Just test or is it better adding something else


New Member
I usually just run 300-500mg of test and 20mg turinabol it’s all I ever really used. My juicehead friend at the gym who I’ve known for a few years said that I would be better off using 100mg of test and stacking it with deca/tren/dianabol or anadrol. Basically he said testosterone was virtually useless but I’ve seen decent gains with it and not much side effects. I don’t know who to believe when it comes to gear, everyone has different opinions. The guy is enormous so he must be doing something right, must be like 260lbs.

The example he used was that 300mg of test and deca would be far better than running 750mg of just test.
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I usually just run 300-500mg of test and 20mg turinabol it’s all I ever really used. My juicehead friend at the gym who I’ve known for a few years said that I would be better off using 100mg of test and stacking it with deca/tren/dianabol or anadrol. Basically he said testosterone was virtually useless but I’ve seen decent gains with it and not much side effects. I don’t know who to believe when it comes to gear, everyone has different opinions. The guy is enormous so he must be doing something right, must be like 260lbs.

The example he used was that 300mg of test and deca would be far better than running 750mg of just test.
this is dumb as fuck. Sorry Test is BEST. I am sure i one of many that will say this. YES you can get great gains using other compounds but the gains with test as long as you run a trt protocol after you will keep almost all of it. but the gains you get with adding like a 19 nor usually dies down after words because most ppl gain water retention usually. Now you can be a freak of nature and get zero water retention again this is different for different ppl. But lets get some pros to chime in on this @Mac11wildcat @BigTomJ @Type-IIx hmmo cant remember the rest.
this is dumb as fuck. Sorry Test is BEST. I am sure i one of many that will say this. YES you can get great gains using other compounds but the gains with test as long as you run a trt protocol after you will keep almost all of it. but the gains you get with adding like a 19 nor usually dies down after words because most ppl gain water retention usually. Now you can be a freak of nature and get zero water retention again this is different for different ppl. But lets get some pros to chime in on this @Mac11wildcat @BigTomJ @Type-IIx hmmo cant remember the rest.
Yeah I want to hear from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. The guy I’m on about has been on tren since march. I thought that stuff was only meant to be used for contest prep before you go on stage.
Yeah I want to hear from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. The guy I’m on about has been on tren since march. I thought that stuff was only meant to be used for contest prep before you go on stage.
The fact he’s been on tren since March should be reason enough to not take his advice lol But really, test is great. A little trial and error won’t kill you tho. You could try a mix of test/deca or whatever this round then if you don’t like it, simply go back to test at a slightly higher dose than usual
I would rather somebody use an amount of test that either avoids needing anti-estrogen support OR adds in something like mast to help with estrogen than to continue to hammer test and need ancillaries that IMO are worse for health than other drugs.

Most people, ideally, would only ever need test for most average AAS user goals if they nailed diet and training. However, I can’t really say in good faith that I’d rather see someone on 750mg of test than 500 test, 150 NPP, 100 mast or something similar. I believe the later will be better for side effects and progress.
I would rather somebody use an amount of test that either avoids needing anti-estrogen support OR adds in something like mast to help with estrogen than to continue to hammer test and need ancillaries that IMO are worse for health than other drugs.

Most people, ideally, would only ever need test for most average AAS user goals if they nailed diet and training. However, I can’t really say in good faith that I’d rather see someone on 750mg of test than 500 test, 150 NPP, 100 mast or something similar. I believe the later will be better for side effects and progress.
I think this is the point he was trying to make. He said 500mg is kinda high in his opinion. Most he would run is 300mg and to use other stuff instead. I never had any issues with 500mg of test, slight bloating but nothing major. He said at the minute he’s using 100mg of test and tren, he didn’t say how much tren he was using. He went a bit weird when I asked him. Thanks for the input though. I’ll make adjustments.
I agree with @Mac11wildcat.

My go to practice is hitting my sweet spot with test 400-600 (I can go up to 750 pretty comfortably without any added side effects, but anecdotally the jump from 600 to 750 doesn't seem to add much in terms of results or performance) and then add in non aromatizing or lesser aromatizing compounds.

I think test should be maximized to your comfortable level, where you don't get a ton of sides or need an unreasonable amount of AI, and then move on to something like primo, mast, npp from there.

Test is what your body knows what to do with the best, and it's exceptionally predictable in how it effects people without coming with any of the additional nuance or toxicity of other compounds.

My stock standard blast is 500-550 test with 200-350mg of npp.

I don't agree with your gym bro dork friend. He's a clown that doesn't know what he's doing or talking about.
this is dumb as fuck. Sorry Test is BEST. I am sure i one of many that will say this. YES you can get great gains using other compounds but the gains with test as long as you run a trt protocol after you will keep almost all of it. but the gains you get with adding like a 19 nor usually dies down after words because most ppl gain water retention usually. Now you can be a freak of nature and get zero water retention again this is different for different ppl. But lets get some pros to chime in on this @Mac11wildcat @BigTomJ @Type-IIx hmmo cant remember the rest.
Not a pro but a coach!

