hope he sticks around for the long haul and enjoys some organic growth that's not overwhelming.
Just ended my blast early after 12wk since my cycle wasn't helping retain as much muscle as intended while in an extreme deficit. Back down to my TRT @ 150mg/wk plus going to add in 100mg Mast E/wk to try and keep this mental health upswing that's been going on since I started my blast a few months ago.

Made it up to 700mg Tren A/wk of Jet's and had zero issues with emotionality, sweating at night or even really in the gym, aggression, sexual compulsion, insomnia. My third time with this compound and it's the first time I was calm as fuck the whole 12 weeks. I love the MCT carrier in Jet's products and have been a happy customer for months now. I really hope he sticks around for the long haul and enjoys some organic growth that's not overwhelming.
You were calm as fuck and 0 sides at 700mg of tren ace….
You were calm as fuck and 0 sides at 700mg of tren ace….

The typical tren sides are not always a constant just like not everyone gets numb fingers/cts from hgh especially if running tren-ace for longer periods of time or larger doses, but funny enough kinda the opposite when running tren-e I've found as the build up in the system is greater.
Don't get me wrong I still had standards lol. Fat was ok and ugly was ok, but fat and ugly was no bueno........unless booze was involved and in that case there were no rules ha ha :oops:;)

I don't drink, so I can't use beer goggles as an excuse. So when I fuck a solid 5, I wake up the next day and look at myself in the mirror and think, "Dude, what have you done". I got no fucking excuse.
I don't drink, so I can't use beer goggles as an excuse. So when I fuck a solid 5, I wake up the next day and look at myself in the mirror and think, "Dude, what have you done". I got no fucking excuse.

I don't drink anymore myself and ain't nothing wrong with a solid 5 lol ;)
I don't drink, so I can't use beer goggles as an excuse. So when I fuck a solid 5, I wake up the next day and look at myself in the mirror and think, "Dude, what have you done". I got no fucking excuse.
Oh god I met a chick at a bar once had to fight a dude for her. Went to her place did the deed, I cleaned up and left. Called her the following weekend to hooknup again. She answered her door and I didnt recognize her, she was bad lol...took her for some fries, took her home said see ya and never seen her again Damn beer goggles.
Oh god I met a chick at a bar once had to fight a dude for her. Went to her place did the deed, I cleaned up and left. Called her the following weekend to hooknup again. She answered her door and I didnt recognize her, she was bad lol...took her for some fries, took her home said see ya and never seen her again Damn beer goggles.

You should have stopped to grab some booze then hit that again ha ha ha ;)
The typical tren sides are not always a constant just like not everyone gets numb fingers/cts from hgh especially if running tren-ace for longer periods of time or larger doses, but funny enough kinda the opposite when running tren-e I've found as the build up in the system is greater.
Yeah when I was younger I only ran ace and it wasn't nearly as bad as tren e for me but I also never ran 800 tren ace lol
Just want to leave a review on jets Primo 200. I've been using it for about 2 months on a low dose on my sports cruise. Mood affects are amazing, muscles definitely feel harder. No pip at all. Definitely recommend.