Josh Bridgman arrested

I'll believe it when I see it, Something from this decade.

But if it makes things easier to swallow, I'll limit my comments to those without a prior criminal record, which is the case with the overwhelming majority of AAS users.

I knew for a fact the strictest judicial systems in the country, routinely give deferred adjudication to criminals with prior records, for minor possession cases, on condition they participate in treatment. And we're talking hard drugs, and serious previous convictions.

Again, of course this would suck, and have other knock on consequences, but how many fking times do we have to see outcomes like this to be convinced they're not "going for the throat" like they do for other substances?

Where are the imprisoned steroid users? Where are the guys getting out with their sad stories of being locked up for simple possession of a few vials?

An estimated 4 million steroid users in the US. Why are they ones who've had the hammer dropped on them so hard to find?

No, I'm not taking about dealers. The guy with a few convictions under his belt caught slinging steroids. (even then, how many are sitting in jail?), specifically users. ,
Yeah for a first time offender it would be extremely surprising if they spent more than a weekend in a holding cell. Even for schedule 1 drugs like meth herion etc. Likely get a signature bond too. If you've never been in trouble.