Jet Labs (Canadian Domestic Service)

Excited to try jets anavar. Nicely dosed higher and his sale on unfiltered test cyp is pretty dope and let's me use up my sterile 20ml vials.
Order delivered pretty fast. That shit was wrapped up tight like my cock at the Asian massage parlor. Gonna say nothing and pop a cialis before I ram the old lady tonight. Thanks jet !
To early to say yet, but the Deca should be kicking in soon. Am on about week 4. Wont see full effects for a long time tho, for me weeks 12-16 are gold with Deca.
Am at 600 Test, 600 Deca at the moment. Tho I may drop the Deca down to 400 as the weeks go by idk yet, depends how BP does. So far its good. Last run of Deca BP got high near the end.
Safe to say that Jet definitely doesn’t fuck around, not that I ever doubted him, but to anyone else who is:

-1st pic was where I was at 12 weeks into cruising on 150mg/week Test E from another source right before my last blast.

-2nd pic is currently 8 weeks into my cruise on Jet’s Test E at 175mg/week.

I’m definitely knocking my dose down lol had to rip some ai - going to go for the cruise blend for my next cruise and looking forward to when I start my next bulking cycle.


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Yep stuff is kicking in, idk, felt like I was on tren today at the gym and everything just pisses you off, there was these two newbie kids just being absolute idiots. I give the one kid credit for being lippy and calling me braaaaaah braaaaah. Ya I def lost it. lolol :)
Yep stuff is kicking in, idk, felt like I was on tren today at the gym and everything just pisses you off, there was these two newbie kids just being absolute idiots. I give the one kid credit for being lippy and calling me braaaaaah braaaaah. Ya I def lost it. lolol :)
Stuff is kicking in and you said Sunday it will take a a long time and then Monday night a day later you said it feels like I'm on tren wow that's awesome. Your the best jet, thank you jet. Why don't you go suck Jets dick brahhh.
You guys are pathetic looks like the circle jet I mean jerk is back.
Stuff is kicking in and you said Sunday it will take a a long time and then Monday night a day later you said it feels like I'm on tren wow that's awesome. Your the best jet, thank you jet. Why don't you go suck Jets dick brahhh.
You guys are pathetic looks like the circle jet I mean jerk is back.

As far as I knew we were on good standing so have to say your post is a surprise to me!

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As far as I knew we were on good standing so have to say your post is a surprise to me!

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It's not directed towards you or your products I obviously never had a problem with what I purchased it's the way some people come across that makes me wonder why would you post and contradict yourself. Why I posted I posted it that way.
Nothing against you I know what I posted and what I said was true and yes you are a stand up guy that's not the issue
It's not directed towards you or your products I obviously never had a problem with what I purchased it's the way some people come across that makes me wonder why would you post and contradict yourself. Why I posted I posted it that way.
Nothing against you I know what I posted and what I said was true and yes you are a stand up guy that's not the issue

Ahhh gotcha brother and understand. Glad we still on good ground :)
I ordered from Jet back in August and am just getting around to reviewing it now. I got mast prop, anadrol, cialis and he threw in some superdrol caps.
The cialis works as it should lol.
I’ve been taking the anadrol pre workout lately and weight and reps have gone up on everything.
I ran the mast when I was dieting. I don’t find I notice a ton with mast, it’s not something obvious like anadrol. I was leaner and more vascular but I also went from 270 to 240. I ran it at 100mg eod and low test.
I haven’t tried the superdrol yet but will update when I do.
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New mug logo maybe lol?