Test is best and should be in every anabolic stack if you're aiming for size and don't want your prick to stop working.

Of course, it is often better to combine Test with a nonaromatizable androgen, and its use in high doses requires an AI.

I also just saw @Mac11wildcat's post and endorse his view on this matter fully. Mac is also very wise about getting the most out of the least.
You could ad some nandrolone if you wish. Start low to see how you tolerate it. Increase the dose if you do. Tren might turn you into a sex crazed werewolf. Of all the gear I've used, Tren is the only one that effects my behavior like that. It doesn't mean Tren is a bad drug. Just be aware it can drastically increase with your "desire for amore" lets say. Whatever you decide to do, your Test dose should be your highest in MGs per shot.
I'm probably gonna state unpopular opinion. I think most steroids eventually do the same thing. It is the matter of tolerance of side effects and personal preference what dictates your choices and cycle. Let's not forget the health aspect of course.

Is high Testosterone with aromatase inhibitor better than less T combined with other anabolic? Who knows, seriously. There is no hard proof evidence to suggest that 100%. I believe not permablasting steroids is what's way more important in the long run. Way too many guys cruise on 250+ mg's per week and call it healthy in my opinion only few men actually have the privelege to stay that high while maintaining good to decent health year round.
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I'm probably gonna state unpopular opinion. I think most steroids eventually do the same thing. It is the matter of tolerance of side effects and personal preference what dictates your choices and cycle. Let's not forget the health aspect of course.

Is high Testosterone with aromatase inhibitor better than less T combined with other anabolic? Who knows, seriously. There is no hard proof evidence to suggest that 100%. I believe not permablasting steroids is what's way more important in the long run. Way too many guys cruise on 250+ mg's per week and call it healthy in my opinion only few men actually have the privelege to stay that high while maintaining good to decent health year round.
I try not to use AIs, I anastrozole for a week to remove some of the bloat. Removed the hoist but felt like shit.
I try not to use AIs, I anastrozole for a week to remove some of the bloat. Removed the hoist but felt like shit.
try aromasin. I love arimidex and feel good on it. Id try some different AIs to see what you feel best on. I know a lot of guys like aromasin.
Yeah I want to hear from someone who actually knows what they’re talking about. The guy I’m on about has been on tren since march. I thought that stuff was only meant to be used for contest prep before you go on stage.
Yeah I bet that guy is on it just cos it’s trendy rn ahah guy above is right as in test is best n it’s the golden standard, everything else is an add on but you can’t be doing dumb shit just cos some gym bro told u it’s better ahah
Broooo why do i keep hearing this bullshit about how test doesnt build muscle testosterone is king ignore anything that idiot says to you about gear and tell him he doesnt know shit about testosterone or gear.
Ikr? Imo it’s cos tren is trendy (no pun intended ahah) rn do his homie is probably one of em sarm goblin mfkas who get cycle advice from Reddit n IG
I try not to use AIs, I anastrozole for a week to remove some of the bloat. Removed the hoist but felt like shit.
You can split up your injections more to avoid aromatisation too ykno, idk how much you would be down to do even daily but it’s still an option n it can help avoid the need for an AI
think most steroids eventually do the same thing. It is the matter of tolerance of side effects and personal preference what dictates your choices and cycle
Most anabolics do the same thing. Steroids no. Halo, mtren, cheque drops are not in the same league as deca, eq and primo.

That said, the tolerance aspect is what is most crucial to ones usage of aas. IF you can tolerate high dosages, you can grow better if training and diet is on point.
Yeah I bet that guy is on it just cos it’s trendy rn ahah guy above is right as in test is best n it’s the golden standard, everything else is an add on but you can’t be doing dumb shit just cos some gym bro told u it’s better ahah
Is tren really that powerful? From what I’ve read it virtually does the same thing as other steroids except that its only use should be contest prep due to how bad it messes with your health.
Is tren really that powerful? From what I’ve read it virtually does the same thing as other steroids except that its only use should be contest prep due to how bad it messes with your health.
So what I hear is TREN is GOD mode, But it destroys your insides but again this is subjective to the people because we all know everyones bodies react different like the dudes you know that smoke 2 packs of cigs for 80 years and live to be 100 years old so who knows man
Ikr? Imo it’s cos tren is trendy (no pun intended ahah) rn do his homie is probably one of em sarm goblin mfkas who get cycle advice from Reddit n IG
so i just gotta say this I ran RAD-140 and I GOT HELLA GAINS! lmfao but they quickly went away after the 5th week as my mental state was FUCKING TRASH! lol