Ok. Human error happens. I get it. Glad you got made right
I didn't know the whole story on that one.
I'm still willing to work with you
@Darius PharmacomStore to try and get this bottle tested after reading your PM.
In the mean time
@Stogey please get BW! And make sure to read Burrs sticky in the lab testing section if you have any questions.
We need more BW less labmax from what I've seen. Not that labmax doesn't have its place but if this comes back as a different compound then what the hell was that labmax good for? If the labmax on that bottle could still turn out to be phenylprop then ok maybe I owe you an apology for freakin out, but remember I still got fucked no matter what's in that bottle. There's no doubt about that. But I will be more than happy to work with you on that and we will let the board know how that turns out.
I was a little on edge when I wrote that on your thread
@Darius PharmacomStore and I told u that in PM. It's a frustrating situation no doubt but I'm not here to try to ruin someone who could potentially be a good source. That's all we really want. I know there will never be 100% consistency. Too many factors come in to play. But getting as close to it as possible is hopefully the goal.
I don't think my replacements are missing because it was your intention. We all know the USPS is shit! Maybe just a shitty coincidence but still smelled a little fishy. Shit happens. I know that. And when it does sometimes I like to vent. Especially in situations like this.
Anyways lets just get to the bottom of this so we can at the very least let the board know not to be worried about their dose.
Maybe mine was a freak accident and then I got plucked by customs who knows.
My only goal here is to make sure that there were not severely underdosed bottles of test e going out.
But we can't know without BW. Every batch is different from the last too so the board needs more BW no matter when u ordered.
The man is offering you more in credit than the BW costs with the 15% discount at privateMD. Please take advantage of that.
Darius and I will get this tested and hopefully put some minds to rest including mine cuz after the labmax idk what to think. But one outcome is going to be a much different issue than the other. So I hope it was a mislabel I really do.