Jumping on the TREN TRAIN! Excited for 2017! Some suggestions please.

Day 32: 520mg/wk Tren A, 120mg/wk Test E
Wanted to wait before I gave this update just to make sure it wasn't placebo.

The last few days I been literally destroying the gym. Confidence is through the roof, strength really starting to creep up nicely. Vascularity and pump finally showing up. Even went to doctor yesterday to get physical, BP at 118/59, 68 Heart rate.

Cons: Only sides I get is insomnia. I usually get a nice 8-9hr sleep, now I can barely sleep for more than 4hrs. Would wake up every couple hours and take forever to get back to sleep. This is actually a huge no no for me, which makes me think I will probably be cutting this tren run short because I need my beauty sleep.

*So weird a friend of mine who is using same batch of Tren A is only on week 2 and already experiencing body recomp's/strength gains and nightly sweats but no insomnia. And he is only on 350/mg wk. Goes to show how everyone really reacts to steroids differently.
I know old thread, but I was curious how the tren cycle ended for you.

How much of the gains did you keep? Did you feel like shit after PCT?

After pics?