Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Hello everyone,

Curious who's interested in low pip primo-e 250mg/ml and in 5ml vials? Also 400mg/ml EQ will be available within a few weeks and will be 200 cyp ester/200 undecylenate ester.

100mg/ml dhb will be available soon as well and a bunch of fresh hplc reports will accompany.

I'll also be starting up a loyalty points system of some kind soon where X amount of orders gets X amount of free items or X amount of discount on following order.

Thank you :)
I'm definitely interested in the eq and primo
Hello everyone,

Curious who's interested in low pip primo-e 250mg/ml and in 5ml vials? Also 400mg/ml EQ will be available within a few weeks and will be 200 cyp ester/200 undecylenate ester.

100mg/ml dhb will be available soon as well and a bunch of fresh hplc reports will accompany.

I'll also be starting up a loyalty points system of some kind soon where X amount of orders gets X amount of free items or X amount of discount on following order.

Thank you :)
Awesome! I remember you mentioning the eq and DHB a while back. Glad to see they are almost here!

Loyalty points would be much appreciated! ;)

Keep up the great work! @Jet Labs
Ok so I think I have been running Jets gear long enough to leave a review on it. I am a little mixed about some of the products so I will start with the good and then go into the bad.

Shipping: Please don't actually review shipping as everyone ships with express post, if you package takes a while blame canada post.

Tren E 200: Prior to partially switching over to Jets Tren I was running 500/500 TnT of another lab. I decided that I wanted to drop my test down to 300 and keep Tren at 500 so I subsisted the other 200mg from Jet. I had no loss in strength, aesthetics and sides that I associate with running Tren in this dosage. I still have the night sweats, I still sweat like a pig in the gym, my sweat has the musk that my wife loves and my heart burn is still through the roof. These sides would have subdued by now if I had dropped my dosage down from 500 to 300 which leads me to believe that this tren is what it says it is.

Tren Base: I only pin base on my chest days as I am trying to get a 500lb bench in as short of a time as possible. I find that yes I am stronger on these days but its more my reps in the 450-460 zone are a lot cleaner and I have more confidence doing them. I feel like I get more of a tunnel vision when I get to the gym and can easily bench for over 60 minutes with out wearing out. Only down sides I have found is that I sweat like crazy when base is in my system and I have experienced tren cough may 4 out of 10 pins.

Injectable orals;
Dbol- I'm running a small dose so I cant say too much about it. I do have that euphoric feeling like im on dbol and my body took a bit of that popcorn look. I had some serious moon face going on in the beginning and also been experiencing bad forearm cramping when gripping.

Anadrol- Im running it at 50mg and so far has given me an all around boost and strength and given me a thicker solid look to my muscles. Also there has been a noticeable effect on my blood pressure.

Metribolone- running at 1-1.5 mg depending the day. Aggression and focus are through the roof and strength came right back to where it was after my last run with it. Also my wife just miscarried so I had absolutely no motivation to work out after but I feel if I can get some merti in my system, I'll still be able to get in an have a killed workout.

Ok so now the bad part of this review. I know someone said they had no pip with the oral suspensions but I had the opposite. I have gotten pip so bad in every muscle I Inject into that I had to take a week off squatting after injecting into my quad. Delts made me not be able to raise my arm over my shoulder, chest just swole up. For the record I use a 1.5 inch needle and never had a problem with pip before in my life. I tried breaking down each compound and subq'd them separately and even only .2ML of Merti left a huge welt in my stomach which has never happened before. That being said, I have started to just mix them in with ice coffee and just down it. This does work but isn't the most ideal as I bought suspension to inject. This is just my experience and my body could just be rejecting what ever its suspended in so keep that in mind, other than that I am still happy with the way they compounds have effected my body.
Ok so I think I have been running Jets gear long enough to leave a review on it. I am a little mixed about some of the products so I will start with the good and then go into the bad.

Shipping: Please don't actually review shipping as everyone ships with express post, if you package takes a while blame canada post.

Tren E 200: Prior to partially switching over to Jets Tren I was running 500/500 TnT of another lab. I decided that I wanted to drop my test down to 300 and keep Tren at 500 so I subsisted the other 200mg from Jet. I had no loss in strength, aesthetics and sides that I associate with running Tren in this dosage. I still have the night sweats, I still sweat like a pig in the gym, my sweat has the musk that my wife loves and my heart burn is still through the roof. These sides would have subdued by now if I had dropped my dosage down from 500 to 300 which leads me to believe that this tren is what it says it is.

Tren Base: I only pin base on my chest days as I am trying to get a 500lb bench in as short of a time as possible. I find that yes I am stronger on these days but its more my reps in the 450-460 zone are a lot cleaner and I have more confidence doing them. I feel like I get more of a tunnel vision when I get to the gym and can easily bench for over 60 minutes with out wearing out. Only down sides I have found is that I sweat like crazy when base is in my system and I have experienced tren cough may 4 out of 10 pins.

Injectable orals;
Dbol- I'm running a small dose so I cant say too much about it. I do have that euphoric feeling like im on dbol and my body took a bit of that popcorn look. I had some serious moon face going on in the beginning and also been experiencing bad forearm cramping when gripping.

Anadrol- Im running it at 50mg and so far has given me an all around boost and strength and given me a thicker solid look to my muscles. Also there has been a noticeable effect on my blood pressure.

