Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

added in jets anavar in a couple weeks ago just @ 40mg to finish off this NPP run. It’s doing what anavar should . Lol as I would hope seeing as the tests are up and it’s anavar :p
Currently out of town dealing with loss of family member so new orders won't ship till Wednesday. Best wishes to everyone.
Sorry for your loss brother. Best wishes and my condolences. I emailed you before I checked the forum. just disregard it untill you're ready.
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Hey fellas, the next 10 orders of $250 or more will receive 1x test-e, 1x tbol and 1x viagra free.

Thank you and hope everyone is doing well :)
Hello everyone.

I'm currently out of town again for a few days, but when I get back I'll be offering special order tab blends or higher mg tabs.

If you want 50mg anavar tabs or a mixture of anavar/winstrol or metribolone/sdrol or tbol/proviron or any other blend you wish I can produce for you and ship labeled.

Thank you :)
Well I’m just about finished my nandrolone, test and dbol cycle using jets products and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. Tapered the deca from 450 up to ~800 at the highest. Dropped the Dbol about halfway through and then finished hard with some anavar to get a nice shred going and lowered calories a bit. Also used Adex cialis and viagra in between and it all Worked perfect. I’ll def be using jet again for my next run and am very happy with how everything went. I love nandrolone so much man whether it’s NPP or deca i always stay fairly lean on it and don’t blow up with water like some ppl report. My body responds so well to it
Now the fun part of designing the next one
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Well I’m just about finished my nandrolone, test and dbol cycle using jets products and I couldn’t be happier with how it turned out. Tapered the deca from 450 up to ~800 at the highest. Dropped the Dbol about halfway through and then finished hard with some anavar to get a nice shred going and lowered calories a bit. Also used Adex cialis and viagra in between and it all Worked perfect. I’ll def be using jet again for my next run and am very happy with how everything went. I love nandrolone so much man whether it’s NPP or deca i always stay fairly lean on it and don’t blow up with water like some ppl report. My body responds so well to it
Now the fun part of designing the next one
Yawn.... Thanks for this useless shill review.
Hello everyone,

Curious who's interested in low pip primo-e 250mg/ml and in 5ml vials? Also 400mg/ml EQ will be available within a few weeks and will be 200 cyp ester/200 undecylenate ester.

100mg/ml dhb will be available soon as well and a bunch of fresh hplc reports will accompany.

I'll also be starting up a loyalty points system of some kind soon where X amount of orders gets X amount of free items or X amount of discount on following order.

Thank you :)


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