Kali Muscle: Bodybuilding Must Be Stopped

Medical science has been pretty clear that the bigger you are the sooner you will die and the more years of your diminishing lifespan will be spent with health problems before your eventual death.

Thats even in the absence of steroid use. Now add steroid use to that.

Ive been around the forums, many of them, for 20 years. I can agree with Millard totally. Decades ago the consensus on the forums was to spend equal or greater time off cycle verse on cycle. This was parroted by the vast majority of guys on the forums.

Lately though thats changed and now everyone and his grandpa is cruising, blasting, bridging, etc. Guys are talking so fucking casually about running steroids 24/7/365 because they feel better on than off. Ya hey bros, i feel better on cocaine and heroin than i do off them, so i guess i should use that shit 24/7/365?

Its strange how we ended up here. I mean 15 years ago nobody on the forums was talking about cruising, it was almost taboo to speak of.
Time is changing, and now not only athletes, but ordinary visitors to fitness clubs are on eternal courses. I went to the gym, already on steroids. I think the trend is bad.
As someone already said, you want bodybuilding to become healthier? Make the judges value aesthetics over mass, classic physique nowadays is more popular than open and 212 for this reason, it's much more pleasant to watch than those other 2 categories.
Im pretty sure he made it up himself.

Thats why they say “his imitation cheese is best left on a sandy beach”, and i think we can all agree with that common folk saying.
This is unlikely to ever happen. The world of bodybuilding has gone differently, the way of developing the unique capabilities of the body.

I don't think it's quite so simple to be telling bodybuilders to slow down, they're risking their life and health. For a lot of those people, they couldn't even imagine a life worth living without pushing the limits. Same as any other pursuit people take to the extreme. It's just that this one has a marked death toll but that doesn't stop the Catch 22... "Quit doing the thing that makes life worth living to you." And I think a fair bit can be said that those people at least enjoyed the shortened ride they got (RiP Meadows), compared to the legions of people who grind their life away only to have deathbed regrets that they wished they did something instead.
I don't think it's quite so simple to be telling bodybuilders to slow down, they're risking their life and health. For a lot of those people, they couldn't even imagine a life worth living without pushing the limits. Same as any other pursuit people take to the extreme. It's just that this one has a marked death toll but that doesn't stop the Catch 22... "Quit doing the thing that makes life worth living to you." And I think a fair bit can be said that those people at least enjoyed the shortened ride they got (RiP Meadows), compared to the legions of people who grind their life away only to have deathbed regrets that they wished they did something instead.
That's right, this is fanaticism and the desire to live as you want. They are happy in such a life. Everything has its price.
I don't think there's anything wrong with this. Kali is a millionaire and it's all thanks to bodybuilding and gear. He is a hypocrite.

I think it's great that we can do what we want to our bodies. Although things have changed a lot. I know lots of guys who have and never will compete but blast gear year round. A random older PT in my gym told me he has been on 500mg test and 500mg for years and doesn't plan to come off ever. That was essentially his "cruise". He was rather clueless and was just following what his dealer told him to do. This kind of stuff is completely normal now.
Something tells me if he hadn't experienced his own health issues he wouldn't have said shit.

It's all gainz and bitchez until you're in a hospital bed hooked up to a bunch of machines.
I don't think there's anything wrong with this. Kali is a millionaire and it's all thanks to bodybuilding and gear. He is a hypocrite.

I think it's great that we can do what we want to our bodies. Although things have changed a lot. I know lots of guys who have and never will compete but blast gear year round. A random older PT in my gym told me he has been on 500mg test and 500mg for years and doesn't plan to come off ever. That was essentially his "cruise". He was rather clueless and was just following what his dealer told him to do. This kind of stuff is completely normal now.
So this is unfortunately a reality that many guys accept and accept, who are not just not athletes and do not plan to compete. And they take drugs in the hope that they will make them Mr. Olympia
I think bodybuilding is gay. Prove me wrong.

I've always just wanted to look good to get pussy....not stand up in front of a bunch of queers in my speedo and pose.
I don't know man. My cousin on my Mom's side (her brother's son) raises Bluejays in New Mexico, which you might know are native to North America, but it's a desert climate. Technically, they're known as perching birds. He has to build these special perches that are like little capital T's, but made of wood and he uses bamboo to tie the T because if you make them out of metal, the bluejays won't use them because they just get to hot in the sun. He's been thinking about moving to Delaware which is a much better area if you're going to raise bluejays. It's more of a temperate climate and the bluejays absolutely love the trees. The big plus about raising them in NM though is they love to eat scorpions, which there are plenty of! So he takes his bluejays in this mobile trailer, and I know what you're thinking, does the DMV even allow something like that to be registered, but apparently he has an agricultural exemption because the bluejays are used as a biological control. So if you can wipe out as many scorpions as you can before spring, the mating season isn't that bad. Anyways, he always says the bluejays are as gay as bodybuilding.
I don't know man. My cousin on my Mom's side (her brother's son) raises Bluejays in New Mexico, which you might know are native to North America, but it's a desert climate. Technically, they're known as perching birds. He has to build these special perches that are like little capital T's, but made of wood and he uses bamboo to tie the T because if you make them out of metal, the bluejays won't use them because they just get to hot in the sun. He's been thinking about moving to Delaware which is a much better area if you're going to raise bluejays. It's more of a temperate climate and the bluejays absolutely love the trees. The big plus about raising them in NM though is they love to eat scorpions, which there are plenty of! So he takes his bluejays in this mobile trailer, and I know what you're thinking, does the DMV even allow something like that to be registered, but apparently he has an agricultural exemption because the bluejays are used as a biological control. So if you can wipe out as many scorpions as you can before spring, the mating season isn't that bad. Anyways, he always says the bluejays are as gay as bodybuilding.
I didn’t really understand what the similarity of blue jays and bodybuilders is :).