Starter Kit

Here’s a starter kit.

Use the search function look up:

Blood marker, what to get & what they mean, how often you should get them, where to buy them, what organ imagining is suggested pre enhancement for a baseline & onward

Testosterone, testosterone side effects & how to manage sided, ancillaries needed for each side effect. What’s the side effect of each ancillary commonly used, (AI’s, BP meds, hair loss meds, cholesterol meds, beta blocker)

Testosterone dosing for trt and cycles
How to inject, where to to inject, injection frequency based on ester chosen

How to purchase and send bitcoin

Afterwards you should know enough to decide if you wanna stick a needle in you. Then you can research all the other steroids in the same manner and scope, if you want something in addition to your replacement.
Has there been any past opiate use or currently, lots of guys here in recovery, not asking to bash you, it just that is FUCKING LOW. Unless you are a 60-70year old man.might want to see an Endo before you take another step forward.