Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

I always preferred high mg straight tests, was never a fan of mixed estered stuff, not a huge deal either way haha was just a thought

I already have lower mg test-c, test-e and a t-500 blend so I don't really see the point of offering a straight test 400.
Moreso that you can take my compliment as objectively genuine. I care more about a dog I have never met more than half the people I know/interact with on a daily basis

But take it whatever way you want
I'm the same way, but I'm also the guy at the party hanging with the dog lol
Made another order yesterday evening and just got the package. Fast as fuck. Gonna add in some anavar to finish off my test and NPP I’ve been running for a while
I always preferred high mg straight tests, was never a fan of mixed estered stuff, not a huge deal either way haha was just a thought

Cyp and Enanthate are pretty much the same thing, it’s not some wacko sustanon style blend. I use his t500 regularly and it’s nice and smooth stuff. No pip at all. I’ll prob never go back to lower mg test it’s just too much oil when running other anabolics with it
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Cyp and Enanthate are pretty much the same thing, it’s not some wacko sustanon style blend. I use his t500 regularly and it’s nice and smooth stuff. No pip at all.
Oh it's just e and c, that changes things then I assumed it was more like a sustanon blend, which I have never been a huge fan of
Ordered last night and magically got ur pack today. Lmfao
Atleast make ur bullshit believable u shill fuck !!!!!! :rolleyes:

@Jet Labs ur business must be boomin if u gotta rely on these embarrassing posts!

Lmao, fuckin loser has never heard of the mail before. It’s not magic bro. Now u think the mail man is a shill too ? Get off the street drugs brother.

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