Jumping on the TREN TRAIN! Excited for 2017! Some suggestions please.


Well-known Member
I have been BnC for 1 year now, only have done two blast. First one was my first steroid use ever 12 weeks Test-E 500mg, cruised @ 200mg for 12 weeks, then blasted Test-E 500mg and anavar. 2nd blast gains were cut short becaues of injuries but I continued to blast until end of 12 weeks. Been cruising ever since @ 180-200mg(3 months now).

Got bloods this week and it was pretty good, liver values were slightly elevated because currently running 40mg ED accutane.

So next week Monday I will start this.

Blast consist of:

-Continue cruise dosage at 200mg Test-E.
-Tren Ace 200mg/week and slightly increase up to 300mg/week if sides aren't to bad for 10 weeks.
-29ga 1/2 insulin pins (Havent decided to go with ED or EOD)

Now my question is I am currently taking .25mg e3d pharma arimidex which keeps my estro on point. Will I have to increase my AI even though I am keeping same Test-E dosage on cruise and just adding Tren?

Pic taken this week

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Tbh I'd be sad if I had your physique. Like, how do you improve from that? At the same time, I know I'll never be satisfied, and will always be trying to get better.

Sorry I couldn't offer any pertinent advice.
Tbh I'd be sad if I had your physique. Like, how do you improve from that? At the same time, I know I'll never be satisfied, and will always be trying to get better.

Sorry I couldn't offer any pertinent advice.

Thanks bro this is at 5'10.5 @ 190lbs. Honestly I just want to gain about 6lbs more of lean mass and I think i'll be done blasting. Not going for huge massive look. Just mens physique look.
I say no.....you shouldn't have to increase your AI while running the tren. But....watch for the signs that things aren't quite right. Some people react differently to tren.

You'll see epic gains with this being your first run with tren and being as lean and as on point as you look.

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I have been BnC for 1 year now, only have done two blast. First one was my first steroid use ever 12 weeks Test-E 500mg, cruised @ 200mg for 12 weeks, then blasted Test-E 500mg and anavar. 2nd blast gains were cut short becaues of injuries but I continued to blast until end of 12 weeks. Been cruising ever since @ 180-200mg(3 months now).

Got bloods this week and it was pretty good, liver values were slightly elevated because currently running 40mg ED accutane.

So next week Monday I will start this.

Blast consist of:

-Continue cruise dosage at 200mg Test-E.
-Tren Ace 200mg/week and slightly increase up to 300mg/week if sides aren't to bad for 10 weeks.
-29ga 1/2 insulin pins (Havent decided to go with ED or EOD)

Now my question is I am currently taking .25mg e3d pharma arimidex which keeps my estro on point. Will I have to increase my AI even though I am keeping same Test-E dosage on cruise and just adding Tren?

Pic taken this week

Lookin good man! Gunna be a freak by the time this Tren run is over.
I have been BnC for 1 year now, only have done two blast. First one was my first steroid use ever 12 weeks Test-E 500mg, cruised @ 200mg for 12 weeks, then blasted Test-E 500mg and anavar. 2nd blast gains were cut short becaues of injuries but I continued to blast until end of 12 weeks. Been cruising ever since @ 180-200mg(3 months now).

Got bloods this week and it was pretty good, liver values were slightly elevated because currently running 40mg ED accutane.

So next week Monday I will start this.

Blast consist of:

-Continue cruise dosage at 200mg Test-E.
-Tren Ace 200mg/week and slightly increase up to 300mg/week if sides aren't to bad for 10 weeks.
-29ga 1/2 insulin pins (Havent decided to go with ED or EOD)

Now my question is I am currently taking .25mg e3d pharma arimidex which keeps my estro on point. Will I have to increase my AI even though I am keeping same Test-E dosage on cruise and just adding Tren?

Pic taken this week

Progress looks good, but you're wasting your time and money with 200-300mg's of tren, IMO.

I would do 350/week for 2 weeks. Then, evaluate... If things feel good, bump to 500-600mg's per week for 2 weeks. If great, then bump to 700 and ride that out.

