Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

I forgot to mention that the 100mg test-e/100mg primo-e trt blend will be rolling out the same time as the other products.

Thank you :)
Definitely will be buying the EQ I really like higher concentration gear and happy to hear about the primo test blend I know it was talked about a long time go be a nice addition to the cruise
Yup, iv had great experience with them, lowerd my blood pressure, it also has been researched to help regulate your thyroid and also iv been told its great for inflammation. So im in as long as the thc is virtually untraceable.
Best wishes to you and your family :)
Thanks, we will try again when her body allows it. I'm just glad to know that gear hasn't impacted my fertility that much. Also one positive is that I can jump on GH again as I told her it was HCG just to keep her from worrying too much about my usage.
Thanks, we will try again when her body allows it. I'm just glad to know that gear hasn't impacted my fertility that much. Also one positive is that I can jump on GH again as I told her it was HCG just to keep her from worrying too much about my usage.

I've know A LOT of guys over the years who've had mostly girls when running tren and I believe when we did the math years ago it was something like 86% of guys running tren conceived girls or very close to that.

Funny part is everyone always joked about how barely anything would come out the pipe when running gear, but everyone still be getting their ladies knocked up ha ha :p
I've know A LOT of guys over the years who've had mostly girls when running tren and I believe when we did the math years ago it was something like 86% of guys running tren conceived girls or very close to that.

Funny part is everyone always joked about how barely anything would come out the pipe when running gear, but everyone still be getting their ladies knocked up ha ha :p

I had girls, but also had to come off everything and do a run of hcg and clomid to get everything back up and running again, my sperm count was almost non existent, pretty much shooting sugar water lol
Ok so I think I have been running Jets gear long enough to leave a review on it. I am a little mixed about some of the products so I will start with the good and then go into the bad.

Shipping: Please don't actually review shipping as everyone ships with express post, if you package takes a while blame canada post.

Tren E 200: Prior to partially switching over to Jets Tren I was running 500/500 TnT of another lab. I decided that I wanted to drop my test down to 300 and keep Tren at 500 so I subsisted the other 200mg from Jet. I had no loss in strength, aesthetics and sides that I associate with running Tren in this dosage. I still have the night sweats, I still sweat like a pig in the gym, my sweat has the musk that my wife loves and my heart burn is still through the roof. These sides would have subdued by now if I had dropped my dosage down from 500 to 300 which leads me to believe that this tren is what it says it is.

Tren Base: I only pin base on my chest days as I am trying to get a 500lb bench in as short of a time as possible. I find that yes I am stronger on these days but its more my reps in the 450-460 zone are a lot cleaner and I have more confidence doing them. I feel like I get more of a tunnel vision when I get to the gym and can easily bench for over 60 minutes with out wearing out. Only down sides I have found is that I sweat like crazy when base is in my system and I have experienced tren cough may 4 out of 10 pins.

Injectable orals;
Dbol- I'm running a small dose so I cant say too much about it. I do have that euphoric feeling like im on dbol and my body took a bit of that popcorn look. I had some serious moon face going on in the beginning and also been experiencing bad forearm cramping when gripping.

Anadrol- Im running it at 50mg and so far has given me an all around boost and strength and given me a thicker solid look to my muscles. Also there has been a noticeable effect on my blood pressure.

Metribolone- running at 1-1.5 mg depending the day. Aggression and focus are through the roof and strength came right back to where it was after my last run with it. Also my wife just miscarried so I had absolutely no motivation to work out after but I feel if I can get some merti in my system, I'll still be able to get in an have a killed workout.

Ok so now the bad part of this review. I know someone said they had no pip with the oral suspensions but I had the opposite. I have gotten pip so bad in every muscle I Inject into that I had to take a week off squatting after injecting into my quad. Delts made me not be able to raise my arm over my shoulder, chest just swole up. For the record I use a 1.5 inch needle and never had a problem with pip before in my life. I tried breaking down each compound and subq'd them separately and even only .2ML of Merti left a huge welt in my stomach which has never happened before. That being said, I have started to just mix them in with ice coffee and just down it. This does work but isn't the most ideal as I bought suspension to inject. This is just my experience and my body could just be rejecting what ever its suspended in so keep that in mind, other than that I am still happy with the way they compounds have effected my body.
Can attest to the Anadrol, I’m 2 weeks in on 50mg as well and it’s everything I anticipated. No stomach issues,
blood pressure has been so far so good getting steps in and keeping ontop of cardio. Way harder, fuller look, endurance has skyrocketed and I can’t even describe the feeling of intensity I get from it - I take the full dose pre workout and I feel like I could run through a wall. Increasing to 75mg for the remainder of this blast.
Can attest to the Anadrol, I’m 2 weeks in on 50mg as well and it’s everything I anticipated. No stomach issues,
blood pressure has been so far so good getting steps in and keeping ontop of cardio. Way harder, fuller look, endurance has skyrocketed and I can’t even describe the feeling of intensity I get from it - I take the full dose pre workout and I feel like I could run through a wall. Increasing to 75mg for the remainder of this blast.
I did a low dose run of the drol, and was really impressed, really helped keep me feeling full on a diet, I have taken some time off the orals and added his var in @ 40mg per day but will wait a couple weeks before I leave proper feedback but so far so good
I did a low dose run of the drol, and was really impressed, really helped keep me feeling full on a diet, I have taken some time off the orals and added his var in @ 40mg per day but will wait a couple weeks before I leave proper feedback but so far so good

Taken time off of orals, but running var lol?
Taken time off of orals, but running var lol?
Lol no like I took a few weeks off between the drol and the var and didn't run the drol too long either, low dose short bursts, figures the var better suits my goals, and tbh was really excited to get the var going, never ran it before, and while still early, it may end up being my favorite oral a few more weeks and I'll know for sure
@Jet Labs what would you say the ballpark consistency of the Anadrol tabs are, all around 18.9 mg as specified in the labs?

I’ve been taking 2.5 and now 3 tabs preworkout, jw if that’s gtg or overkill lol
BTW just finished tren base vial if you want extreme pumps and strength that hits you fast and hard definitely pin an hour pre workout and your gonna hit some heavy ass weights
If you also want your kidneys to be destroyed that’s also a very fast and effective way to end them lol
Auction time once again fellas. Highest bidder come Friday at midnight wins.

10x Test-e 250
2x 20mg Winstrol
1x 50mg Anavar

Thank you and good luck :)