Jumping on the TREN TRAIN! Excited for 2017! Some suggestions please.

About every eight weeks. My hematocrit gets high pretty quick, so I have to stay on top of it. I'm fighting off iron deficiency, too. The things we do to be big and strong.
My natty hematocrit was 46.5 according to my recent pre-cycle bloods but may well have gone up on my current cycle. Going to have to watch mine too. My iron level isn't too shabby either at 125. There has to be deeper cause for your low iron issues.
My natty hematocrit was 46.5 according to my recent pre-cycle bloods but may well have gone up on my current cycle. Going to have to watch mine too.

Some guys have it go crazy, some don't at all. I'm one of the unlucky ones. I suspect the iron deficiency was preexisting and just made worse with the blood draining. I've had fatigue most of my adult life. I just never had a doctor or the means or knowledge to check into it until lately. I've been feeling better since starting the iron already though.
Some guys have it go crazy, some don't at all. I'm one of the unlucky ones. I suspect the iron deficiency was preexisting and just made worse with the blood draining. I've had fatigue most of my adult life. I just never had a doctor or the means or knowledge to check into it until lately. I've been feeling better since starting the iron already though.
Agreed, and as this is my first cycle I am not sure how my blood values will behave but getting mid-cycle bloods in 2 weeks. I am rescheduling my physical that I had scheduled next week till April so as not to get my doc suspicious.
Red Cross is very strict in my opinion...they denied me after an intense cross examination about my tattoos. Good luck with them!

To he'll with the RC, I've donated blood in 4 different countries, and the amount of BS you go through with the RC is absurd. Precious few can meet all their criteria. Now I refuse to donate to them, I'd rather pour it on the ground like Perrin.
To he'll with the RC, I've donated blood in 4 different countries, and the amount of BS you go through with the RC is absurd. Precious few can meet all their criteria. Now I refuse to donate to them, I'd rather pour it on the ground like Perrin.

I've never dealt with them, but I know 100% that I fail to meet their criteria on a massive level.
Idk man, at the 4 week mark I could tell I was on something. I could tell I was on tren in the first week actually bc it made me sweat at night and my breathing was labored a little. I didn't really noticed any significant strength gains until week 6 tho. I've used both of those guys so i would like to say it's not the gear but you never know. Just bc it's good one day doesn't mean shit the next. Are you tracking your calories?
Starting to think I am immune to Tren. One month now into Tren A, 5 days now with new source and upping my dosage to 75mg/ed and still nothing. lol
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I am the same way. I will get night sweats but they went away. I was at 700 now at 600 of tren E. it took 4 weeks to really start feeling it. But tren A should be 2 weeks. So this could be good for you. You will not get sides and just get huge. Honestly 4 weeks is not going to get you to be a monster on tren. It definatly get you bigger then some compounds but not 2x the size. You probably get 1.3x the size of other compounds like deca. If you know what i am saying.
I am the same way. I will get night sweats but they went away. I was at 700 now at 600 of tren E. it took 4 weeks to really start feeling it. But tren A should be 2 weeks. So this could be good for you. You will not get sides and just get huge. Honestly 4 weeks is not going to get you to be a monster on tren. It definatly get you bigger then some compounds but not 2x the size. You probably get 1.3x the size of other compounds like deca. If you know what i am saying.

I think you're right. I just may be one of those people who don't get sides and reap the benefits. Because I just checked my weight and looked at mirror right now, gained 5lbs since starting tren but I also seem to be more vascular.
sorry i dont want to high jack but gotta question. Is running Tren E for the same time as Tren A sufficient? i.e ten weeks.
sorry i dont want to high jack but gotta question. Is running Tren E for the same time as Tren A sufficient? i.e ten weeks.

I would think its suffcient. Tren-E hits around 4-5 weeks, plenty of left oveer time reap its benefits.
Day 32: 520mg/wk Tren A, 120mg/wk Test E
Wanted to wait before I gave this update just to make sure it wasn't placebo.

The last few days I been literally destroying the gym. Confidence is through the roof, strength really starting to creep up nicely. Vascularity and pump finally showing up. Even went to doctor yesterday to get physical, BP at 118/59, 68 Heart rate.

Cons: Only sides I get is insomnia. I usually get a nice 8-9hr sleep, now I can barely sleep for more than 4hrs. Would wake up every couple hours and take forever to get back to sleep. This is actually a huge no no for me, which makes me think I will probably be cutting this tren run short because I need my beauty sleep.

*So weird a friend of mine who is using same batch of Tren A is only on week 2 and already experiencing body recomp's/strength gains and nightly sweats but no insomnia. And he is only on 350/mg wk. Goes to show how everyone really reacts to steroids differently.
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Day 32: 520mg/wk Tren A, 120mg/wk Test E
Wanted to wait before I gave this update just to make sure it wasn't placebo.

The last few days I been literally destroying the gym. Confidence is through the roof, strength really starting to creep up nicely. Vascularity and pump finally showing up. Even went to doctor yesterday to get physical, BP at 118/59, 68 Heart rate.

Cons: Only sides I get is insomnia. I usually get a nice 8-9hr sleep, now I can barely sleep for more than 4hrs. Would wake up every couple hours and take forever to get back to sleep. This is actually a huge no no for me, which makes me think I will probably be cutting this tren run short because I need my beauty sleep.

*So weird a friend of mine who is using same batch of Tren A is only on week 2 and already experiencing body recomp's/strength gains and nightly sweats but no insomnia. And he is only on 350/mg wk. Goes to show how everyone really reacts to steroids differently.
And the side can change time to time. I didn't have insomnia on my first tren run. I started my current tren cycle last Saturday and I started getting insomnia about 2 days ago. Crazy shit but I love it
Day 32: 520mg/wk Tren A, 120mg/wk Test E
Wanted to wait before I gave this update just to make sure it wasn't placebo.

The last few days I been literally destroying the gym. Confidence is through the roof, strength really starting to creep up nicely. Vascularity and pump finally showing up. Even went to doctor yesterday to get physical, BP at 118/59, 68 Heart rate.

Cons: Only sides I get is insomnia. I usually get a nice 8-9hr sleep, now I can barely sleep for more than 4hrs. Would wake up every couple hours and take forever to get back to sleep. This is actually a huge no no for me, which makes me think I will probably be cutting this tren run short because I need my beauty sleep.

*So weird a friend of mine who is using same batch of Tren A is only on week 2 and already experiencing body recomp's/strength gains and nightly sweats but no insomnia. And he is only on 350/mg wk. Goes to show how everyone really reacts to steroids differently.
That's genetics bro. People's genes will translate differently when exposed to aas compounds, foods and supplements.