Just speculation here


New Member
Do you all think guys like Dwayne Johnson Alan Ritchison and John Cena (in his prime) use high doses of compounds year round to maintain their level of muscularity and lean physique?

Or could they simply just have really good genetics and use moderate beginner level doses?

What would you personally guess they’re taking to achieve their look while seemingly being free of most of the side effects that we experience (acne, gyno, moon face, etc..)?

Here’s some pics for reference



For the rock and cena it’s having enough money to do everything right all the time under the supervision of the best professionals. The Rock has his own mobile gym and personal chefs, I’m sure he has a team that monitors is peds, bloodwork, and training as well. The other guy is the same but on a smaller scale. Probably stil has great trainers and doctors to get him where he wants to be.

So it’s a combination of genetics, dose, and money
My speculation is that these guys have the resources to retain the best coaches, doctors, consultants, drugs, etc. that most people would not have access to. I just think that they are so dialed-in and optimized on whatever protocol is working for them. My take is that they blast and cruise like us but do it so precisely that they look amazing with significantly lower side-effects.
Cena's legendary strength is genetics mostly. But to tell you something you don't want to hear is stop dreaming. They all respond better to steroids than most of steroid forum members and they probably handle side effects much better too. Using hgh and insulin no problem.

You think 500mg Test will get you there? Maybe more like a cruise for couple of months for them alongside hgh to retain size & strength and the look. Then they hop back on their usual stuff.

You will never be John Cena. No one on this forum either. Otherwise they wouldn't waste time here.
Cena's legendary strength is genetics mostly. But to tell you something you don't want to hear is stop dreaming. They all respond better to steroids than most of steroid forum members and they probably handle side effects much better too. Using hgh and insulin no problem.

You think 500mg Test will get you there? Maybe more like a cruise for couple of months for them alongside hgh to retain size & strength and the look. Then they hop back on their usual stuff.

You will never be John Cena. No one on this forum either. Otherwise they wouldn't waste time here.
That’s a good thing though, it definitely goes to show that PEDs don’t automatically cause (x) side effect for everyone and that it’s an individual thing. On the other hand, you have to wonder when you see some top iffb pros who carry insane amount of size but also just look riddled with every side effect in the book (heavy breathing, red face, bald, bloated, acne) perhaps they push the envelope to make up for their genetics.