Lab timing TRT


New Member
Hi everyone, 3 months into TRT- test-c 150 per week divided into 2 doses. Been taking Adex every other week and feel great. what is the best time to get labs ? 1 day after an injection? 2 days? I’m most curious to see where my estrogen is so don’t know when the best value will be around the injections/Adex dose

Thanks in advance!!!
I usually get my labs done before i inject that day, especially if i want to look low for the DR. I have had my labs done at different times so i know how my T levels fluctuate during the week.
Hi everyone, 3 months into TRT- test-c 150 per week divided into 2 doses. Been taking Adex every other week and feel great. what is the best time to get labs ? 1 day after an injection? 2 days? I’m most curious to see where my estrogen is so don’t know when the best value will be around the injections/Adex dose

Thanks in advance!!!
Most pull labs at trough, so as close to before next injection as is reasonable. Basically get the blood draw right before your pin time that day. It is okay to do two days after or 3 days after though if it works better for your schedule. I think the most important thing is consistency. Whatever interval you pick stick to that each time you get labs so that the trend over time is easier to track and gives better information.