Kali Muscle: Bodybuilding Must Be Stopped

I look at it like this; bodybuilding really didn’t become mainstream until the 1980’s/90’s, even in the golden era of the 70’s it was an underground cult-like lifestyle where the first generation of athletes were experimenting with drugs (no, I’m not talking abt a single compound here, but actual stacks)

So we are really only abt 30-40 years into what I would call “bodybuilding extremes” and if you want to look at HGH and insulin usage then I’d say only 30 years into it, since I’m pretty much basing this off Dorian’s era. So although guys have been doing this for a long time we are just now seeing extremes such as diuretic abuse, insanely low body fat being judged almost more than size/symmetry, and competitors who are placing the main emphasis of their training around their drug stacks.

Where as drugs used to be a compliment to proper nutrition and training they are now the mainstream priority to physique goals. Plus with the internet and ppl trying to make a living in the fitness industry the pressure to stay ripped up year round is definitely there as well. That means more drugs, no time off cycle.

Plus, let’s just face it, with the level of commitment and recovery demands from the extreme physiques we see lately, do you honestly think these guys can afford health insurance to get lab work done? Hell nah, it’s the Wild West now
Don't pay attention to MSG. My name is Haruto, originally from Japan.

Go back to preaching your hands off, woulda, shoulda, coulda version of anarchy in the political forum, please. Leave threads about lifting and drugs to the members that actually do those things.
I personally get pissed by Kalis position.
He perceives people as weak-willed and stupid cattle who need something to be forbidden or allowed.

He might think that athletes bodybuilders do not know what the abuse of steroids is fraught with. this is their choice. That is what REAL LIFE is for them. bright and full - for them, there is no passion in quiet family gatherings in a sweater and with baked turkey.

Who is this Kali to say what should be forbidden\ should be stopped?
I often ask this question even to the state officials, and then some unfortunate sub-athlete who did not take care of his health enough finds in himself the moral right to prohibit something? HA

Stop bodybuilding? Stop the dudes who want to tell other people what to do!

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Agreed with respect to Pro BB, yet a large portion (esp on Meso) are recreational users that are not goal directed, possess the fund of knowledge needed to limit risk, optimize benefit and/or diminish cost.

To that end let’s acknowledge a significant number use PEDs for a variety of ill defined conditions ranging from ED, weight loss, emotional liability and A LOT in between.

Finally if a physician prescribed PEDs to a Pro BB that suffered a CV, or ID complication any defense attorney would say; “take out the checkbook”.
Why has the incidence of ACS increased significantly over the past two decades?

I mean BB deaths were relatively uncommon in Arnies era and these guys were running high dose AAS, yet GH was difficulty to come by.

No doubt many other factors contribute but bc essentially all “mass builders” run HIGH DOSE GH and HIGH DOSE SLIN the ACS relationship seems quite likely.
Why has the incidence of ACS increased significantly over the past two decades?

I mean BB deaths were relatively uncommon in Arnies era and these guys were running high dose AAS, yet GH was difficulty to come by.

No doubt many other factors contribute but bc essentially all “mass builders” run HIGH DOSE GH and HIGH DOSE SLIN the ACS relationship seems quite likely.

the way to get information, in relation to the Arnold era, has become indecently simple today, I think that's the main reason of increased ACS over the past two decades.
Why has the incidence of ACS increased significantly over the past two decades?

I mean BB deaths were relatively uncommon in Arnies era and these guys were running high dose AAS, yet GH was difficulty to come by.

No doubt many other factors contribute but bc essentially all “mass builders” run HIGH DOSE GH and HIGH DOSE SLIN the ACS relationship seems quite likely.
Most competitive athletes will notice after the age of 35 the body can't take abuse like it once did. Of course if you start later in life you'd never noticed this.

That's your first warning that you're heading the other direction becoming vulnerable.

Most of these guys had lots of warnings, they were large, they used CPAPs in order to stay alive.

It would seem to me commonsense. You're eating way too much, we know this shortens lifespan, you're using drugs that set off a cascade of damage to organs and vessels. Hell I don't even use NSAIDs anymore because I noticed how they raise my blood pressure.

