[labmax][test p][pharmacom]

I'm going to tell you new guys right now and you can believe me or not ..
your not going to get any respect because of CBS and these other guys having multiple accounts ..

Typical MW behavior. You can't construct an intelligent argument so you start making up lies. I'm still waiting for you to provide proof that Johnny is a rep. I've asked you several times and been met with deafening silence. The reason, of course, is that you're full of shit.

Multiple accounts? The only person I know of in this thread that has multiple accounts is you, MW.

Noobs beware.
Yes I use the multiple accounts to bash my products :rolleyes:

You've made a lot of enemies here and I am sure many other places ...
at least one other one I know of ..

Johnny is a big boy, he doesn't need you holding his hand while crossing the street

Am i thinking of a different board?
Cause i remember a guy with the tag :CEO who loved pharmacom mixes. And was like "gtg" in the threads i would read.
Looking forward to your blood results. How do you feel on the prop and mast and is it mast prop for pharmacom
Looking forward to your blood results. How do you feel on the prop and mast and is it mast prop for pharmacom
Honestly I felt bloated on the test prop because I think it's overdosed and I was injecting 1cc eod and same with the masteron.
I lowered the dose to .5 cc feeling less bloated now. And yes all from pharmacom.
2 weeks and nah I don't think I need an ai this is only my second cycle. My e2 levels are in check.
Dude do yourself a favor. Always run pharma Ai while any cycke especially prop. If its made with synovex you might have residual estro in it. + you runthe risk of the some of the test converting to estro
Dude do yourself a favor. Always run pharma Ai while any cycke especially prop. If its made with synovex you might have residual estro in it. + you runthe risk of the some of the test converting to estro

Have you tried their arimedex ?
And at what dosage do you recommend to take?
Curious on this- why would you think since it's your second cycle, you don't need an AI?

Also, you shouldn't have e2 related sides at 350mg's/week of test. But it is possible. Always have an AI on nolva on hand incase shit hits the fan. I think
It's wise to have your pct on hand too, unexpected shit can, and will, come up.
Curious on this- why would you think since it's your second cycle, you don't need an AI?

Also, you shouldn't have e2 related sides at 350mg's/week of test. But it is possible. Always have an AI on nolva on hand incase shit hits the fan. I think
It's wise to have your pct on hand too, unexpected shit can, and will, come up.

Yeah true I'll get on that asap.