Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

I wanted to ask a question regarding my bloodwork if anyone knows...

I did a cycle of Test Npp Dbol (another lab) before and my hormones were
- Total Test: 4400ng dl
- Free Test 2224pmol L
- Bio Test 138nmol L

I did a cycle of Tren Mast Test (jet labs) and these were my hormones on it
- Total Test: 1600ng dl
- Free Test: 2200pmol L
- Bio Test: 43.9nmol L

Im confused why was my free test the exact same..
The total test was half the amount
The bio test was way less than half the amount

I know jet labs is good gear but I'm confused why would it show up like that in my bloodwork?
I wanted to ask a question regarding my bloodwork if anyone knows...

I did a cycle of Test Npp Dbol (another lab) before and my hormones were
- Total Test: 4400ng dl
- Free Test 2224pmol L
- Bio Test 138nmol L

I did a cycle of Tren Mast Test (jet labs) and these were my hormones on it
- Total Test: 1600ng dl
- Free Test: 2200pmol L
- Bio Test: 43.9nmol L

Im confused why was my free test the exact same..
The total test was half the amount
The bio test was way less than half the amount

I know jet labs is good gear but I'm confused why would it show up like that in my bloodwork?
Deca can come up as total testosterone on bloods

Mast can elevate free testosterone

Tren can show an increase Estradiol on non sensitive tests

Dont know about bio test but the other compounds you are taking can skew your bloods , might be why such a weird difference.

What dosages are you running ?
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I wanted to ask a question regarding my bloodwork if anyone knows...

I did a cycle of Test Npp Dbol (another lab) before and my hormones were
- Total Test: 4400ng dl
- Free Test 2224pmol L
- Bio Test 138nmol L

I did a cycle of Tren Mast Test (jet labs) and these were my hormones on it
- Total Test: 1600ng dl
- Free Test: 2200pmol L
- Bio Test: 43.9nmol L

Im confused why was my free test the exact same..
The total test was half the amount
The bio test was way less than half the amount

I know jet labs is good gear but I'm confused why would it show up like that in my bloodwork?
I could be completely off here but iv read that nandrolone can show up as testosterone in blood tests so that could explain the total test difference and mast being a dht derivative has a stronger affinity to bind to shgb so maybe that's why your free stayed the same? Just my theory.

Also howd you get uncapped testosterone test in Canada?
I wanted to ask a question regarding my bloodwork if anyone knows...

I did a cycle of Test Npp Dbol (another lab) before and my hormones were
- Total Test: 4400ng dl
- Free Test 2224pmol L
- Bio Test 138nmol L

I did a cycle of Tren Mast Test (jet labs) and these were my hormones on it
- Total Test: 1600ng dl
- Free Test: 2200pmol L
- Bio Test: 43.9nmol L

Im confused why was my free test the exact same..
The total test was half the amount
The bio test was way less than half the amount

I know jet labs is good gear but I'm confused why would it show up like that in my bloodwork?
You’re gonna need to put how much of each compound you took for anyone to have an accurate assumption..
I could be completely off here but iv read that nandrolone can show up as testosterone in blood tests so that could explain the total test difference and mast being a dht derivative has a stronger affinity to bind to shgb so maybe that's why your free stayed the same? Just my theory.

Also howd you get uncapped testosterone test in Canada?
Wym uncapped test?
500mg Test, 400mg NPP 20mg dbol

500mg Test
300mg Tren
500mg Mast
I posted a previous comment but its under mod approval,

Leg_Locker is 100% correct from my understanding,

Deca/NPP can raise testosterone on blood work. So the NPP before was causing your total test to show a lot higher than it was. Not sure the science behind why but it can give you falsely high total testosterone on bloods. So you can't really compare the two results properly.

Your free test will be raised from the mast because its binding to the SHBG and you can see in your bloods your SHBG is nearly bottomed out which is going to cause a higher free testosterone to total testosterone ratio.

Still 54nmol seems a little low for 500mg test a week
It’s in french lol. But words are similar.
I posted a previous comment but its under mod approval,

Leg_Locker is 100% correct from my understanding,

Deca/NPP can raise testosterone on blood work. So the NPP before was causing your total test to show a lot higher than it was. Not sure the science behind why but it can give you falsely high total testosterone on bloods. So you can't really compare the two results properly.

Your free test will be raised from the mast because its binding to the SHBG and you can see in your bloods your SHBG is nearly bottomed out which is going to cause a higher free testosterone to total testosterone ratio.

Still 54nmol seems a little low for 500mg test a week
yeah. Idk its weird, i was lost
I wanted to ask a question regarding my bloodwork if anyone knows...

I did a cycle of Test Npp Dbol (another lab) before and my hormones were
- Total Test: 4400ng dl
- Free Test 2224pmol L
- Bio Test 138nmol L

I did a cycle of Tren Mast Test (jet labs) and these were my hormones on it
- Total Test: 1600ng dl
- Free Test: 2200pmol L
- Bio Test: 43.9nmol L

Im confused why was my free test the exact same..
The total test was half the amount
The bio test was way less than half the amount

I know jet labs is good gear but I'm confused why would it show up like that in my bloodwork?
The answers above with the free test are accurate, lower shbg is why theres more free as well as npp contributing to higher total/free test is accurate as well, so no need to go on further about that, that shows you cleary the mast is working as it should.

How long were you on the first cycle when labs were takin vs how long were the labs taken after this cycle.

When were the labs taken , based on your pinning schedule.

These factors could be the explanation.

You definitely have your thyroid cranked , fat loss would be optimal. I would also make sure to grab a ft3 lab, as your ft4 is super high, thats good untill it starts to convert to rt3 which can hinder results as well and blood labs as well,Just keep an eye on that to make sure your stay in a optimal state.

Also looks like you have a vitamin d deficiency at the moment , along with low b12 , so malnutrition could be an issue which contributes to absorbtion rates. All these can be factors or possibilities to the above total.
The answers above with the free test are accurate, lower shbg is why theres more free as well as npp contributing to higher total/free test is accurate as well, so no need to go on further about that, that shows you cleary the mast is working as it should.

How long were you on the first cycle when labs were takin vs how long were the labs taken after this cycle.

When were the labs taken , based on your pinning schedule.

These factors could be the explanation.

You definitely have your thyroid cranked , fat loss would be optimal. I would also make sure to grab a ft3 lab, as your ft4 is super high, thats good untill it starts to convert to rt3 which can hinder results as well and blood labs as well,Just keep an eye on that to make sure your stay in a optimal state.

Also looks like you have a vitamin d deficiency at the moment , along with low b12 , so malnutrition could be an issue which contributes to absorbtion rates. All these can be factors or possibilities to the above total.
I have hypothyroidism, Im on T4.

Nutrition has been on point 24/7. Idk, i eat a stupid amount of meat.


Thanks a lot!!
I have hypothyroidism, Im on T4.

Nutrition has been on point 24/7. Idk, i eat a stupid amount of meat.


Thanks a lot!!
If your hypothyroidism then always check ft3, as currently your high on ft4, if your ft3 is up in range top quarter then your good if its low your converting to rt3.

I didnt say your nutrition wasn't good i said you have low b12 so its showing malnutrition issues which could cause absorbtion issues. You can eat the best food in the world but if your hypothyroidism, and theres isses along the way then youll have malnutrition issues.
Not sure why it hasn’t been mentioned but some serious red flags regarding your RBC’s. Hemo 126 , hemacrit 3.79 I’d be more concerned about that over your test levels.