I don't know man. My cousin on my Mom's side (her brother's son) raises Bluejays in New Mexico, which you might know are native to North America, but it's a desert climate. Technically, they're known as perching birds. He has to build these special perches that are like little capital T's, but made of wood and he uses bamboo to tie the T because if you make them out of metal, the bluejays won't use them because they just get to hot in the sun. He's been thinking about moving to Delaware which is a much better area if you're going to raise bluejays. It's more of a temperate climate and the bluejays absolutely love the trees. The big plus about raising them in NM though is they love to eat scorpions, which there are plenty of! So he takes his bluejays in this mobile trailer, and I know what you're thinking, does the DMV even allow something like that to be registered, but apparently he has an agricultural exemption because the bluejays are used as a biological control. So if you can wipe out as many scorpions as you can before spring, the mating season isn't that bad. Anyways, he always says the bluejays are as gay as bodybuilding.