Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Ah. I thought you meant my nutrition, I didn’t read the absorption part.

Yeah. I think I’m gonm get another full panel soon. My breathing is always short. Since thyroid meds dk.

We’ll see
Ah. I thought you meant my nutrition, I didn’t read the absorption part.

Yeah. I think I’m gonm get another full panel soon. My breathing is always short. Since thyroid meds dk.

We’ll see
I apologize im at work and in and out and iv missed this, but you just said you were on t4 , and your tsh is top of range, which tells me your not on enough hormones, but your ft4 is at the top, this is where it gets confusing for lots, but your t4 should surpresse your tsh, and its not, so the common thing to do is to add more t4, the problem lays hear, your ft4 is cranked already so if you take anymore t4 youll should it down the pipeline to rt3,which is possiblly wjere its going now which further casues issues, the soultion hear is to get more lab work and to possibly get onto t3 if that is whats going on, because its very possible with those current labs your ft3 is low due to converting issues. From t4 to t3 based on the tsh and high ft4

Hope this helps and makes sence.
Not sure why it hasn’t been mentioned but some serious red flags regarding your RBC’s. Hemo 126 , hemacrit 3.79 I’d be more concerned about that over your test levels.
His current hypothyroidism situation , are likely a good contributing factor for this as well as everything else he is on etc.
I wanted to ask a question regarding my bloodwork if anyone knows...

I did a cycle of Test Npp Dbol (another lab) before and my hormones were
- Total Test: 4400ng dl
- Free Test 2224pmol L
- Bio Test 138nmol L

I did a cycle of Tren Mast Test (jet labs) and these were my hormones on it
- Total Test: 1600ng dl
- Free Test: 2200pmol L
- Bio Test: 43.9nmol L

Im confused why was my free test the exact same..
The total test was half the amount
The bio test was way less than half the amount

I know jet labs is good gear but I'm confused why would it show up like that in my bloodwork?
Nand has very low affinity for SHBG and will cross detect as testosterone which is why you see such high levels
Oh obviously big vet, that's why you’re so mesmerized by labels lol fuck outta here boy
Complimenting the lab I use for new labels makes me memorized ? Boy?! Bud I’d eat you for breakfast. Do you even lift? You sound like a mommas basement dweller that sits in front of his computer screen with a half drank Mountain Dew, dried cum stains on your sweat pants jerking off to girls that would never sleep with you “LOL THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BOY”
Complimenting the lab I use for new labels makes me memorized ? Boy?! Bud I’d eat you for breakfast. Do you even lift? You sound like a mommas basement dweller that sits in front of his computer screen with a half drank Mountain Dew, dried cum stains on your sweat pants jerking off to girls that would never sleep with you “LOL THE FUCK OUTTA HERE BOY”

Yah pretty sure he doesn't jerk off to pictures of females lol.