Josh Bridgman arrested


New Member
Seems like Instagram/youtube popular IFBB pro Josh Bridgman was arrested in Texas following a traffic stop. When going through his post he is very subtle with his one remark suggesting it was due to steroids. He proceeds on saying he spent 30hours in Texas jail. Wonder if anyone has any information or scoop on this. Rare to hear about stuff like this these days. I attached the post and comments below.


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this feels like a very basic mistake. who drives around with any roids. did he need to juice at the gym or something
yes but if youre a regular guy you arent expecting to be detained on your day and have your car searched from top to bottom because you rolled a stop sign or something

land of the free
All sorts of rumor circulating about this on FB body building and PE groups I frequent. While steroids are a schedule 3 controlled substance and obviously illegal, actual arrests for possession are pretty rare. This is likely because most of us don’t engage in the types of behavior which is common among other users of controlled substances. A heroin or meth user for example, is much more likely to find themselves in run ins with the cops than a body builder or powerlifter taking Tren. Not to mention most of us don’t travel with our stash either.

If Josh got popped for possession it’s unlikely to be the end of the world. They will confiscate his shit. He will then get a lawyer and get his case plead out. Slap on the wrist. Probation, pay a fine, maybe some time to state intervention class. It will suck for sure, but he will be fine.
this feels like a very basic mistake. who drives around with any roids.

Driving home from the PO Box to the house.

Sharing some with a friend.

There could be all kinds of reasons.

All sorts of rumor circulating about this on FB body building and PE groups I frequent. While steroids are a schedule 3 controlled substance and obviously illegal, actual arrests for possession are pretty rare. This is likely because most of us don’t engage in the types of behavior which is common among other users of controlled substances. A heroin or meth user for example, is much more likely to find themselves in run ins with the cops than a body builder or powerlifter taking Tren. Not to mention most of us don’t travel with our stash either.

If Josh got popped for possession it’s unlikely to be the end of the world. They will confiscate his shit. He will then get a lawyer and get his case plead out. Slap on the wrist. Probation, pay a fine, maybe some time to state intervention class. It will suck for sure, but he will be fine.

Rare, yes, but not so rare that folks should not be careful.

You only know about this because he posted about it on social media and has a large following. This happens more often to nobodies with no social media following who do not come here and post about it so you never know. If they are not in a small town, then the newspaper does not publish anything, either.

Cops or firemen and a big investigation into personal use by public servants can result in a newspaper story, but other than these examples, you just are not going to know about it.

I remember a story in my local paper (small town) about a kid getting busted for one vial of testosterone found at a traffic stop. That kid is not dealing with just one vial. No idea why it was in his car, but that is a felony charge here, and off to jail he went until he could see a judge on Monday morning and hopefully arrange a bond amount.

If I were in a bigger town, I would never have even heard of such an arrest, but I have police officer friends who have made many such arrests (and feel good about saving the arrestees from such dangerous substances, no joke).
Driving home from the PO Box to the house.

Sharing some with a friend.

There could be all kinds of reasons.

Rare, yes, but not so rare that folks should not be careful.

You only know about this because he posted about it on social media and has a large following. This happens more often to nobodies with no social media following who do not come here and post about it so you never know. If they are not in a small town, then the newspaper does not publish anything, either.

Cops or firemen and a big investigation into personal use by public servants can result in a newspaper story, but other than these examples, you just are not going to know about it.

I remember a story in my local paper (small town) about a kid getting busted for one vial of testosterone found at a traffic stop. That kid is not dealing with just one vial. No idea why it was in his car, but that is a felony charge here, and off to jail he went until he could see a judge on Monday morning and hopefully arrange a bond amount.

If I were in a bigger town, I would never have even heard of such an arrest, but I have police officer friends who have made many such arrests (and feel good about saving the arrestees from such dangerous substances, no joke).
I guess from a law enforcement perspective, steroid users are probably just not perceived as the same type of a threat as other illicit substance users. None of us are likely to be robbing a liquor store or breaking into cars to feed our habit. Most of us are probably normal law abiding citizens for the most part, who are unlikely to have many run ins with the police. I have not had even so much as a traffic stop in several years now.

About the only hard data I could find by cursory search turns up this article with law enforcement references Steroid Arrests Statistics - The Top Steroid Busts Of 2024

So this is federal we are talking about in the article, but still a whopping 184 arrests in 5 years in the entire US.

This is not to say people should not be careful and exercise appropriate discretion, but it's pretty clear that the Feds have far bigger concerns on their minds than me and my gains.
I guess from a law enforcement perspective, steroid users are probably just not perceived as the same type of a threat as other illicit substance users. None of us are likely to be robbing a liquor store or breaking into cars to feed our habit. Most of us are probably normal law abiding citizens for the most part, who are unlikely to have many run ins with the police. I have not had even so much as a traffic stop in several years now.

About the only hard data I could find by cursory search turns up this article with law enforcement references Steroid Arrests Statistics - The Top Steroid Busts Of 2024

So this is federal we are talking about in the article, but still a whopping 184 arrests in 5 years in the entire US.

This is not to say people should not be careful and exercise appropriate discretion, but it's pretty clear that the Feds have far bigger concerns on their minds than me and my gains.

Money laundering? That link looks like it is about dealers. Feds do not normally prosecute personal possession charges. They will, however, hand the evidence over to the local drug task force to be prosecuted by your local DA, especially if possession is a felony in your state.
All sorts of rumor circulating about this on FB body building and PE groups I frequent. While steroids are a schedule 3 controlled substance and obviously illegal, actual arrests for possession are pretty rare. This is likely because most of us don’t engage in the types of behavior which is common among other users of controlled substances. A heroin or meth user for example, is much more likely to find themselves in run ins with the cops than a body builder or powerlifter taking Tren. Not to mention most of us don’t travel with our stash either.

If Josh got popped for possession it’s unlikely to be the end of the world. They will confiscate his shit. He will then get a lawyer and get his case plead out. Slap on the wrist. Probation, pay a fine, maybe some time to state intervention class. It will suck for sure, but he will be fine.

It might be a little more rough for him being that he's not an American citizen?