Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

You do know that “Test Flue” doesn’t really exist right , it’s from inflammation in your body from Solvants. I used other companies and I was 100% fine, I used a vial from jet that had mct oil a long time ago and was fine. Been on gear for years….

Jet fuckedup the dosages in solvants or did a mistake brewing I guess….

Whatever. I’ll just change brands. I’m sick of Jet. Full of sides from pinning his gear :/

Test-e is the same as day 1 and the fact you start talking smack in my thread rather than contacting me first makes me think @canadian mutant is right. Also I’ve sold enough test-e already to supply a large army and if there were any issue with the gear there'd be a multitude of posts here about it by now!

BTW test flu is from certain raws not solvents, I've brewed before in 50% BB and couldn't tell the difference from 18% BB gear so just wanted to point out your error there.

Also I find it odd that you say you really want to use my products because of the fantastic customer service, but then in your next post you say you are sick of me? :confused:
Your posting resembles Dunning Kruger. If you follow the boards and are relatively 'in the know', you'll note that the vast, vast majority of complaints about horrid knots and swelling seem to get attributed to Test E. In recent years this has been noted significantly more frequently.

I don't know what Jet does or doesn't do, but it's most likely you've encountered the painful Test E raws issue. One that is somewhat invisible to brewers and appears usually many months after the product has been brewed. A vial that was painless 6 months ago could cause massive swelling today. It's not too many solvents, it's not bacteria, it's the raws.

I was under the impression this problem had mostly subsided but because it lags, it's difficult to know when it will really resolve. I would talk to Jet and see if he might replace it with some Test C, with which you should have no issues. This is a common solution, again, if you were in the know.
That’s what I meant. It’s a problem with the Test E not the mct oil. Yeah. Could be the raws too yeah, idk
Test-e is the same as day 1 and the fact you start talking smack in my thread rather than contacting me first makes me think @canadian mutant is right. Also I’ve sold enough test-e already to supply a large army and if there were any issue with the gear there'd be a multitude of posts here about it by now!

BTW test flu is from certain raws not solvents, I've brewed before in 50% BB and couldn't tell the difference from 18% BB gear so just wanted to point out your error there.

Also I find it odd that you say you really want to use my products because of the fantastic customer service, but then in your next post you say you are sick of me? :confused:
When Is sick of jet, I meant, in the real way of being sick from the Test lol not from you .

Yeah Customer Service was very good & yeah probably not your fault after all. Probably the raws, can’t do anything about it I guess.

Ahh I thought solvants could fuck up someone that’s my bad on that
That’s what I meant. It’s a problem with the Test E not the mct oil. Yeah. Could be the raws too yeah, idk
I don't usually go out of my way to defend a source but the raws thing, by all accounts, seems like it's not really his fault. @janoshik can't detect a difference in the good raws or the stuff that causes horrendous PIP, and many sources have spoken to the issue.

What really matters is the resolution, so try to come to a resolution with Jet first, and if he tells you to go fuck yourself then maybe you seek out some accountability then
When was the last time Jet tested anything??? The guy barley has a clue what he's doing, I can only imagine the actual dosing per vial. Russian roulette...
I don't usually go out of my way to defend a source but the raws thing, by all accounts, seems like it's not really his fault. @janoshik can't detect a difference in the good raws or the stuff that causes horrendous PIP, and many sources have spoken to the issue.

What really matters is the resolution, so try to come to a resolution with Jet first, and if he tells you to go fuck yourself then maybe you seek out some accountability then

I think the bad pip was associated with higher levels of delta 6 in the test-e raws or something like that I dunno exactly, but I have my local group of guinea pigs try all new batches/products and If anything got a thumbs down it wouldn't be sold on my list.
When Is sick of jet, I meant, in the real way of being sick from the Test lol not from you .

Yeah Customer Service was very good & yeah probably not your fault after all. Probably the raws, can’t do anything about it I guess.

Ahh I thought solvants could fuck up someone that’s my bad on that

There's nothing wrong with the raws I use.
@TheLysergicLord, ok please clarify this is correct.

January '22' you order 3 test-e and 4 tren-ace and you email me stating that the tren-ace gives you bad pip so I suspect it could be bad reaction to mct oil so I make you a jug of test-cyp in gso and send to you for free.

And now after some emails back and forth the situation is the tren-ace in mct oil gave you bad pip and only 1 out of the 3 vials of test-e in mct oil gave you bad pip, but the other 2 vials of test-e in mct oil gave you no issues at all and the test-cyp in gso no issues either correct?
Shoot me an email.
@TheLysergicLord, ok please clarify this is correct.

January '22' you order 3 test-e and 4 tren-ace and you email me stating that the tren-ace gives you bad pip so I suspect it could be bad reaction to mct oil so I make you a jug of test-cyp in gso and send to you for free.

And now after some emails back and forth the situation is the tren-ace in mct oil gave you bad pip and only 1 out of the 3 vials of test-e in mct oil gave you bad pip, but the other 2 vials of test-e in mct oil gave you no issues at all and the test-cyp in gso no issues either correct?
Yeah exactly..

The reaction from the tren and test now isnt the same.

The jug that jet sent me for my bad reaction to tren was 100% good to go :).

It was only 1 vial on 3 vial of tests that fucked me, the rest of the 2 were fine
I think the bad pip was associated with higher levels of delta 6 in the test-e raws or something like that I dunno exactly, but I have my local group of guinea pigs try all new batches/products and If anything got a thumbs down it wouldn't be sold on my list.
Im confusrd why it got me sick tho. Like horrid body aches, flue, couldnt eat, or walk, no energy, horrid headaches, etc
Im confusrd why it got me sick tho. Like horrid body aches, flue, couldnt eat, or walk, no energy, horrid headaches, etc

I'm not sure what exactly happened to you, but I do know the issue wasn't because of the product. There's no logical reason that 2 vials from the same batch would be fine, but then 1 gives you issues so perhaps it was just a bad shot.
I'm not sure what exactly happened to you, but I do know the issue wasn't because of the product. There's no logical reason that 2 vials from the same batch would be fine, but then 1 gives you issues so perhaps it was just a bad shot.
I wouldn't rule out his experience on this one. That's exactly how the painful Test E problem manifests itself. Guys on multiple boards have talked about using the Test E and having no issues but then going back to the same products 6 months later and getting horrid swelling and welts. His story is very much consistent with that pattern.

His tact is poor but his Test E story makes sense.
I'm not sure what exactly happened to you, but I do know the issue wasn't because of the product. There's no logical reason that 2 vials from the same batch would be fine, but then 1 gives you issues so perhaps it was just a bad shot.
yeah I just want to find out like why that happened from the shot. It’s weird.


Thanks again for everything and explaining everytbing
I would rule out his experience on this one. That's exactly how the painful Test E problem manifests itself. Guys on multiple boards have talked about using the Test E and having no issues but then going back to the same products 6 months later and getting horrid swelling and welts. His story is very much consistent with that pattern.

His tact is poor but his Test E story makes sense.
The mystery of the fucked test e will never be solved
I wouldn't rule out his experience on this one. That's exactly how the painful Test E problem manifests itself. Guys on multiple boards have talked about using the Test E and having no issues but then going back to the same products 6 months later and getting horrid swelling and welts. His story is very much consistent with that pattern.

His tact is poor but his Test E story makes sense.

I'm very aware of the test-e pip situation, but plenty of customers are currently using test-e that was brewed back then and I'm not hearing any complaints about it so I'm inclined to believe this gentleman's reaction isn't because of the gear.