Jumping on the TREN TRAIN! Excited for 2017! Some suggestions please.

I'd donate asap if you can. Some places might not let you with crit/hemoglobin that high. My hemoglobin was like 18 last time I donated and the girl gave me this look like "I know why". She still let me donate but some might not since you're technically not supposed to donate if you've used steroids.
Wait so they do a blood test before you can donate at red cross or something?
I'd start with 50mg ED of tren. I did tren for the first time earlier this year and I went in scared only doing 60mg EOD and by week six or eight I was doing 100mg ED and loving it with 700mg/week of test.

Don't want to have to use the @Perrin Aybara home torture kit

He's close, too. Don't they cut you off at like 55 hematocrit or something? I remember reading another member getting banned for life for having it too high.
He's close, too. Don't they cut you off at like 55 hematocrit or something? I remember reading another member getting banned for life for having it too high.

Something like that. I want to say 54. The other problem is the accutane- after you donate you'll want to figure out a way to get them to dump the blood. You don't want a pregnant woman to get it.
Something like that. I want to say 54. The other problem is the accutane- after you donate you'll want to figure out a way to get them to dump the blood. You don't want a pregnant woman to get it.

I've never done an official donation, but I've heard you can call later and say you just got sick or forgot you got a tattoo a month ago or something and they'll throw it out.
I would do 400mg for 8 weeks. By week 8, your receptors will get used to it and gains will slow down. I don't believe this is your last blast
If money isn't an issue fuck tren! lol run primo and hgh, less sides and you can fucking sleep through the night and not wet the bed with sweat. Also you wont turn into a total dick head lol Tren has its place but the sides blow, you wont even realize most of the sides till you come off of it. IMO tren ace is garbage! in and out to fast, tren e or hex give better stable blood values and is less harsh or BP and organs. Just my oppinion
Back in the day tren at 40-60mg eod was considered a moderate dose. Now everyone preaches 500mg+ per week. I never felt good on that much, the sweet spot for myself was 300/wk. At 600/wk I just felt ill and started having issues with prostate. I'd feel like I had to piss and stand over the toilet and couldn't piss, got annoying as hell!!! Bro, your physique is great and I see no reason why 300/wk of tren wouldnt work wonders for you!!!
Back in the day tren at 40-60mg eod was considered a moderate dose. Now everyone preaches 500mg+ per week. I never felt good on that much, the sweet spot for myself was 300/wk. At 600/wk I just felt ill and started having issues with prostate. I'd feel like I had to piss and stand over the toilet and couldn't piss, got annoying as hell!!! Bro, your physique is great and I see no reason why 300/wk of tren wouldnt work wonders for you!!!

Thanks man finally someone who isnt preaching high dosage.
Has anyone tried naringin supplements(Or eating grapefruits which have naringin) to reduce hematocrit? I saw on another forum ppl swear by this also.

Ingestion of grapefruit lowers elevated hematocrits in human subjects. - PubMed - NCBI

This study was based on in vitro observations that naringin isolated from grapefruit induced red cell aggregation and evidence that clumped red cells are removed from the circulation by phagocytosis. The effect on hematocrits of adding grapefruit to the daily diet was determined using 36 human subjects (12 F, 24 M) over a 42-day study. The hematocrits ranged from 36.5 to 55.8% at the start and 38.8% to 49.2% at the end of the study. There was a differential effect on the hematocrit. The largest decreases occurred at the highest hematocrits and the effect decreased on the intermediate hematocrits; however, the low hematocrits increased. There was no significant difference between ingesting 1/2 or 1 grapefruit per day but a decrease in hematocrit due to ingestion of grapefruit was statistically significant at the p less than 0.01 level.
Has anyone tried naringin supplements(Or eating grapefruits which have naringin) to reduce hematocrit? I saw on another forum ppl swear by this also.

Ingestion of grapefruit lowers elevated hematocrits in human subjects. - PubMed - NCBI

This study was based on in vitro observations that naringin isolated from grapefruit induced red cell aggregation and evidence that clumped red cells are removed from the circulation by phagocytosis. The effect on hematocrits of adding grapefruit to the daily diet was determined using 36 human subjects (12 F, 24 M) over a 42-day study. The hematocrits ranged from 36.5 to 55.8% at the start and 38.8% to 49.2% at the end of the study. There was a differential effect on the hematocrit. The largest decreases occurred at the highest hematocrits and the effect decreased on the intermediate hematocrits; however, the low hematocrits increased. There was no significant difference between ingesting 1/2 or 1 grapefruit per day but a decrease in hematocrit due to ingestion of grapefruit was statistically significant at the p less than 0.01 level.

Be careful with that because it can interfere with meds like Adex. There's really no substitute for giving blood besides coming off gear and even that takes months to work.
Decided to listen to the veterans, I will start at 300mg/wk Tren A, and maybe slowly go up. Honestly thinking of going ED instead of EOD. Are the sides really that big of a difference from ED and EOD? My source doesn't have any EO in his oils so I should be good to go in preloading multiple syringes for the week.
Decided to listen to the veterans, I will start at 300mg/wk Tren A, and maybe slowly go up. Honestly thinking of going ED instead of EOD. Are the sides really that big of a difference from ED and EOD? My source doesn't have any EO in his oils so I should be good to go in preloading multiple syringes for the week.

Smart move.... You can actually get by taking 100mg on Monday Wednesday and Friday. Granted, I take much more than that now, but I've taken it like that many times and couldn't tell any difference than pinning every day.

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I'd start with 50mg ED of tren. I did tren for the first time earlier this year and I went in scared only doing 60mg EOD and by week six or eight I was doing 100mg ED and loving it with 700mg/week of test.

He's close, too. Don't they cut you off at like 55 hematocrit or something? I remember reading another member getting banned for life for having it too high.

I had some serious health problems about 4 years ago due to high hematocrit caused by tren. I was at about 54 or 55, and I believe the limit is 60.

All androgens increase red blood cell production, but tren is one of the worst. Regular blood donations are a must in general, but essential on tren.
Did my first pin of Tren A yesterday, and donated blood today. My hemo was read at 18.3(Which I think would be around 54% HCT) when she tested it. Going to call back tomorrow and say I caught the flu so they can throw it out(Since I am on accutane). Another positive today is my BP reading, 122/63, pretty good for a BnC'er ;)
Progress looks good, but you're wasting your time and money with 200-300mg's of tren, IMO.

I would do 350/week for 2 weeks. Then, evaluate... If things feel good, bump to 500-600mg's per week for 2 weeks. If great, then bump to 700 and ride that out.

You will not have to increase your AI, you're good to go.
How long would you run for? I was planning on running 350mg ace for 8.5 weeks till the 3 vials are gone.

First time running it. Using on a diet. Was hoping it would aid a lot in addition to my macros cardio and training in my quest for shreds.

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