You will not have to increase your AI, you're good to go.
Fuck man, you're looking pretty damn good. Clearly you're doing it right. AI dose shouldn't change, because tren doesn't convert to estrogen.

Good luck. I've never run tren ace, but I've run test ace, and EOD is perfectly fine unless you're completely OCD about blood levels.
Progress looks good, but you're wasting your time and money with 200-300mg's of tren, IMO.

I would do 350/week for 2 weeks. Then, evaluate... If things feel good, bump to 500-600mg's per week for 2 weeks. If great, then bump to 700 and ride that out.

You will not have to increase your AI, you're good to go.
Just curious as I am planning a tren run soon....you said dont increase AI. Caber wouldnt be necessary at these doses?
Progress looks good, but you're wasting your time and money with 200-300mg's of tren, IMO.

I would do 350/week for 2 weeks. Then, evaluate... If things feel good, bump to 500-600mg's per week for 2 weeks. If great, then bump to 700 and ride that out.

You will not have to increase your AI, you're good to go.

I read way to much shit about Tren and its sides, this is definately the steroid I want to take nice and slow. I'm not in a rush. Always another blast right around the corner.
I read way to much shit about Tren and its sides, this is definately the steroid I want to take nice and slow. I'm not in a rush. Always another blast right around the corner.

The good thing about ace esters is that if you start getting bad sides, you can drop the dose and you'll likely feel fine in a few days.
Just curious as I am planning a tren run soon....you said dont increase AI. Caber wouldnt be necessary at these doses?
No caber. Prolactin is hit, and miss. I've never experienced and issue, personally from tren or deca... But, some claim to. You can buy it and keep it, just in case... Cant' hurt. But, I am not a huge fan of fucking with my dopamine unless necessary.

No AI because tren doesn't aromatize into estrogen. If he bumped up his AI he'd crash his E2 and feel like shit.

@Nat2Syn Honestly, they are beyond over exaggerating. You're welcome to waste your time, and money, but I assure you there will be little results on that dosage of tren....
No caber. Prolactin is hit, and miss. I've never experienced and issue, personally from tren or deca... But, some claim to. You can buy it and keep it, just in case... Cant' hurt. But, I am not a huge fan of fucking with my dopamine unless necessary.

No AI because tren doesn't aromatize into estrogen. If he bumped up his AI he'd crash his E2 and feel like shit.

@Nat2Syn Honestly, they are beyond over exaggerating. You're welcome to waste your time, and money, but I assure you there will be little results on that dosage of tren....
Gonna have to agree with Wunderpus on the tren dose. I was also scared shitless of tren. I started at 40mg ed and went up to 50mg ed for 6 weeks. That's a low dose but I saw great gains. 200mg every week is low. The only sides I got were some night sweats. I would definitely up it.
@Nat2Syn Honestly, they are beyond over exaggerating. You're welcome to waste your time, and money, but I assure you there will be little results on that dosage of tren....

Fuuakkkk.... going to sleep on it. Stop mentioning money lol. Anyone who uses steroids and worried about "wasting money" have wrong priorities in life. What I eat in 1-2 weeks cost more than a whole cycle.
Fuuakkkk.... going to sleep on it. Stop mentioning money lol. Anyone who uses steroids and worried about "wasting money" have wrong priorities in life. What I eat in 1-2 weeks cost more than a whole cycle.
I'm not trying to dick you around, man.... I'm just trying to maximize your results without really increasing any risks.
Thanks bro this is at 5'10.5 @ 190lbs. Honestly I just want to gain about 6lbs more of lean mass and I think i'll be done blasting. Not going for huge massive look. Just mens physique look.
After this blast are you planning to come off and pct ?
What's your age ? if you mind answering
After this blast are you planning to come off and pct ?
What's your age ? if you mind answering

Nope not planning to come off, just going to cruise. This time at a TRT dosage since at 180mg/wk cruise I get over 2500+ test level according to my last bloods. So probably going to slowly taper to 100mg/wk. 31 years old.
I'd donate asap if you can. Some places might not let you with crit/hemoglobin that high. My hemoglobin was like 18 last time I donated and the girl gave me this look like "I know why". She still let me donate but some might not since you're technically not supposed to donate if you've used steroids.