Metribolone- running at 1-1.5 mg depending the day. Aggression and focus are through the roof and strength came right back to where it was after my last run with it. Also my wife just miscarried so I had absolutely no motivation to work out after but I feel if I can get some merti in my system, I'll still be able to get in an have a killed workout.

Ok so now the bad part of this review. I know someone said they had no pip with the oral suspensions but I had the opposite. I have gotten pip so bad in every muscle I Inject into that I had to take a week off squatting after injecting into my quad. Delts made me not be able to raise my arm over my shoulder, chest just swole up. For the record I use a 1.5 inch needle and never had a problem with pip before in my life. I tried breaking down each compound and subq'd them separately and even only .2ML of Merti left a huge welt in my stomach which has never happened before. That being said, I have started to just mix them in with ice coffee and just down it. This does work but isn't the most ideal as I bought suspension to inject. This is just my experience and my body could just be rejecting what ever its suspended in so keep that in mind, other than that I am still happy with the way they compounds have effected my body.

Thank you for your review brother and very sorry to hear of the miscarriage.

Regarding pip from suspensions it's really a case by case basis as some guys get a mild discomfort for an hour or so and other guys get the issues you've had. With suspensions I highly recommend 27g, 1/2" slin pins and no more than .5-.75mls per site and rear delts seem to be one of the more accepting locations to inject.

Best wishes to you and your family :)
Hello everyone,

Curious who's interested in low pip primo-e 250mg/ml and in 5ml vials? Also 400mg/ml EQ will be available within a few weeks and will be 200 cyp ester/200 undecylenate ester.

100mg/ml dhb will be available soon as well and a bunch of fresh hplc reports will accompany.

I'll also be starting up a loyalty points system of some kind soon where X amount of orders gets X amount of free items or X amount of discount on following order.

Thank you :)
Interested in the primo!!
Hello everyone,

Curious who's interested in low pip primo-e 250mg/ml and in 5ml vials? Also 400mg/ml EQ will be available within a few weeks and will be 200 cyp ester/200 undecylenate ester.

100mg/ml dhb will be available soon as well and a bunch of fresh hplc reports will accompany.

I'll also be starting up a loyalty points system of some kind soon where X amount of orders gets X amount of free items or X amount of discount on following order.

Thank you :)
I'd be interested in the boldenone for sure
5ml vials from personal preference is not so great. 10ml standard and 20ml mini-jugs for the ballers.

I was never much into the 5s either 10s and 20s were always my go to

The 5ml vials would be just for the primo-e so those customers who live the lifestyle payday to payday could top up as they need, but just an idea right now is all to try and be more convenient.
I can get behind higher mg tabs, or more tabs per sacket etc but whats the benifits of 5ml vials for customers,iv never like 5ml vials my self.

If a customer has to buy a 5ml vials to make it to pay day then they shouldn't run gear right?

I get the consideration though, guys that just run trt and primo etc they may not want much , but they still need to make the min right or are u waving that? Lots of guys sometimes don't make orders because they only need that little bit but don't wanna make the min.

Whats the chances off getting cbd tabs ?is that something in the future. Recently tried them and was able to come off my bp meds they work that good for bp as far as iv noticed. Not alot of sources carring it.
I can get behind higher mg tabs, or more tabs per sacket etc but whats the benifits of 5ml vials for customers,iv never like 5ml vials my self.

If a customer has to buy a 5ml vials to make it to pay day then they shouldn't run gear right?

I get the consideration though, guys that just run trt and primo etc they may not want much , but they still need to make the min right or are u waving that? Lots of guys sometimes don't make orders because they only need that little bit but don't wanna make the min.

Whats the chances off getting cbd tabs ?is that something in the future. Recently tried them and was able to come off my bp meds they work that good for bp as far as iv noticed. Not alot of sources carring it.

I make my own cbd oil and tincture, usually tests at around 19% cbd with less than 1% thc, nothing beats homemade cbd iced tea

But tabs would be an interesting addition, I'd probably give it a try, but it wouldn't be a.common purchase for me to be honest

High mg var would be a good addition imo, seeing as I'm really enjoying the 20mg tabs
I second 20ml jugs. He’ll even 30ml jugs of test mast tren at 50mg each is nice for a little blast at 1cc a day with slin pins without chewing up stoppers
I can get behind higher mg tabs, or more tabs per sacket etc but whats the benifits of 5ml vials for customers,iv never like 5ml vials my self.

If a customer has to buy a 5ml vials to make it to pay day then they shouldn't run gear right?

I get the consideration though, guys that just run trt and primo etc they may not want much , but they still need to make the min right or are u waving that? Lots of guys sometimes don't make orders because they only need that little bit but don't wanna make the min.

Whats the chances off getting cbd tabs ?is that something in the future. Recently tried them and was able to come off my bp meds they work that good for bp as far as iv noticed. Not alot of sources carring it.

Ok so 5ml vials nobody wants, got it lol. As for cbd tabs that's quite interesting and something I'll look into soon.
Your take

Your take on primo-e being in 5ml vials?
I’m guessing this is likely due to the cost of a 10ml vial of 250 will be too expensive?

I’d rather it be in a 10ml or 20ml vial. It will reduce your equipment cost and prep time, which should come at a lower price to the consumer.

Purchasing 1 10ml vial should be cheaper than purchasing 2 5ml vials.

And I’m all for the loyalty points!
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