Most sports progress, sports that had eras of heavy doping where athletes could push the limits had a hard lesson to learn when they tried to clean up the sport making doping detection a priority and so you see the sport kind of regress in a sense, it's less spectacular, more human and bound to lose ratings. Can body building find purpose if this was to happen, I don't know, but obviously it's an outlier in the world of sports in that drugs are an integral part of the culture.
Why has the incidence of ACS increased significantly over the past two decades?

I mean BB deaths were relatively uncommon in Arnies era and these guys were running high dose AAS, yet GH was difficulty to come by.

No doubt many other factors contribute but bc essentially all “mass builders” run HIGH DOSE GH and HIGH DOSE SLIN the ACS relationship seems quite likely.

It seems to have started after Dorian Yates used insulin to add 30lbs+ of muscle in a year. The sport was never the same after that.

Maybe I'm wrong...

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=41yhRc-qk-8

Kali Muscle:

"It's the most unhealthy sport there is if you want to call it a sport. It's just terrible. There's no purpose for it bro. I see bodybuilding on its way out - phasing out. And I agree, too many people died bro. For what? For nothing.
"And they die broke. We gotta do a gofundme. They don't even have life insurance which is only a hundred dollars a month.
"And I, you know, I don't want to pinpoint the people I know personally that have health problems because of bodybuilding but it's sad bro to see them go through this pain and heart attacks. It's pointless.
"You know, it just reminded me of friends I lost in the street life. I look back now like this man died over owing somebody 100 bucks, 500 bucks. Here we dying just to have unnatural looking muscles.
"All ya'll bodybuilders out there man.. quit bruh. You gonna die... young. Simple as that man.
"I was 46. Lucky I lived through it. I had my heart attack the same day as Shaun Rhoden. I just didn't announce it because I don't want to, you know, overshadow his death or whatever.
Men could have still be alive. Cedric, Sean, George Peterson, Mountain Dog. The list goes on."

I didn't know he was an actual bodybuilder. It looked like he had a pretty decent physique as an amateur back then.
It seems to have started after Dorian Yates used insulin to add 30lbs+ of muscle in a year. The sport was never the same after that.

Maybe I'm wrong...
It seems to me that the so-called golden era has ended and the era of mass monsters has begun. Including old Ronnie.
Honestly Idk how more footballs players arent dying. They take stimulants and pain pills on top of steroids. You cant kill the competitive nature in people. That will always cause unhealthy habits. Sometimes there are worse things than dying..
Honestly Idk how more footballs players arent dying. They take stimulants and pain pills on top of steroids. You cant kill the competitive nature in people. That will always cause unhealthy habits. Sometimes there are worse things than dying..
Sports without competition will not exist. And competition leads to the fact that a person wants to be the best, and here all means are good.
Sports without competition will not exist. And competition leads to the fact that a person wants to be the best, and here all means are good.
on the other hand, to compete you need an objective criterion.
Taken weight, defeated opponent, something ... in bodybuilding there is no such a thing, there are juries that need to be impressed, and the juries are people, from a conceptual point of view, it’s not a sport, but freaks have always impressed people a bit more
on the other hand, to compete you need an objective criterion.
Taken weight, defeated opponent, something ... in bodybuilding there is no such a thing, there are juries that need to be impressed, and the juries are people, from a conceptual point of view, it’s not a sport, but freaks have always impressed people a bit more
Bb is hard in training, but since the moment of the competition, there is no competition itself. At the moment of competition - this is a show.
Medical science has been pretty clear that the bigger you are the sooner you will die and the more years of your diminishing lifespan will be spent with health problems before your eventual death.

Thats even in the absence of steroid use. Now add steroid use to that.

Ive been around the forums, many of them, for 20 years. I can agree with Millard totally. Decades ago the consensus on the forums was to spend equal or greater time off cycle verse on cycle. This was parroted by the vast majority of guys on the forums.

Lately though thats changed and now everyone and his grandpa is cruising, blasting, bridging, etc. Guys are talking so fucking casually about running steroids 24/7/365 because they feel better on than off. Ya hey bros, i feel better on cocaine and heroin than i do off them, so i guess i should use that shit 24/7/365?

Its strange how we ended up here. I mean 15 years ago nobody on the forums was talking about cruising, it was almost taboo to speak of.